This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 612 Trelawney's Prophecy

Trelawney was very good at creating an atmosphere. In just a few minutes, the students didn't even dare to breathe.

Vincent thought of the words of the charlatans.

After the atmosphere was created, some prophecies would be made to increase the sense of urgency.

Trelawney leaned back in the rocking chair, and her voice became soft and unclear as before.

"In the summer semester, we started to learn the crystal ball - I mean, if we have finished learning the fire omen.

But unfortunately, the school will be closed in February due to a severe flu.

I will lose my voice.

Around Easter, one of us will leave us forever."

After the three "prophecies", there was a fearful silence.

Trelawney straightened up as if she didn't realize it, and said to Lavender, who was curled up in the chair closest to her and was scared:

"Dear, can you hand me the biggest silver teacup?"

Lavender breathed a sigh of relief, got up and went to the shelf to take down a huge teacup and put it on the small round table in front of the rocking chair.

"Thank you, dear.

By the way, the thing you fear most will happen on Friday, October 16th."

Vincent calculated the time and couldn't help rolling his eyes.

October 16th this year is obviously Saturday, so this can only fool the little British wizard who is not good at math.

Hermione next to him obviously figured it out, but she still maintained the appearance of a good student.

Trelawney's mouth corners slightly raised, seeming to be very satisfied with the students' performance.

After the process is completed, it's time for class.

"Now, I ask you to divide into groups of two, each of you take a teacup from the shelf and come to me, and let me fill the cup with tea.

Then you sit back and drink the tea until only the tea leaves are left. Use your left hand to shake the tea leaves in the teacup three times, then turn the cup upside down on the tray, and wait for the last drop of tea to seep out, then hand the cup to your partner to interpret."

She glanced at Neville who was still shrinking his neck, "You can refer to pages 5 and 6 of "Seeing the Future through the Mist" to interpret the shape of tea leaves.

I will patrol among you, help you, and guide you.

Oh, dear--" She grabbed Neville's arm who was about to stand up,

"After you break the first teacup, can you please pick a blue pattern one? I really like the pink one."

Vincent got up and went to the shelf to choose a black one, and then heard the crisp sound of porcelain being broken next to him.

It was Neville as expected.

He squatted down in a panic, probably trying to pick up the fragments of the teacup.

But Trelawney, holding a dustpan and broom, arrived first.

"My dear, if you don't mind, take a blue one, thank you."

Vincent put the black teacup away, and when she bent down to sweep the pieces, he reached out and picked up the pink teacup.

Hermione pursed her lips and picked up the black teacup he put down.

After last year's baptism of Lockhart, she certainly understood that Neville's breaking the teacup was not a coincidence.

First, give a psychological hint to make Neville worry about his grandmother's current situation.

Then use prophecy to deepen this tension, and finally use words to guide him who has unconsciously chosen to believe.

What a skill!

After all, he has been in school for more than ten years, how could he be as simple as the old liar in the twins' mouths.

According to the instructions, return to your seat to drink tea, shake the tea leaves three times, drain the tea and exchange cups.

Hermione flipped back and forth between pages 5 and 6 of the textbook.

Just now, Vincent shook the tea leaves in a big way, and I felt it was very problematic at the time.

According to the content in the textbook, the speed of drinking tea, the mood, and the force of putting down the cup will eventually affect the shape of the tea residue scattered at the bottom of the teacup.

If the fortune is good, it will be a "ten", and if the fortune is bad, it will be an "X".

And exchanging interpretations will make people with different fortunes see different shapes.

Maybe you will see the scissors as a heart shape, or see something that looks like nothing as a ghost face.

Select 4 patterns from the complex and abstract tea residues and combine them together to get the final result of this divination.

But what is the tea residue in the pink teacup?

How can you shake out a magic rune? There is only one "ᚸ" that symbolizes him.

"Open up your mind, dear," Trelawney's voice suddenly sounded,

"Let your vision go beyond the boundaries of the world!"

Hermione's face was stiff, "Did you use the wandless spell?"

Vincent nodded under her big eyes full of affirmation.

"Okay..." Hermione lowered her head and turned the pink teacup.

This magic rune looks like both "ten" and "X".

The patterns are connected. Although nothing can be interpreted from them, she has the final say on the fortune.

"Your fortune is very good."

Vincent's mouth corners slightly raised.

Hermione tilted her head and said expressionlessly: "Because you have a good partner."

"That's great!" Vincent looked down at the black teacup, then picked up the textbook to interpret:

"I saw a bird, which means you will be very lucky.

And a hat, which is a sign of success."

James and Alfred on the other side of the round table looked over.

There is no bird or hat, it is clearly a clock and a crab.

One represents recovery from illness and one represents the proximity of an enemy.

"Finally, there's the word 'cross' and the butterfly." Vincent opened his two big faces and said,

"Together, you will have a smooth life recently and one of your wishes will come true."

James curled his lips after being pushed back.

Different fortunes can be seen from different angles, and the butterfly representing joy is very similar to the bat representing disappointment.

Alfred, who suddenly understood, gave a thumbs up, "Old Wen, you are also a good partner!"

To put it bluntly, divination relies on sudden inspiration.

A talented fortune teller can guess accurately, but a fortune teller without talent will never be able to guess correctly.

The divination results will affect people, and positive and negative mentalities will lead to different actions, ultimately leading to completely different realities.

"Eagle!" Trelawney screamed. "My dear, you have a mortal enemy."

She stood next to Ron and turned the teacup in front of him counterclockwise.

" attack."

Her voice rose a little higher again, "Oh my God, my God, this is not a pleasant cup..."

Ron's partner was Harry, and the eagle's interpretation in front was irrefutable.

"Skeleton... there is danger on your way, my dear..."

All the students' eyes were focused on Trelawney's face.

She turned the cup again in a panic, and she suddenly took a deep breath and screamed.

With a bang, Neville, who had just drained the tea, broke his second teacup.

Trelawney sat down on an empty armchair behind her, covered her chest and slowly closed her eyes.

"My dear child, my poor dear child... No, it's better not to say it - don't ask me..."

Vincent and Hermione looked at each other.

The professor of divination class is not only qualified, but also quite high.

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