This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 717 The Batman is back

The fourth floor of the castle,

"Big Silly" Wells patrolled the trophy room as usual.

The lantern illuminated each trophy, and he habitually looked at each one.

Those whose names can be left here are those who have made outstanding contributions to Hogwarts.

But there was one name that made him hate it with hatred.

"Vincent Wayne..."

Wells pauses in front of the 1991 Campus Quidditch Most Valuable Player Trophy.

Next to him is the one from 1992, also the MVP.

How can a student like this be commended if he flies to the Forbidden Forest on a broomstick in broad daylight in full view of everyone? And for two consecutive years?

His boss Kingsley doesn't care, Scrimgeour, the director of the Auror Office, doesn't care, and neither does Fudge, the Minister of Magic.

How could Wells leave such a terrifying and dangerous person alone?

"Ta-ta-ta-" footsteps sounded from outside.

He gathered his mood and came outside holding a lantern.

The person coming was the last Auror on patrol tonight.

He does look a bit funny, and as skinny as a monkey.

"Wells, I've patrolled the dungeon to the third floor."

"Okay, I'm almost done."

The two walked side by side to the Charms classroom.

"Wells, what are you trying to do by staring at Wayne?"

"He is a dangerous person in the school. When we catch evidence of his violation, of course we will do whatever we need to do."

"Ah?" Funny Monkey was frightened. "He is our youth representative of the Wizengamot in the UK. Can Minister Fudge allow us to punish him?"

Wells' eyes were firm, "We are Aurors! We must not compromise easily!"

The funny monkey's facial features are squeezed together, making it look even more funny.

Perhaps because he met someone more stubborn than himself, he opened his big mouth several times and was speechless.

Forget it, Wells is the vice-captain after all, and there is nothing wrong with following the orders of his superiors.

The two of them came out of the Charms classroom and walked straight towards the library at the end.

And in the darkness behind them, seven figures emerged one after another.

"It turns out that this stupid guy is targeting me..." Vincent reached out and stroked his exposed sexy chin.

The roly-poly upstairs has been knocked unconscious and hung up. Why don't we just stop doing it?

His idea was immediately approved by Fred and George.

Hermione unusually didn't object, and neither did Rolf or Cedric.

Daphne's face was full of excitement, and she raised her hook gun high, "Let's go then!"

Unexpectedly, the eldest lady of the Greengrass family also has such a side.

The library was as quiet late at night as it was during the day, and Mrs. Pince's room was at the very end.

"Let's take each other." Wells walked to the bookshelf on the left.

The funny monkey came to the rows of bookshelves on the right.

Suddenly, a blurry black shadow flashed from the corner of the end.

I wiped my eyes, maybe I was dazzled.

When he came to the corner, he bumped into something.

The funny monkey raised the lantern and saw a red hood that almost stuck to his face.

Just when he was about to shout loudly, a pair of strong arms stretched out from behind.

His mouth was tightly covered, and the red hood in front of him raised the crowbar.

"哐——" The force was not controlled well, so the impact was too light.

"Let me do it."

In a daze, Funny Monkey seemed to see a pair of black cat ears.

After the heavy "clang" sound, he seemed to see a small black paw.

The movement was a bit loud, and Wells reacted quickly after noticing it, pulling out his wand as he ran.

But he was so anxious that he didn't notice the thin rope between the bookshelves.

I tripped over with a "bang" sound, but fortunately I didn't land on my face.

The lantern in his hand rolled down to a figure.

He was half lying on his stomach and saw a pair of legs that looked like armor.

The matte black metal only covers the knees, and then goes up to the gray-black thighs.

Wells's pupils shrank, and he pointed the wand with all his strength, "Dizzy——"

"You're going to faint!" A cold female voice sounded.

Then, a huge force hit the back of his head.

Before losing consciousness, he tried to look up toward the lantern.

The same matte golden belt and eight-pack gray abs with sharp edges.

Finally, Wells saw a black bat image, and then completely fainted.

early morning,

Mrs. Pince woke up from her bed.

She changed her clothes as usual, walked out of the room and went to the library.

"Ah——" The scream woke up the two Aurors who were tied up tightly and hung upside down in the air.

"Uh-huh--" They were all gagged by a pair of smelly socks.

While the students were enjoying their breakfast, Kingsley in the school hospital had a severe headache.

Black cat?

Red Hood?


What the hell is this description?

Wells on the hospital bed shook his head, "I'm sorry, Captain Shacklebolt, I couldn't see the faces of the intruders clearly."

"Get some rest." Kingsley turned around.

The funny monkey on the other hospital bed stared blankly at the ceiling, still muttering something.

If you listen closely, you can see that they are saying things like "don't kill me" and "please take your claws away".

Kingsley raised his hand and pinched his eyebrows, then walked to the bedside of the roly-poly.

He was in pretty good condition, but he always looked around with evasive eyes, probably because he was frightened by the weird bat.

It seems that only Wells's mental state is normal.

But he couldn't provide any more clues, so in what direction could he investigate.

Headache, headache.

Kingsley walked out of the ward without saying a word.

Questioning students?

This is the only way to go.

One day later,

There are new rumors about Hogwarts.

"Did you hear that?"

"I heard that the mysterious bat monster has appeared again."

"Not only him, but also a mutated black cat and red hood."

"Yes, yes, they tortured the Auror who was on patrol that night until he went crazy..."

Vincent at the Gryffindor table took a slow sip of milk.

The Aurors couldn't find the direction of their investigation, so they went to ask the students for questioning.

After so many years, there is no rumor about Hogwarts that is not exaggerated.

By night, Kingsley had been kidnapped by the Bat Monster, and his life or death was unknown.

Soon, the Aurors' investigation direction headed towards Snape.

Who made him have a relationship with bats? The students always call him "Old Bat, Old Bat."

Besides, he has a criminal record.

Kingsley led several Aurors into the dungeon and stopped in front of the potions office.

After knocking twice politely, an extremely impatient voice came from inside.

"Come in."

When the Aurors entered the office, Snape's already bad mood suddenly sank to the bottom.

Kingsley walked towards him slowly, put his hands on the workbench, and went straight to the point without any courtesy.

"Professor Snape, I have a few questions to ask you."

"Ho--" Snape sneered, expressing his attitude.

Kingsley seemed unable to tell, and asked himself: "Professor, are you a Bat-weirdo?"

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