This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 544: Exam Password

Last night, when Vincent came to the headmaster's office and said he wanted to suspend Snape, Dumbledore's first reaction was to refuse.

"Professor, we are almost at odds with old Malfoy now. If we don't deal with Snape, many people will be suspicious."

Although... but...

It seems to make sense.

"Besides, if Tom, the bad guy, comes back, he will definitely contact his former subordinates. Snape has been wronged by us, so maybe he will let down his guard a little."

It's well-reasoned and convincing.

"Finally, if Professor Snape continues to deduct points like this, our Gryffindor will miss the college cup this year."

Ah this...

There are not many days left before the final exam, so let's stop the suspension investigation.

In addition to the two times in Japan and the bar, Dumbledore has been plotted against three times in total.

It's hard to refuse every time, just like an old friend.

"Professor, I'm going to class first~" Vincent walked towards the two directors.

He grabbed Gugu with his left hand and hit Jomgun's head with his right hand.

"Don't sleep, hurry to the kitchen to eat delicious food."

Dumbledore smiled as they disappeared at the door.

Snape was not good at communicating with others, and he would not change his mind easily once he made up his mind about something.

But as long as he did not admit that the things belonged to him, no matter how great the privileges of the school board were, they could not suspend a professor without reason.

So the scene just now, which seemed like teasing a fool, appeared.

But even if it was according to the normal process, he would definitely admit it with his proud personality.

It didn't matter if he didn't admit it, he could also take the opportunity to ridicule him to relieve his anger.

Dumbledore returned to the principal's office, and under the gaze of dozens of big eyes full of gossip, he told the whole story of what happened in the west tower just now.

"You know how to use your power as soon as you become a board member." Principal Blake looked disdainful.

"Albus, the school will be messed up by him sooner or later."

Other principals had strong opinions, especially Principal Dippet.

"Old man, that's called the proper use of power."

"Bullshit! Don't think I don't know that you are indirectly scolding me for improper use of power!"

"I scold you now? You better have some shame!"

Seeing that the two former principals were about to fight, Dumbledore picked up a small transparent candy from the plate on the table.

In the hot summer, you have to have some ice mice.



As the final exams were approaching, McGonagall's Transfiguration class let everyone study on their own.

She sat on the podium and opened the latest issue of "Transfiguration Today", and occasionally paid attention to the students' performance.

The two students who wrote and successfully published the papers performed the best, and they were both instructing their classmates how to make objects move.

"Are you sure this will be tested in the final exam?" Ron shook his wand, which was almost broken in two.

Hermione controlled the blue fat man who was transformed from parchment to sit down, and then asked it to take out a bamboo dragonfly from the semicircular white pocket on its belly.

"Do you remember the content of the first-year exam?"

Harry and Ron shook their heads.

She twitched her lips imperceptibly, "It's about turning a mouse into a snuff bottle. The prettier it becomes, the higher the score, and the less it looks like, the lower the score."

"Then what?" Ron pointed to the blue fat man who put the bamboo dragonfly on his forehead,

"Professor McGonagall will never ask us to make this weird blue panda move."

"It's not a panda!" Hermione quickly calmed down,

"It's a mechanical orange cat. It was scared and turned blue because its ears were bitten off by mice."

Ron watched the blue fat man wearing the bamboo dragonfly fly up little by little, and quickly pressed down the thumb that he subconsciously wanted to raise,

"Tsk, if it was my Ben, this useless cat would definitely be bitten to nothing."

Hermione ignored this stingy guy. Still thinking about what happened on the train before school, even though her tone is no longer high and mighty, and her temper and personality have improved a lot, the way of getting along with her is still the same as before.

"Harry, turning living things into dead things is the basis of Transfiguration, and turning dead things into living things is a more advanced application..."

She started with the reason and analyzed the various stages of Transfiguration in detail.

Harry, who was confused, nodded repeatedly.

According to this, the content of the second-year Transfiguration exam is really likely to make objects move.

Next year, the living things will have autonomous behavior like animals?

The year after, the living things will be transformed into another kind of living thing?

Is this the legendary exam code?

Ron leaned forward to block them, saying sourly, "Harry, even if what she said is right, we don't necessarily have to follow her method."

Hermione spread her hands and motioned the two to look at Ravenclaw.

The little eagles did not turn into blue fat men, but they were all trying to control what they had transformed.

And most of them can move, which makes Ron blush.

"This-this-" He closed his mouth as if he couldn't find a place to be stubborn.

Harry had a bitter face.

On one side was a good friend, and on the other side was the exam password.

He wanted to grasp both sides, but reality told him that it was impossible.

"Try it." Hermione took out two pieces of parchment and placed them in front of them,

"No matter how much I say, you will never learn if you don't try."

She didn't care about Ron's attitude towards her, and she didn't look angry at all.

"Stop your hands shaking and focus more."

Ron reluctantly followed the instructions and turned the parchment into a particularly rough blue fat man.

"Try to get it to raise its hands slowly."

It worked.

The fat blue man he transformed raised his chubby little hands.

"Excellent!" Hermione praised, then looked towards Harry.

You can also raise your hands, but a little bit more like them.

"Harry, you're learning faster than I thought!"

With a bright smile, Harry looked at Ron immediately.

He saw the joy that could not be concealed, and his face was no longer filled with negative energy.

Merlin bless you!

Good friends and exam passwords can be grasped!

Mag on the podium withdrew his gaze happily.

As long as you listen carefully in class, it is not difficult to discover the content of the final exam.

It is difficult at this age to be able to put past the past and help classmates without discrimination.

She looked towards the other side of Gryffindor.

Under Vincent's guidance, Neville successfully made a little black man dance.

The dance steps were a bit funny and I almost fell down several times.

Wait a minute - that mid-length hair like bunches of noodles, that black robe that is tight at the top and wide at the bottom, why do they look so much like the same person.

"Pa-ta-" The villain fell on the table in a particularly funny posture.

The heel of one of its legs rested on the back of its head, while the other leg was stretched out in the air and dangling.

"Merlin's beard!" Mag quickly covered his mouth.

She was a little surprised, and her eyes seemed to be smiling.

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