This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 646: A world where only the red hat is hurt

On Monday, we had to study hard again.

During the Divination class, Trelawney once again gave a terrible prophecy.

She looked away from Vincent and Harry with tears in her eyes, and lowered her voice:

"Oh - my poor children, you will soon experience some terrible things one after another..."

She kept talking nonsense, but refused to say what it was.

Throughout the class, only Lavender and Parvati listened carefully.

The rest of the students, especially Hermione, actually openly read the Arithmancy textbook in class.

I don't know if Trelawney, who was wearing thick glasses, noticed it, anyway, she almost selectively ignored Hermione.

After the Divination class, there was the Transfiguration class, but two students always walked into the classroom one after the other.

This time, Vincent didn't dare to touch the tabby cat on the podium.

Through his actions, the students sat down obediently.

When the bell rang, the tabby cat jumped down from the podium and turned back to McGonagall's original appearance.

"Excellent observation, Mr. Wayne."

She nodded slightly to Vincent, "Of course, everyone else does."

The tone didn't sound sarcastic, but one could tell she was in a bad mood.

It seemed that they would have to make their own judgments in the next class.

"Open the textbook to page 7. Today I'm going to talk about the deformation of hair..."

It's not difficult to look like it, but the texture and feel are difficult.

Changing the properties of objects is part of the exam, and McGonagall just briefly talked about it and let the students practice freely.

James raised his wand and changed Alfred's hair into a fluffy curly hairstyle.

Neville saw it and almost couldn't help laughing.

He held back his laughter and waved his wand at Vincent opposite him.

The gray-gold side-parted short hair stood up, turning into a rather flamboyant crew cut.

Vincent waved his wand, turning the quill pen into a small mirror, and carefully examined his new hairstyle.

He had a thin face, which was very suitable for a crew cut.

A little flamboyant, but exceptionally refreshing.

"You succeeded, Neville."

This group is happy, but many students hurt each other like James and Alfred.

Hermione's hair was turned into a broom-like hairstyle by Lavender, and she became the tallest student in the class.

Seamus was turned into an afro by Dean, which was even more exaggerated than when the spell failed.

McGreg had a faint smile on her face.

She gave comments on each student's new hairstyle, and occasionally made a very cold joke.

"Ms. Brown, did you pour a whole bottle of hairspray on Miss Granger's hair? I think her neck must be very uncomfortable."

Hermione blushed.

Lavender was of course not much better after being pranked like this. ♦♗  ♦♦

Hair was tied into sections of curly braids, which looked like spider legs.

McGreg gave Hermione 2 points because the new hairstyle she designed for Lavender was so imaginative.

Of course, Neville also added 2 points.

After class, the students couldn't wait to change their hair back.

Vincent didn't change.

Occasionally, changing a new hairstyle will make you feel completely different.

The last class in the morning was the long-awaited Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Lupin put away the homework and then took the students to the dungeon storage room again.

"Okay, divide into four groups according to the college!"

The disorderly piled up waste and debris were neatly arranged into a maze more than two meters high.

Standing on it, you can not only clearly see what is happening below, but also take action in time when an accident occurs.

Vincent's group is the most popular.

All the badgers want to join, and everyone knows that it is safest to follow him.

Lupin couldn't stand it, and directly named Hermione, Neville, James and Alfred to join him.

The remaining six little lions were in one group, led by Harry.

After practicing on the weekend, everyone believed that he had this ability.

"There are four entrances and only one exit.

Let's go!" As Lupin finished speaking, four groups of students walked into the four entrances of the maze respectively.

Red hats are good at lurking, so Harry's group decided to mark them with a tracking spell first.

Once, twice, three times, four times...

Each mark will disappear after a few seconds. It seems that Lupin has increased the difficulty.

Taking shortcuts will not work, so we have to be vigilant and be ready to deal with sudden attacks from red hats at any time.

The group led by Justin was soon attacked.

When the big stick was about to fall, he quickly cast an armor spell.

It was barely big enough to block it, "Hannah, Susan, knock it out quickly!"

Several stunning spells hit the wall made of waste and debris, raising a large piece of dust.

The red hat disappeared, probably hiding and waiting for the next opportunity.

The other group of badgers led by Ernie were highly nervous and moved forward cautiously.

The easiest one was of course Vincent's group.

Don't look at Hermione as a girl, she is braver than his three roommates.

The Armor Spell was cast, and the big stick flew away in an instant.

Neville, who was usually very timid, was like a different person today. He blinded the red hat with a fluorescent light, and then went up with a series of moves.

"Cat turns! Orangutan breaks branches! Elephant kicks! Angry crow takes off!"

If he hadn't run fast, the red hat would definitely have been hit by an elbow that was enough to knock him unconscious.

Neville was not discouraged, but seemed more excited.

It turned out that he was not useless.

Hermione put away her wand and walked forward, "Why don't you just let him be your apprentice."

Vincent nodded without hesitation, "Okay, then you have to take good care of your junior brother."

"Ah?" Hermione's little mouth was grumbling, "I shouldn't be your apprentice in the true sense.

Besides, you taught me alchemy, not fighting."

She seemed to care about the teacher-student relationship with Vincent.

"Okay, you and I are just nominal mentors and apprentices, and we should get along as usual."

Hermione's little mouth slightly raised, "Yes, that's how we should be."

After chatting for a few words, there was a sudden "bang" behind them.

The red hat who came back found a short stick and hit the wall next to Neville's head.

Neville pinched its little arm with his left hand and punched it with his right hand continuously, "Take my angry octopus!"

Hermione in front suddenly burst into laughter,

"I really don't understand how you came up with these weird names."

Vincent raised his proud little head,

"What's weird, don't you think these names are vivid and vivid, and they fit the moves perfectly?"

Hermione thought carefully and found that Neville really looked like an angry octopus when he caught Red Hat and punched him continuously.

"Okay." She suddenly laughed again, "You are indeed much better than me in naming."

Listening to Red Hat's shrill screams, everyone understood that temporary intensive training was effective.



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