This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 575 Angel Worker

The "missing" Gugu was found by Savage.

When he found it, the little cutie was lying on a tree at the end of the alley basking in the sun.

"Gugu! Gugu Gugu!"

He didn't know owl language, so he had to put away his wand and smiled what he thought was a kind smile.

Gugu's big eyes were full of contempt, and he just refused to come down from the tree.

When Robards and Prout arrived, it was still jumping up and down and throwing a tantrum.

Resisting the urge to chant, the three Aurors persuaded it to come down after ten minutes of persuasion.

Back at the entrance of Knockturn Alley, Vincent was of course not there.

Gugu's temper came up again.

It stared at the three Aurors fiercely, as if asking them why they lost the poop scooper.

Robards's face was extremely bad.

The owner disappeared just after the pet was found.

The residents of Knockturn Alley didn't dare to move before, and now they are even more afraid after knowing who the anonymous person who reported the wizard card is.

If something really happened to Vincent, the masters who took the blame would be very angry.

In order to clear the suspicion on them, Knockturn Alley would probably be turned over several times.

In such a situation, there seems to be only one possibility for disappearance.

Sirius Black, no other wizard dares to do it except him!

Just when Robards wanted to go back to the Ministry of Magic for reinforcement, Vincent and the four people from Fallen Heaven came out of the alley.

They were talking and laughing, and it didn't look like kidnapping.

"Mr. Wayne, who are they?"

"I just got lost, and they kindly brought me back.

The four faces under the cloaks were trying to act more naturally.

The experienced Robards frowned.

A forced smile, and guilty eyes that dared not look at each other.

"Wow, you found Gugu!" Vincent excitedly hugged Gugu in Savage's arms,

"Fortunately, you didn't run into a bad wizard like me, otherwise I would have to ask Professor Dumbledore for help. "

Robarz's brows relaxed.

Those who live in Knockturn Alley have done some shady things to some extent.

It is normal to feel guilty when seeing Aurors.

Vincent came to him with Gugu in his arms and bowed to thank him, "Thank you for your help, three uncles. I will never wander around in the future."

It's a blessing in disguise.

The four fallen angels breathed a sigh of relief and re-examined him with doubtful eyes.

Angel-like image, devil-like heart?

"Goodbye, four good wizards of Knockturn Alley." Vincent waved to them.

After waving back at him a little stiffly, they watched him walk away with lively and brisk steps.

The smiles on the faces of the three Aurors gradually disappeared.

Robarz faced them, "No matter what your purpose is, I hope you can do it well, 'good' wizards. ”

He was not as “naive” as Vincent. After giving the warning, he took Savage and Prout to continue patrolling.

The four of them seemed not to notice the curious eyes around them, and returned to the underground base in the center of the alley with a heavy heart.

They were packing up.

The first thing Vincent did when he got home was to write a transatlantic letter to Victor.

It was definitely not for Cooco to deliver it, and he had to go to Diagon Alley again.

A few steps ahead of Ollivander’s Wand Shop was the Owl Post Office.

After paying the money and giving some dried fish, a brown owl that obviously recognized him flapped its wings and set off.

“Vincent?” Tonks happened to pass by.

She walked around him and looked at him carefully for several times, “You are in a good mood. Have you solved your previous troubles?”

“Yes, it’s solved.”

The two chatted as they walked.

“Nominations will end next week. Do you have the confidence to become our British representative?”

“Youth representative.”

Tonks shrugged, “This title is too long. I always can’t remember it. "

Vincent sighed, "I knew you weren't a serious Auror."

With her colorful hair, leather jacket, jeans and Martin boots, she looked like a gangster girl from the streets of London.

He's rebellious?

How can he compare to this one!

"What do you mean serious or not?" Tonks put her hands on her hips, "Listen carefully, my teacher is a legendary Auror.

He has a very high status in the Auror world, just like your teacher has a high status in the alchemy world."

Vincent was a little disapproving, "How can he be as high as Mr. Moody? "

Tonks held her head high.

"No way..." He had a bitter face.

Alastor Moody, nicknamed "Mad-Eye".

Such a cautious and suspicious legendary Auror actually accepted an apprentice after retirement?

Although she is much more reliable than Sam, she can still maintain an optimistic and cheerful personality...

If he had to face Moody all day, he would go crazy sooner or later.


Is this how Mad-Eye came about?

Vincent shuddered with a strange look in his eyes, "Tonks, you've worked hard."

"It's not hard." Tonks blinked in confusion,

"As long as you get used to it, you won't think that Mr. Moody has anything wrong with you."

The problem is that it's hard to get used to it.

To be favored by Moody, she must be very skilled.

What she lacks is nothing more than experience, no wonder she is dissatisfied with her work arrangement.

In front of the Leaky Cauldron,

Vincent said goodbye to Tonks and walked in.

There were not many customers, and old Tom was sitting in a chair reading a magazine.

The cover text is reversed, it can only be "The Quibbler" which tells the "truth".

He remembered that at the end of Lockhart's first trial, Xenophilius, as editor-in-chief, had personally written an article titled "The Scapegoat of the Ministry of Magic."

Then the magazine stopped publishing two issues.

It is somewhat similar to Muggle stall literature in nature, but its sales volume exceeds that of the Daily Prophet most of the time.

I’ve read too much serious nonsense, and it’s good to have some weird and absurd rumors once in a while.

For example, Old Tom is reading this article:

"Sirius has fled to xZ!" 》

If you think about it carefully, you will know that this is fake news.

Whether the source is reliable or not is another matter. To swim from the North Sea to Asia, you must first cross the Arctic Ocean, then from the Atlantic Ocean to the Indian Ocean, and finally disembark in the Ganges River.

[In view of the general environment, this site may be closed at any time. Please move to the permanently operating source-changing App as soon as possible. 】

There was no help from the Death Eaters, it was all Minister Ayiya's compromise.

But not many people know about this, and I guess many will believe it.

Vincent shook his head and walked out of the bar to Charing Cross Street.

An Jing came to a deserted alley and apparated three times back to Oxford Street.

When I arrived at the cold drink shop I usually go to, four fallen angels dressed in Muggle clothes had already arrived.

"Sorry, something delayed me." He sat opposite and waved to the waiter.

Ordered five strawberry sundaes and looked at them one by one.

Abraham is ordinary work clothes;

Sasim is a gentleman wearing a tuxedo suit and a cane;

Fannie was dressed loosely and wore a large gold chain around his neck;

Cecia is wearing a black motorcycle suit.

It doesn’t look like much on its own, and it doesn’t look harmonious anywhere at the same table.

After all, he is an employee under his command, and Vincent is much more patient than when he was the two bodyguards.

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