This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 562: Nymphadora Tonks

Tonks was certainly not a pure-blood wizard.

When Vincent guessed whether it was a half-blood or a Muggle, she stepped forward to look at it with interest.

"So the rumors are true? Even the Sorting Hat can't read what you're thinking?"

"It's true."

Her pink hair glowed like electrified tungsten filaments.

Vincent was dumbfounded.

"Sorry, didn't I scare you?" Tonks' hair turned back to its original pink color.

"I'm a Metamorphmagus. I can't help but change the color of my hair whenever I get a little excited."

There are all kinds of weird magical talents in the magic world. He is a natural master of Occlumency, and Luna has the talent to discover magical things.

Tonks is a metamorphmagus who can change her appearance at will. She must be the student that Professor McGonagall wrote to before enrolling.

He has become an official Auror two years after graduation, and at such a young age he is not afraid of the superior Malfoy family.

Although Sam, who only works and fishes in the store, is very capable in actual combat, his attitude cannot be compared with hers.

"What an amazing talent!" Vincent walked around her like a child, watching her hair change into various colors without blinking.

"There are even more powerful ones." Tonks smiled, and the muscles on her face began to squirm a little.

Her nose and chin were elongated, and two small sharp corners protruded from her head, like an advanced body transformation technique.

There was no wand in hand, and no spells were cast.

"Bah ah~" the sheep-faced Tonks said in a particularly funny way.

"Quack~" followed by the frog.

"Moo~" followed by the cow.

"Quack~" Then came the duck.

"Ouch~" Finally it was the wolf.

Vincent couldn't help but be amused.

She looks like Gui Xiang, but the imitated voice is too funny.

Tonks returned to her original appearance, her hands on her hips with a sense of accomplishment.

He is recognized as a Dumbledore-like genius by the British wizarding community and has received many honors at a young age.

I originally thought he would be a nerd, but I didn't expect him to be quite easy to get along with.

"Wayne, is it your turn?"

"Me?" Vincent stopped laughing and looked at the wizards who were looking at him from a distance.

"My talents are not as showable as yours, but I think I have shown them."

"Really?" Tonks looked at him suspiciously, "When?"

"When you get here."

She thought for a moment, then laughed rudely.

Occlumency is the magic of clearing your mind and keeping yourself in a calm state at all times.

Reducing the chance of making mistakes is equivalent to bringing good luck to yourself.

Although the Malfoys did not dare to do anything to him, they came to maintain law and order to help him out.

It can barely be called lucky.

"You are really good at talking." Tonks once again broke the stereotype.

A young wizard like Vincent who is outstanding and humorous is not a difficult nerd at all.

"Thank you, a lot of people have said that to me."

He spoke very modestly, but could not hide the pride on his face.

It was Tonks' turn to be amused.

The Malfoys and his son dared to rebuke such an interesting little wizard.

It has already closed down, so what if we go in and take a look?

The two had a good first impression of each other, and after a brief chat, they walked into the Gwent main store together.

Sam gave what he considered to be the highest standard of reception.

There was tea, snacks, and even a set of butler uniforms.

Vincent's eyelids twitched, "Tonks, I hope it doesn't disturb your work."

"Of course not. In fact, I -" she suddenly closed her mouth, "for some reasons, I only stayed in Diagon Alley temporarily."

Aurors are similar to detectives in the Muggle world, and their job content is certainly not simply about maintaining law and order.

They are dark wizard hunters, elite wizards who fight against black magic.

"Is it because of him?" Vincent looked at the wanted poster posted in the store.

Sirius Black, who has disappeared after escaping from prison, is undoubtedly a threat, and sending Aurors to guard Diagon Alley is the most basic arrangement.

"Yes." Tonks drank the black tea with a complicated expression.

It seems that she is very dissatisfied with her work arrangement.

That's right, colleagues are all searching for Black, and staying in Diagon Alley is actually a disguised denial of ability.

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"The Ministry of Magic will definitely catch Black." Vincent comforted her,

"The Muggles have also issued a wanted order. Unless he has a pair of wings that can fly faster than a dementor, he won't be able to run very far by himself."

"Thanks, Vincent." She smiled a little reluctantly.

"Tonks, let me tell you something interesting..."

After hearing that Draco was being repaired at school, she burst into laughter.

Probably because he really disliked the Malfoys, Vincent told more "interesting things" about campus.

What is interesting to him may not be so to the person involved.

According to the law of conservation of smiles, smiles never disappear, they just move somewhere else.

Sam stood aside and gritted his teeth.

Bullies are bullies, no matter where they are.

Little Malfoy had been bullied for two years since he entered school, and his life in school was much worse than him.

Thinking of the two bodyguards of the Wayne family, he felt that he was still too kind.

"Ahem—" Sam's cough attracted their attention.

"Boss, Miss Tonks, if there's nothing else, I'll go to work first."

"Go." Vincent waved his hand.

"By the way, Tonks, I don't know your name yet."

She already calls herself by her first name, and calling her by her surname would seem a bit distant.

"Nymphadora Tonks." She paused.

"My friends all call me Tonks. I don't like people calling me by my name."

"Understood." Vincent nodded solemnly.

Nymphadora, also known as Nymphadora, can be split into two words.

"Nymph" - Nymph is the goddess Meriae who lives in mountains, forests and rivers in Greek mythology.

"dora" means gift.

Nymphadora means fairy gift and is a typical wizard name.

As for why she doesn't like it, it's probably because the pronunciation of Nymph is the same as "nympho", a word with multiple meanings, each more offensive than the last.

Nymphomaniac and nymphomaniac are both light, implying a certain part of women...

While Vincent felt sorry for his name, he was also very grateful that he was born in a Muggle family.

The first name is okay, but the last name is difficult.

Dumbledore is the bee buzzing,

Weiss is a mole,

Diggory means to lose one,

Malfoy is twisted and evil.

Vi - Vincent is a Latin name that means "conqueror".

He puffed up his chest unconsciously.

Seeing this proud little face, Tonks seemed to no longer feel uncomfortable.

She glanced at the wanted poster on the wall, "Vincent, I think it's time for me to get back to work."

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