This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 656: Hermione's Bad Experience

After more than an hour of persuasion, Lavender finally calmed down.

Although she didn't cry as hard as before, she was sobbing softly.

It was already past 10 o'clock when they came to the activity room after breakfast. They missed Vincent's physical training.

When Harry and Ron went to the ring to practice, Crookshanks jumped out of Hermione's arms.

It walked slowly to Vincent's side and frightened Ben who was concentrating on eating cookies.

Seeing this scene, Lavender couldn't stop her tears from flowing again.

Even though she had only been with Binky for a short summer vacation, she really liked this cute bunny.

Hermione and Parvati continued to comfort her.

The animal world is so cruel. They don't have human morality and bottom line, only the iron law of the jungle.

The prophecy was what Lavender feared most, but before that, she had never thought that Binky would be bitten to death by a fox.

Even though Hermione's words were as tactful as possible, Lavender's eyes were still tearful.

"Trelawney said last month that Vincent and Harry would soon meet with misfortune, but you see, they are fine until today."

Hermione's voice fell just as Harry fell on the stage, and the back of his head hit the pillar.


Lavender screamed and cried heartbreakingly.

"Professor Trelawney's prediction is true... I am really scared... I am really scared that Binky will die..."

Hermione was very troubled by her miserable appearance.

Parvati was in a low mood, and it seemed that she was affected by Lavender.

"What happened?" Daphne came to sit beside them.

Hermione whispered in her ear and told her the whole story.

The student who least believed Trelawney's nonsense in the entire third grade, apart from Vincent and Hermione, was Daphne, who did not take two divination classes at all.

Even the date didn't match, that's it?

The prophecy was not fulfilled at all, everything was just a coincidence.

"You just learned the news today, but it happened the day before yesterday."

Daphne gently held Lavender's hands, "What are you most afraid of? Is it hearing the news of Binky's death?"

"No, but Professor Trelawney-"

"Some things are destined to happen, regardless of whether there is a prophecy."

Lavender was stunned for a moment.

Daphne held her little hand tightly, "Face them positively, and never choose to escape."

Trelawney's prophecy was the fuse, which made Lavender think that it was her rude words that led to the death of the rabbit Binky.

Hermione gently wiped the tears from her face, "Don't blame yourself anymore, it's not your fault."

Lavender stopped sobbing and choked: " you..."

Tears flowed again, but it was no longer because of sadness.

She hugged them tightly and laughed from the bottom of her heart.

After the episode, the combat training continued as usual.

Lavender cheered up and made a little progress.

After this incident, she was still the ordinary little girl she was before.

But strangely, everyone felt that she was different.

In the divination class on Monday, she would still shout about the divination results, but she would become optimistic after class.

Especially after the Transfiguration class.

"Hogsmeade! We can finally visit Hogsmeade!"

The classmates were as excited as she was.

Although they had to wait until the Saturday before Halloween, they couldn't wait to find out the news about Hogsmeade.

Fred and George became the most popular people.

Zuo Ke's Magic Joke Shop, Honeydukes Candy Shop, Madam Puddifoot Tea Shop...

After the twins' vivid introduction, the third-grade little lions were looking forward to it.

While they were visiting Hogsmeade in their dreams, Vincent outside the castle was trying to make his followers appear for the first time.

He raised his right hand holding the suitcase to Hermione, "Are you sure you want to go with me?"

In half a month, the alchemy shop in Diagon Alley will open.

After so long of experimentation, it's time to officially start production.

"Sure." Hermione trembled and stretched out her hand.

Vincent's Apparition could already appear 30 miles away, but this was his first time to perform the Apparition.

She was a little shy besides being nervous.

"Okay." Vincent held her hand, "I will try not to split you."

The consequences of the failure of the Apparition were the same as those of the Apparition. If the target was not clear enough and the magic power was not strong enough, the body would be torn apart at the lightest.

Even if it could be reattached, the pain was unavoidable.

Hermione felt the warmth from his palm and felt a lot more relieved.

She stopped shaking and felt much better.

"I'm ready, come on."

"Okay." Vincent took a deep breath and raised the ebony wand in his left hand.

The invisible magic power enveloped the two of them and entered the "void state" together.

The black and white vortex that suddenly appeared behind them sucked them into the gap between the real world.

Hermione felt her body being squeezed and subconsciously held Vincent's hand tightly.

My head was dizzy and I felt like I couldn't breathe and was suffocating.

Like being thrown into a drum washing machine, she felt like she was spinning crazily like a top, round and round.

I don’t know how many times I turned around, but the uncomfortable feeling suddenly disappeared.

She gasped for air and went limp.

Vincent quickly held her shoulders, "It took a little long, but I succeeded."

The first time I used Follower Appearance, I didn't dare to go too far. I just came from the cave in Hogsmeade to the entrance of the village.

Hermione calmed down, blushing, "I'm fine, just take a little rest."

Although it was much worse than imagined, the best result was that no separation occurred.

It's incredible that a 13-year-old wizard can do this. Anyone else might not have the courage.

Vincent let go of his hand and took out a bottle of golden joy potion from the box, "Drink some, I guess I need to get more skilled at it."

He lifted the suitcase and shook it.

"Don't force yourself. If it doesn't work, I will modify the box so that you can stay in it safely."

Hermione caught the bottle and pulled out the cork.

She drank it all in one breath, lowered her head,

"No need, a few more bad experiences will be good for me to learn Apparition."

It was obviously a lie, but Vincent didn't expose it.

It's probably not as simple as wanting to help herself. If she doesn't want to say it, she just pretends not to notice.

After a few minutes, Hermione was feeling much better.

She raised her head and stretched out her little hand towards Vincent, "Okay, let's continue."

Because of the experience of the first time, the appearance of the follower this time was not as uncomfortable as it was at the beginning.

Although I will still feel dizzy and nauseous, at least I will be able to stand firmly after it is over.

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