This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 714: The True Deathly Hallows

Dumbledore lowered the Elder Wand helplessly. (-_-) (-_-)

Vincent took the floating Resurrection Stone in his hand.

It felt cold and rough, just like a stone picked up by the river.

One minute passed, two minutes passed.

He shook the Resurrection Stone in his hand, but there was still no reaction.

"Hmm - could it be broken?"

Dumbledore frowned, his face did not look good.

After all, it was a legendary magic item, how could it break after a few falls.

The fact that it did not react to Vincent only meant that the Resurrection Stone was not as powerful as imagined.

If you think about it carefully, resurrecting the dead is too incredible.

"Professor, do you want to try it?"

Dumbledore's calm eyes suddenly changed as soon as he touched the Resurrection Stone.

"Ariana..." He murmured in a low voice, slowly stretched out his other hand, and gently stroked the air in front of him.

Vincent turned his head and stared at Harry blankly.

Dumbledore's state should be that he saw some kind of illusion, and it was caused by the Resurrection Stone.

"Professor - Professor -"

Dumbledore, with red eyes, woke up and looked down at the Resurrection Stone in his hand.

"Alas -" He sighed, "It can't really resurrect the dead.

It will attract a mysterious substance that only the holder can see, thus creating one or more illusions that are far more real than memories."

Vincent looked as if it was just as expected.

The reason why the Resurrection Stone didn't work on him was because of the passive defense of the natural master of brain occlumency.

Unable to read memories, naturally can't create illusions.

Similar to the function of the Mirror of Erised, no matter how real it is, it is just a false illusion.

Harry lowered his head and hesitated for a long time, "Professor, I want to see my parents."

Dumbledore handed him the Resurrection Stone, and Vincent took the puppet and walked out the door quietly.

Even if it is a false illusion, it is still full of temptation for most people.

He was very glad that he was a natural master of brain occlumency, which could help him avoid sinking and falling as much as possible.

Dumbledore stood beside him, "Vincent, you are the only one who is not affected by the Resurrection Stone. I plan to give it to you for safekeeping."

Vincent was surprised, "Professor, this thing is useless to me, it is better to give it to Harry."

"The Resurrection Stone is a deadly poison to him and everyone." Dumbledore laughed at himself, "Of course, including me."

Immersed in the false illusion of the deceased, it will eventually turn into a deep dependence.

What a sad thing it is.

Vincent solemnly promised, "I will keep it well."

Dumbledore looked up and looked into the distance, "Since the Resurrection Stone cannot resurrect the dead, then the legend that collecting the Deathly Hallows can become the master of the God of Death is probably false."

Why does the God of Death want to find a master for himself? Bored?

So, the real maker of the Deathly Hallows should be their first owner, the three Peverell brothers.

The eldest brother Antioch pursued power and made an old wand that could enhance the power of spells, but was finally killed by others who pursued power.

The second son, Cadmus, missed his deceased wife and created the Resurrection Stone, but the false illusion tortured him to the point of suicide.

The third son, Ignotus, was very smart. He created a permanent and effective invisible cloak and lived a peaceful life.

The so-called god of death in the legend is actually people's fear of death.

Dumbledore retracted his gaze to the distance, "Death is just another great adventure."

Vincent nodded subconsciously, agreeing with this sentence in his heart.

Without death, he would not have traveled to this world and ushered in a great adventure.

"Professor, don't you need to go in and see Harry?"

"Their family must have a lot to say, I hope Harry can take the initiative to come out."

Vincent glanced at his watch.

7:30, dinner time.

He took out various kitchen utensils and ingredients from the small metal cube, "Professor, should we eat while waiting?"

Dumbledore said meaningfully: "You are still well prepared as always."

"Of course." Vincent cast a fire spell under the huge pan floating in front of him, "Only by eating on time can you have a good body."

These words were particularly convincing when they came out of his mouth.

Dumbledore's blue eyes turned around him, as if he had some new ideas.

Vincent felt a chill, and turned around to see only a kind face full of wrinkles.

Old Dumbledore can fool Harry, but fool him?

Now dinner is important.

The cut beef rolls up and down in the pan, and the rich sauce is evenly spread.

Cover the lid and simmer for 10 minutes, and a simple beef stew is ready.

Eating only meat is not good for digestion, so add a few cuts of washed vegetables and mix with appetizing mayonnaise.

Dumbledore nodded secretly.

Although most of the cooking was done with magic, the cooking skills were obviously better than expected.

Vincent was not a stingy person, and generously invited him to sit down and enjoy.

The beef stew was cooked to the perfect temperature, and the rich sauce filled the mouthful.

The vegetables mixed with mayonnaise were just enough to relieve the greasiness.

After dinner, Harry still did not leave the Gaunt mansion.

It was almost two hours, and Dumbledore was very patient.

Vincent had nothing to do, so he simply took out the alchemical golem he had just made.

The blackness on the fingertips was still there, but it seemed to have no effect on the devil.

"Professor, this curse only targets the human body?"

"I think so."

It's a pity that Dumbledore's research on dark magic curses is not as deep as Voldemort's, and Grindelwald's magic book is in the suitcase under the bed in the dormitory.

Vincent suddenly had an idea, "Professor, if I touch a living person with this finger of the devil, will all this curse be transferred?"

Dumbledore shook his head, "Strictly speaking, most curses are targeted and will not be transferred casually, but the alchemy golem is not a living creature in the true sense."

Then he nodded again, "I think Tom didn't take this into consideration when he arranged the curse, so the conditions for the activation of the curse were not set too complicated."

To put it simply, when Voldemort arranged the curse, he did not think of golems, an alchemical creation based on human body structure.

But the devil is not a living creature after all, and the curse can only stay on the fingertips and cannot be truly activated.

Therefore, the curse on the Resurrection Stone was transferred by coincidence. Whether it can be transferred to living people has yet to be verified.

Vincent lowered his head and thought, his eyes getting brighter and brighter.

Curses mostly only target living people, and alchemy demons do not idolize people.

For wizards exploring ancient ruins, the most deadly dangers are often unseen dangers.

Life is priceless. If there is an alchemy devil to explore the way for them, I believe they will still pay no matter how high the price is.

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