This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 597: New Scapegoat

The time is approaching the start of the school year.

The news about the new Wizengamot British Youth Representative has been bombarded for more than half a month, and finally a more important replacement has appeared.

His name once resounded throughout Europe.

He was elegant and talented, and he was the dream lover in the eyes of countless witches.

But all this is over.

Now he is an unforgivable criminal who attempted to open the Chamber of Secrets and planned a school tragedy.

On the morning of August 29,

The dark Tenth Courtroom was filled with prominent figures in the British wizarding world.

Rita was there, of course, and she was one of the first to enter.

The most eye-catching person in the audience was, of course, Lockhart, who was sitting in front of the trial bench.

More than half a year has passed, and his condition is very bad.

His hair is messy, dry and dull, and there is a large bald spot on the back of his head.

He looks terrified, as if he has been severely interrogated.

There are more than a dozen wizards who have been cast the Forgetting Spell by him in the witness stand, as well as several teachers and students of Hogwarts.

Sitting in the front row was Dumbledore, followed by Vincent and Sprout, and finally Snape, the employee representative, and Harry, the student representative.

In addition to the Wizengamot members, the jury seats also had representatives from the International Confederation of Wizards.

The expanded gallery was full of people.

A few were fanatical fans who still believed in Lockhart's innocence, but more were well-known wizards invited by the Ministry of Magic.

For example, Damocles Belby, who invented the Wolfsbane Potion during the First Wizarding War and was awarded the Order of Merlin.

Another example is the Scamander family, who have made great contributions to the British wizarding world.

Lucius sat in the middle with his wife and children.

Next to them were the old Flint family, and Mrs. Zabini also came with her son Blaise.

The Greengrass and Rosier families sat in the row in front of them, and Weasley, Longbottom, Abbott, MacMillan, etc. were in the back row.

As for Carrow, Travers, Avery, etc., they sat almost in the last row.

Of course, not all of the Holy Twenty-Eight Families were present.

Gaunt, Rowle, Black, and Strange were not present, and Horace Slughorn, who told the truth about the Horcruxes, did not show up either.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Fudge, dressed in a black robe, stood up from the judge's seat.

His expression was particularly serious, "Please keep quiet, it is now time for the trial of the Supreme Wizarding Court of the United Kingdom."

Lockhart looked up at the judge's seat.

The presiding judge was Cornelius Fudge, Minister of Magic, and the deputy judge was Amelia Bones. Even the judges were senior officials of the Ministry of Magic.

Such a lineup has not appeared for more than ten years, and it is destined to write a bold and colorful stroke in history.

But Lockhart is now in a daze, and he just nodded in response to Fudge's questions.

There was no light in his eyes, as if he had known the ending in advance.

Facing the harsh questions of the victims who cast the Oblivion Spell himself, he just nodded silently.

It was as if he had completely lost hope, like a walking corpse.

"Mr. Lockhart, do you admit that you appropriated the victims' deeds and used the publication of a series of books to make profits for yourself?"

"I admit it." The answer was without any emotion.

The fans in the audience instantly exploded.

Some of them shouted that this was a conspiracy, and some cursed Lockhart like a face-changing.

Before the two sides fought, the guards quickly expelled them.

The tenth courtroom returned to a strange calm.

Fudge looked at the other side of the witness stand,

"Mr. Albus Dumbledore, for what purpose did you hire Mr. Lockhart to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts?"

Dumbledore stood up and looked around the room, then smiled slightly,

"Your Excellency, I met an old friend by chance - Mr. Colbert, the witness sitting next to me.

Through the conversation, I found that he had traces of being cast a forgetfulness spell, and then I found the caster at the Merlin Order's honor ceremony last year."

Fudge looked at Lockhart with cold eyes, "Mr. Dumbledore, did you not inform the Ministry of Magic because of the other party's fame at the time?"

Dumbledore still smiled, "Yes, Your Excellency, the Judge."

One gave a reason, and the other cooperated tacitly.

Next was Sprout.

According to her description, Lockhart was "unconscious" at the time, and she knocked him out in a hurry and left.

"Mr. Wayne, please describe what you saw."

Vincent stood up straight and told the story naturally:

"Mr. Lockhart went back upstairs with his luggage, as if he didn't want to be discovered.

He hid in the trophy display room. When I saw him, he looked very scared..."

After that, Lockhart hit a trophy and fainted. Vincent had to take him to the safe hall.

"I admit that my approach was a bit rough, but when I found that Mr. Lockhart was bleeding from being rubbed by the floor, I stopped dragging his legs."

As for how he got a big bald spot...

A certain little witch who turned from pink to black is very scary. If you tell her, she will be beaten to the hospital.

Fudge twitched his mouth.

In such a serious occasion, actually...

Judge Umbridge seemed to have something to say.

After all, he was a child, so I didn't bother with him this time.

When Vincent sat down, he blinked at Dumbledore who looked back.

Everyone cooperated, just venting a little dissatisfaction.

Fudge adjusted his mood and asked Harry:

"Mr. Potter, you are a student who was held hostage, please tell me how you feel."

Harry stood up nervously, "He was like a different person at that time, pinching my throat hard, I think he is very scary."

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Fudge nodded gently and motioned him to sit down.

"Mr. Snape, you once had a wizard duel with Mr. Lockhart and Mr. Wayne. Do you admit the result of a draw among the three?"

Snape stood up with his eyes fixed on the back of Vincent's head.

It doesn't matter if you lower your level, the key is to improve the level of this little bastard.

His lips trembled, "Yes, it's a draw."

"What do you think of Mr. Lockhart's magic level?"

A stun spell knocked two people away, which sounds pretty good.

Snape's lips trembled again, "He attacked me and Wayne, it's hard for me to make a judgment."

"You two are tied, right?"

He said gloomily, "Yes."

Fudge motioned him to sit down, and then looked at the jury.

The whole trial was just a show.

Even if the diary was restored and Riddle's soul was resurrected, Lockhart could not escape the fate of becoming a scapegoat.

"I now declare as the presiding judge--" Fudge looked at Lockhart with a cold expression again,

"Mr. Gilderoy Lockhart is guilty of all charges. Because the impact of several things is too bad, he will spend the rest of his life in Azkaban."



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