This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 704: Fudge's Desire for Control

Harry had a dream.

He dreamed that he was protected in the arms of his parents.

"Avada Kedavra--"

The dazzling green light took the lives of James and Lily, and also left a scar on his forehead that would never heal.

"No, this is impossible--" The murderer who killed his parents was blown away by the wind like ashes.

Harry will never forget this ugly face.

It's him!

It's that person!


The scar is like the pain engraved in the depths of the soul, which can't stop Harry's monstrous hatred.

One day, there will be a life-and-death duel between them.

So before that, you must live well.

Wake up quickly, this is just a nightmare.

Finally, Harry opened his eyes.

This is a blurry white world.

It's the ceiling of the school hospital!

He stretched out his hand and tried to feel something.

"Harry?" A series of extremely familiar voices sounded.

"Are you looking for this?"

The glasses were gently placed on the bridge of Harry's nose.

Ron, Vincent, Hermione, George, Fred...

Face after face with concern reflected in Harry's green eyes.

He sat up with Ron's help, "Everyone is here."

There was nothing wrong with his body, but he felt a little tired.

Hermione seemed to want to say something, but Vincent held her down and shook his head at her.

George and Fred came to the bedside one by one and asked about her health.

After Harry said it was okay for the umpteenth time, he suddenly thought of something,

"By the way, how was the game, did we win?"

Vincent coughed lightly, and Hermione's expression softened slightly.

Her eyes were a little resentful.

"Of course we won!" The twins talked about the situation in unison.

When Harry fainted and fell, Dumbledore had already activated the deceleration spell that he had prepared for a long time.

Finally, he landed smoothly, without even splashing mud and water.

Slytherin lost completely this time, and lost convincingly.

Draco, unusually, did not make a few sarcastic remarks, but just watched Harry being sent to the school hospital in silence.

The army of Dementors was completely driven out of Hogwarts soon after, including the two unlucky guys guarding the gate.

The people from the Ministry of Magic had just left, and from Fudge's charcoal-like face, it was known that Dumbledore had exerted a lot of pressure.

Hogwarts was just a magic school, and it was fine if Dementors came here every few days, but this time they dared to go out in full force.

If the Ministry of Magic is not strengthened to make them pay attention, something more terrible may happen one day.

Ron curled his lips, "Malfoy is a despicable villain who can't afford to lose. I guess he is planning something again."

Harry was not happy at all.

He smelled like he hadn't brushed his teeth when he opened his mouth. I hope it's not disgusting enough.

Although the game was won, the price paid was not just this.

Ron brought a broom that was broken into two pieces.

This is the broom Harry named "Gwendo". It seems that it cannot be repaired.

Vincent said a few words of comfort, but couldn't stand the resentful look and went out first.

Hermione followed quietly behind him, and when they reached the stairwell, she suddenly stopped him in front of him.

"You almost died today!"

Harry was killed by Dementors, and Vincent was killed because Beta could not withstand the high-intensity use and cracks appeared.

The situation at that time was also quite thrilling. It fell straight down and suddenly stabilized, and it went back and forth several times.

Hermione was so scared that she cried, and she ran over as soon as she landed safely.

He was so tired that he was about to fall down, but he still insisted on holding on until now.

Vincent was speechless.

He opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he still couldn't say anything.

"Forget it." Hermione stepped back and supported his arm.

"The appearance of the Dementor should be just an accident. If it hadn't been so long, I would have found out the reason."

It's a good thing that someone cares about you, especially a girl.

Vincent obediently let her help him upstairs.

Take a closer look, Hermione actually looks pretty good when she dresses up.

Now she doesn't have the strong nerdy vibe that she usually has, just like an ordinary girl who is throwing a tantrum.



Ministry of Magic,

Fudge, who is overwhelmed, is dealing with piles of complaint letters.

Such a big thing happened in Hogwarts today, and he can't suppress it even if he wants to.

Dumbledore hasn't solved it completely yet, and the pressure from parents and all walks of life has come again.

After opening the letter for who knows how many times, it actually flew up and turned into a mouth.

"Fudge, you big fool! You can't even handle such a trivial matter as the Dementor! You might as well apologize and step down..."

It turned out to be a roaring letter, and it was anonymous.

Being scolded for no reason made his already bad mood even worse.

After his mouth in the air burned automatically, Fudge took a deep breath and continued to open the letter.

Outside the Minister's office,

a group of senior officials of the Ministry of Magic exchanged glances.

Umbridge volunteered to knock on the door.

"Come in."

Her tone was particularly impatient, as if she was about to explode at any time.

Umbridge left a confident look, held her head high and pushed the door open to walk into the office.

Fudge was writing a reply without raising his head, "If you have anything to say, just say it quickly."

She had a smile on her face that she thought was sweet, and she bent down very flatteringly, "Minister, the Aurors' investigation results are out."

Then she handed over a roll of magically encrypted parchment.

Fudge sat up straight, with only the investigation results in his eyes, and he didn't even look at her.

Based on the Aurors' previous experience, there are two main possibilities for what happened today.

First, the Quidditch campus competition at Hogwarts is very lively, and even a storm can't stop their enthusiasm.

There is no reason for the Dementors to miss such sweet and delicious positive emotions.

Second, the evil Death Eater Sirius Black has successfully infiltrated Hogwarts, intending to harm the savior Harry Potter.

Fudge's lips trembled slightly, and he closed the parchment casually, "I know."

Umbridge bent down and rubbed her hands, "Minister, I think our department should make all preparations."

"Oh?" Fudge took the pen and continued to write a reply, "Tell me what you think."

"Yes, Minister."

After all, Dementors are dark creatures, and it is impossible to reason with them.

Since the jailbreakers may have lurked in Hogwarts, it is reasonable to give the guarding task to the Ministry of Magic.

"Hmm?" Fudge was puzzled for a moment, and then the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

The Ministry of Magic took the initiative to intervene, just to shut up those parents and the outside world.

No matter how reluctant Dumbledore was, he could only agree obediently.

And this is a good opportunity to intervene in Hogwarts with a legitimate reason.

If you miss this time, you don't know how long you have to wait.

Umbridge smiled immediately when she saw this.

How could she not know what her own Minister was thinking.

Crisis is also an opportunity.

Fudge has such a strong desire for control that he certainly won't allow anything beyond his control to exist in the wizarding world.

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