This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 530 Provoking the Ministry of Magic?

after breakfast,

As expected, Vincent was surrounded by his friends again.

"Don't ask, I did it."

After hearing the current situation of those Muggles, the anger that had been suppressed just now started to burn again.

Fred and George bluntly wanted the witch scum to be paraded in the streets, and a simple kiss from the Dementor was too easy for them.

Rolf thinks this is too cruel and should be put in Aragog's lair and let the cute animals "paint" them.

Cedric raised his hand in agreement and offered to chew and heal at the same time.

Daphne felt that Jomgund could actually be "kind" to them.

Hermione agreed with her idea and asked them to drink the poison carefully brewed by Snape drop by drop.

Vincent looked around and found that all the friends around him were talented people.

Burning the wands of the witch scum and leaving them alone with the harpies on the Pacific island of Mavibestia would be extremely kind.

"Okay, they are with Professor Dumbledore, and the Ministry of Magic will take them all away."

But until then, they will definitely not be better off than Quirrell and Lockhart.

Tuesday morning.

Aberforth of the Hog's Head pub in Hogsmeade opened the door as usual.

The source of customers is the same as usual, there will be no wizards coming at all.

He came to the bar and sat down, opening the newspaper that had just been delivered.

As a "responsible" reporter, Rita is working hard to find those Muggle victims.

Today she's going to expose Half Girl's bar owner, Tash Hemond, in depth.

Despite having listened briefly, Aberforth had difficulty controlling his emotions.

The Muggles who hurt their sister Ariana deserved it, and these Muggles were all innocent.

He didn't hate Muggles, he just hated bullying.

The newspaper ends with a monologue in which Rita sternly condemns the witch scum and convinces everyone to believe in the Ministry of Magic.

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[Under the wise leadership of Minister Fudge, those witch scum who deserve the Dementor's Kiss will definitely be caught! ]

Aberforth put away the newspaper with a cold look and opened a small door leading to the wine cellar.

In the dim candlelight, dozens of people could be vaguely seen blindfolded and hung upside down.

His burning eyes gradually calmed down.

No water, no food.

It's not abuse, it's just unnecessary.

In a few hours, they would all be taken away.

Fudge, who came out of the headquarters of the Daily Prophet, lightly rubbed his frown.

If it hadn't happened quickly enough, Muggle victims would be the news today.

Just after returning to the Ministry of Magic, Scrimgeour also returned.

"Minister Fudge, the magic test results are indeed them."

Fudge sat at his desk, not looking at the pile of documents.

"Do the doctors and nurses have any clues?"

Scrimgeour took out two pieces of parchment from his arms and said, "There is no specific appearance, only the back of a model lake.

I'm going to lead a team to investigate Knockturn Alley and Spider End Alley, but you'd better not expect too much. "

The neighbor who was friendly yesterday turned completely negative today.

And basically no real name is needed. You can only find out what he looks like thanks to Merlin.

Fudge's newly smoothed brow wrinkled again.

"Are you sure that Tash has no relatives?"

"Definitely, he's been living alone in Knockturn Alley since his parents died."

On the surface, he was running a bar that sold information, but secretly he captured Muggles and tortured them inhumanely.

"Knock knock--" The person knocking on the door was Delis.

After he came in, he put a document on the table and then stood patiently at the door of the office.

Fudge glanced briefly at it, then pushed it toward Scrimgeour.

"We are running out of time to apply for intervention from the International Federation of Wizards."

The signature at the bottom is President Dumbledore.

Only one day has passed and it has already become international.

Scrimgeour, who was already under great pressure, smiled bitterly.

"With all due respect, we currently don't have enough clues at all, and rushing to introduce a scapegoat will only make the matter more serious."

"Of course there are clues." Fudge put down his right hand that was rubbing his brow. "Spider End Alley is filled with the aura of black magic using explosive spells."

"But those are the two mysterious——"

"No one cares about the truth." His eyes signaled Delis to go out first.

"Listen, Rufus, I haven't met the Muggle Prime Minister yet. If the situation escalates further, our wizards will be completely embarrassed."

They are all witch scum anyway, so it’s not surprising that they can use black magic.

Scrimgeour sighed inwardly.

Yesterday, I vowed not to let go of those two mysterious wizards, but today I will push them to the stage to attract public attention.

If he continues like this, he may become a hero in the magical world.

"I understand, Secretary Fudge."

He opened the office door and looked at Delis at the end of the corridor in silence for a long time.

It seemed like he wanted to say something, but he didn't know where to start.

I hope this young and upright Auror will not change because of political games and compromises.

There are as many clues as you can find before Fudge lowers the stakes like he always does.

After a simple lunch, Scrimgeour once again led the team to Knockturn Alley and Spider Tail Alley.

Tonks was very nervous as she went on a mission for the first time.

The situation was so serious that she, a newly promoted Auror, had to be mobilized. The pressure from society and the international community must have been great.

Of course, they couldn't squeeze into the elevator if they were all mobilized.

She Apparated to the ground and saw her colleagues gathered around the phone booth.

When she got closer, she saw that they were tied up with several ragged and blindfolded wizards.

They were still breathing, so they must have fallen asleep.

"Director, there are some in the alley too!" Kings said and went back inside.

Scrimgeour walked over with a complicated expression.

His clothes were also tattered, his hands and feet were also tied together, and his eyes were also blindfolded.

He came to the entrance of the Ministry of Magic silently, put the person down, and left without leaving any trace?

Not to mention Apparition, there was not even the movement of magical creatures.

"Search the area thoroughly! Don't miss even a small stone!"

Tonks remembered the teachings of her teacher Moody.

Stealth, disguise and tracking are just the basics. What is important is extraordinary insight and a flexible mind.

She squatted down and scanned the ground, then looked at the places where Ken found the bound wizards.

They were not obvious, but the Aurors would definitely check them.

Deliberate, absolutely deliberate.

A total of 53 people, all injured and unconscious.

Taking off the blindfold, Scrimgeour looked at their faces one by one.

It seemed that several of them were the missing wizards in Knockturn Alley, and the fat wizard with the most serious injuries was from the Holy 28 Pure Blood Family.

"Director, he is from the Rowle family!" Kings came to recognize him.

The Rowle family was once one of Voldemort's most loyal servants.

In order to escape the trial of the court, they almost spent all the family's wealth and declined to the point of seclusion in Knockturn Alley.

Then, the common point of this group of wizards is obvious.

"It must be them!" Tonks shouted excitedly: "They are the scum customers of that bar!"

Scrimgeour had a gloomy face.

Taking people away and sending them back is a provocation to the Ministry of Magic.



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