This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 54: Master Malfoy's Special Soap

If this world has a favorability rating, then Vincent is about to use up all of McGonagall's.

Six years,

She waited for six years,

and finally got a student who could beat Slytherin.

Good personality, good study.

Occasionally going out at night, it's not a flaw at all.

Look at the ruby ​​and emerald hourglasses in the hall, the privileges she gave are definitely not as many as Snape's.

Draco, who was caught red-handed, became a good student who stopped Crabbe and Goyle with a few words from him.

But in terms of school privileges, Vincent knew that he was still not as good as Harry.

If he hadn't stopped the little golden retriever from making friends many times, the Philosopher's Stone hidden on the fourth floor would have been exposed.

In a good mood, he naturally had to go out at night.

Early morning.

Vincent quietly opened the suitcase in the dormitory, and after seeing the things inside, he was stunned.

In addition to the military climbing rope and gloves he needed, the outer layer actually had a matching pistol silencer and a brand new SAS commando dagger.

When he opened the interlayer, he was so surprised that his eyes almost popped out.

"With some more big guys and uniforms, I will have a complete set of special forces equipment..."

He just needed a gas mask, so he didn't need to prepare a bulletproof model with goggles.

If he wasn't afraid that the little brothers brought by Gugu couldn't carry it, it wouldn't be surprising if there were some unsalable goods in it.

When Vincent thought of some big guys piled up in the house, he shuddered subconsciously.

"Merlin, please bless the back of Professor Quirrell's head--"

After praying devoutly, he put on the gas mask and gloves.

After fixing the rope firmly, he lifted his foot and flipped out of the window sill.

He gradually lowered the height and used the unlocking spell on the eighth-floor window.

Before entering, he used the disillusionment spell on the rope and closed the window with peace of mind.

After arriving at the Astronomy Tower, the twins had just arrived.

"Dude, do you need to be like this?"

"My dad is overthinking."

George pointed to the Marauder's Map, "Look, she's still in the dormitory."

Vincent took off his mask and pretended to be calm, "Better safe than sorry."

"Oh my God, she's just a first-year witch!"

Fred used an extremely exaggerated movement to stretch out his hand to gesture Hermione's height, "Don't you have a way to shut her up?"

"Like Malfoy?"


Vincent ignored their teasing, "Hurry up and start, don't waste time."

George took out two bottles of red liquid from his pocket and told a rather sad news.

That was the potion used to make soap, and only the two bottles were left.

"How was the process of failure?"

"It impressed us."

The twins, who had no classes in the afternoon, ran to the place where the smoke had dissipated to try to use Transfiguration.

Unfortunately, they all failed.

And the place was filled with choking chili mist.

"If the dye is done, you will see Fred and George with green skin now."

Vincent took the two bottles of potion carefully with shaking hands.

Hogsmeade can be visited at any time, but it is unknown when the chili in the kitchen will be available.

The Great Ying Empire, which eats light food, can't find anything more exciting than Hogwarts.

"Don't look at me like that, I will be nervous."

The twins walked away with their lips curled.

Vincent put on the mask again and held the wand in his hand with trepidation.

Although he knew the principle, he was still a little nervous when he really wanted to do it.

"Why not wait until you really learn it?"

"We believe you."

"But I only succeeded once."

After the afternoon herbal class, he made the feather pen lighter in the dormitory and changed the appearance to a fountain pen style.

"Soap is always simpler than a fountain pen."

Under the expectant eyes of the twins, he finally plucked up the courage to imagine a soap with a small snake pattern.

The drops of red potion floating in the air gradually gathered into a ball.

"I think it will work." George wiped away the tears from his eyes.

Fred also wiped away his tears, "Please don't explode again, I don't want to do it again."

The two people's mumbling seemed to affect Vincent.

He was concentrating all his attention on changing his shape, and suddenly turned around and flew back.

"Puff--" A sound like deflation sounded.

"Oh, no!"

Fred and George both lay on the ground in a hurry.

The solid red potion floating in the air generated a lot of smoke like a lit cigarette.

Under the breeze, they all staggered towards the forbidden forest.

"I think those magical creatures must be very angry."

"If it were me, I would definitely fight the school to the death."

The twins were joking, and their tears flowed down like a broken dam.

This power is far better than the big dung egg.

Vincent, who did not feel any discomfort, did not dare to get up and return to his original place until the smoke completely dissipated.

"I succeeded, but not completely."

There are many things that emit gas when they come into contact with water.

There are thousands of substances like quicklime, sulfuric acid, and sulfur.

Having studied chemistry, he chose the safer baking soda from them.

But he forgot that when using the conversion spell, the collision of the two substances will also produce a small amount of gas.

As long as he is distracted for a moment, all his efforts will be wasted.

"Again?" Vincent raised the last bottle of potion.

"Wait!" The twins hid near the stairs.

If they fail again, they will run away immediately.

"That's it!"

Vincent took a deep breath of filtered air through his mask, and then pointed his wand at the unsealed bottle on the ground.

The floating red potion quickly seemed to be cooled, and began to turn into a solid state little by little.

If you zoom in and look at it, you can see that the potion has just become thicker.

The semi-liquid and semi-solid state lasts for a long time.

At least I spent a long time with him.

In the eyes of Fred and George, the change from liquid to solid only took about ten minutes.

"Do you think it can work?"

"We have to have faith in him."

The bright red lump looked like blood coagulating, and the color began to darken little by little.

Vincent, who was holding his wand, was very tired at the moment.

This state of intense concentration could cause him to completely lose consciousness at any time.

Using the magic power of a first grader to challenge the transformation skills of a fifth grader is undoubtedly a hellish level of difficulty.

"Just the last bit..."

With a trembling voice, he began to add details to the solid objects.

The delicate green lace and the silver snake pattern in the middle all appear on this pure white block.

The first impression it gives is that of an expensive high-end soap.

If they didn't know its essence, the three people present would fall in love with it.

"Safe!" Vincent, holding the soap in his hand, confidently took off his mask.

Although he seemed a little exhausted, this sense of accomplishment was enough to make up for it.

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