This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 687: Facing Death

Although the performance of the rogue rabbit has fallen behind, it is still the second-ranked flying broom.

It did not fall because of the weight of the werewolf leader, but climbed up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As soon as Vincent and Hermione pointed their wands over, the werewolf leader, who had suffered a loss, twisted wildly.

Several spells failed, and Vincent quickly stabilized the violently shaking rogue rabbit.

Hermione subconsciously hugged him and recited one spell after another.

"Ah!" The werewolf leader opened his left paw.

It seems that his fracture has healed.

"Winter--" The claw that slapped over was blocked by Hermione's armor spell.

The werewolf leader did not give up easily, and slapped harder and harder each time.

Vincent glanced sideways, grabbed the broom handle tightly and lifted it up, narrowly avoiding the tall tree trunk in front of him.

Feeling the violent shaking, he quickly adjusted the angle and passed through a series of tree trunks sideways.

The werewolf leader's right paw still tightly grasped the broom tail, and when he saw an opportunity, he would slap out his left paw fiercely, and each slap could reduce the armor curse a little.

The rogue rabbit had climbed to the top of the tree, but he continued to attack as if he was not afraid of falling.

Even the beasts knew fear, and the werewolf leader who had completely lost his mind had only one thing left in his mind, that is, to tear the two little wizards in front of him to pieces with his own hands.

As if he had infinite power, his left paw slapped down again, and the dim magic barrier was finally torn apart.

"Ah!" He roared angrily and stabbed his sharp claws.

Even the robe woven with mithril might not be able to resist this deadly danger.

Hermione closed her eyes in despair.

She could not see or hear anything, as if she had been cut off from the outside world.

The expected pain did not come, but it was as quiet as death.

"Don't let go!"

Hermione suddenly opened her eyes and saw a hand holding her.

Looking up, she saw Vincent's extremely anxious face.

At the critical moment just now, he grabbed Hermione's arm and pulled her into the air.


Hermione held Vincent's arm tightly.

Now she was hung under the rogue rabbit, and her face was slightly turned to face the werewolf leader.

The claws symbolizing death came again.

Vincent lowered his body and stuck to the broomstick.

The claws scratched Hermione's head, cutting off a few strands of long brown hair.

The werewolf leader opened his mouth and howled at the little witch in front of him.

Escaped from his claws twice, both because of the little wizard who controlled the flying broom.

"Be careful!" Hermione exclaimed.

Vincent didn't have time to think about it, and immediately controlled the rogue rabbit to make a rollover to evade.

The violent shaking almost made him let go of Hermione's hand, and the werewolf leader's third fatal attack failed.

I must find a way, I must find a way to change the current situation.

Hermione stared blankly at her empty right hand.

She lost her wand and couldn't do anything.

Unlike the werewolf leader who seemed to have unlimited power, Vincent was just a little wizard who was a little stronger than his peers.

He had to hold himself with his left hand and control the violently shaking rogue rabbit with his right hand.

If he continued, he would be exhausted sooner or later.

Two people would die, what about one person?

But making this decision requires more than just courage.

As soon as Hermione loosened one finger, Vincent held her even tighter.

"Don't do stupid things, we will survive."

It was strange that his voice was not loud, but he could hear his words clearly.

There was another violent shaking, and the werewolf leader who was about to slide to the broomstick branch adjusted his posture.

"Ka--" He pinched a crack that kept extending on the solid broomstick.

The rogue rabbit lost control for a moment.

Vincent grabbed Hermione's left hand and slid from her arm to her wrist, and then from her wrist to her palm.

He looked back at the werewolf leader who was holding the broomstick tightly.

Perhaps if he shook it again, he would fall down with the broken branch.

But if he was unlucky and the power device inside was damaged...


The situation did not allow Vincent to think too much, and he used all his strength to lift Hermione up.

"Hold me tight! Don't let go!"

Hermione sat sideways on the broomstick he had given up, hugged his neck with her little hands, and pressed her face against his chest.

She had already guessed what would happen next.

Her eyes watched the dizzy scene, and her ears listened to the strong heartbeat.

"Ka Ka Ka——" The branch that the rogue rabbit was holding was overwhelmed during the tumbling, and the end of the broomstick was broken together.

With a roar full of anger and unwillingness, the werewolf leader fell from the air and fell into the lush branches of a big tree.

Vincent in the sky concentrated his mind and tried to stabilize the trembling rogue rabbit.

He was in no mood to care about the other person's life or death. The only thought in his mind was that he had to land safely.

The broom tail was broken, causing the whole broom to lose balance. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't keep it stable.

With a "snap", the power device exposed at the tail exploded.

After losing the power source, the rogue rabbit was no different from a stick.

Its center of gravity tilted, and it streaked across the night sky like a meteor, falling towards the bushes below.

Vincent simply let go of his right hand holding the broom handle, quickly made a slowing spell gesture and shouted the spell.

The falling speed was greatly reduced, and he turned sideways, holding the suitcase in front of him like a shield, and protecting Hermione's head with his other hand.

No matter what shape Mithril is shaped into, its interior is always in a flowing liquid state and has certain buffering properties.

Before falling into the lush treetops, Hermione in Vincent's arms raised her head and stared into his blue eyes.

She did not see any fear or confusion about death, but instead clearly saw calmness and determination.

This seems to be a kind of power, a kind of power that can warm others, infect others, and pass on to others.

"Kachakacha—" The mithril suitcase broke countless branches and leaves.

But after all, its area is limited and it cannot completely protect the two of them.

Vincent gritted his teeth. In just a blink of an eye, his clothes were already in tatters.

Hermione, wearing mithril robes, was fine, but she could still feel the sting of being repeatedly struck with a whip.

Through the dense branches and leaves, the two of them subconsciously hugged each other tightly.

Either survive or be smashed to pieces.

When death came again, Hermione was surprised to find that she no longer felt the same despair as before.

Looking into those still calm and firm blue eyes, she stretched out her arms around Vincent and looked face to face with him.

In Vincent's confused eyes, Hermione gently held him in her arms.

She is a girl, but she is not weak and does not need to be protected all the time.

Although her arms are a little smaller, she can still protect others.

With a loud "Winter" sound, the mithril suitcase used as a shield hit the ground hard, kicking up large swaths of dust.

The inertia of the fall caused it to carry the two people forward, leaving a not-so-short deep mark on the ground.

When the smoke cleared, Hermione and Vincent in her arms were motionless, as quiet as if they were asleep.

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