This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 723: The Incompetent Ministry of Magic

At noon,

The student brawl in the auditorium was finally resolved smoothly with the full intervention of the Aurors.

Simple and rough stopping would of course cause conflicts. For example, several pure-blooded young men such as Malfoy shouted that they would go back and tell their parents that they would teach some stupid Aurors a lesson.

Among them was Wells who pressed Draco to the floor with his own hands.

"Stupid! You will definitely receive countless letters of complaint!"

Wayne and Granger couldn't afford to offend, and it was not easy to deal with a small Auror.

But Draco's clamor not only failed to get preferential treatment, but even made Wells increase the strength of his hands.

Except for these few exceptions, most students stood up and accepted criticism and education.

Hermione's height was too conspicuous now, and McGonagall could see that she was trying to hide at a glance.

"Ms. Granger, it is said that you are the cause of all this?"

Alas... I can't hide after all.

"Yes and no." Hermione blinked her big eyes pitifully, "If Pansy hadn't said that..."

McGreg stared at her intact little face, "What did she say?"

"She...she said it very badly."

Seeing the little lions around her all angry, McGreg knew that Pansy couldn't say anything nice.

"Ms. Granger, go back and write a detailed self-review and give it to me."

"Yes, Professor." Hermione breathed a sigh of relief.

This trick of pretending to be stupid really works, and it is estimated that only Snape will not fall for it.

McGreg walked towards Pansy with bruises on her face.

She dared to stare at Hermione, I'm afraid she hasn't learned her lesson yet.

"Ms. Parkinson, I won't pursue the matter, but you need to write a 7-foot-long self-review and give it to me."

Wow...blatant favoritism.

Pansy's face was pursed, not much better than when she was beaten just now.

Things have changed. Snape is now locked up, but no professor will stand up for her.

"Yes, professor."

After getting her reluctant answer, McGonagall came to Kingsley, "Mr. Shacklebolt, thank you for your hard work."

"No." Kingsley forced a smile.

These students are really noisy, especially the twins from the Weasley family.

They are as slippery as loaches. The Aurors who caught them don't know how many prank props they have been hit by.

McGonagall saw his bitter smile, "Please rest assured, I will educate the students again."

Kingsley nodded and went back with the dusty Aurors.

The matter was resolved, but it was just a new beginning.

Tonks kept her word, and Vincent came back in the afternoon.

Today is the last day of the Christmas holiday, but almost all the students were injured, which is a foreshadowing of the chaotic new semester.



In the early morning, the Room of Requirement.

The friends were stunned after hearing Vincent's plan.

Still hanging them upside down, but this time all the members were mobilized.

Fred and George were the first to raise their hands in approval.

Cedric and Rolf thought about it carefully and felt that there was no problem.

Finally, Daphne had no objection.

So after the first day of class in the new semester, Tonks delivered the information as promised.

The entire Bat Family went out that night and hung up the Aurors and the reconnaissance team one by one.

There was no trace left at the scene, only a lot of vague testimonies.

Batgirl? Nightwing? Robin? And a son of the bat with a knife in the end?

Tonks was trying to hold back her laughter the whole time, but Kingsley was expressionless.

The report was sent to Scrimgeour's office in the morning.

He read it three times from beginning to end before he dared to believe that the content inside was true.

This Hogwarts is too complicated!

There are not only Batman and Catwoman in strange costumes, but also seven weirdos.

And there are no traces of magic, even the ropes for hanging people can be seen everywhere.

"Are the rumors true?" Scrimgeour shook his head and closed the report.

Whenever someone tries to get involved in Hogwarts, a group of superheroes will appear to protect the school?

The report submitted by Kingsley also includes many rumors, such as Batman's true identity is Bruce Wayne.

Bruce Wayne was not found, but there is a Vincent, and he is in the school.

But is the answer really that simple?

He is Nicolas Flamel's apprentice, a recipient of the Order of Merlin, a second-class medal, a recipient of the Medal of Honor of the Magical Congress of the United States, and a British youth representative of the Wizengamot. Even if he wants to hide his identity and do bad things, he will not dress up as Batman, whose true identity can be known by reading comics.

Scrimgeour leaned back in his chair and pinched his eyebrows, "Who are they..."

The later the truth is found, the more comfortable Sirius will be.

The target of this prison escape maniac is the savior Harry Potter. Although Hogwarts has deployed a large number of Ministry of Magic personnel, everyone will be negligent.

Besides, the Bat Family had succeeded three times, and no one knew if they would continue.

"Let's report the matter first..." Scrimgeour took the report and left the Auror's office.

His mentality had changed now, and he no longer cared about whether he could successfully capture Sirius.

The lower the requirements, the fewer worries there would be.



The evening's Evening Prophet did not mention what happened in the early morning, but instead once again sternly stated that Batman and his gang were the scum of the magic world and extremely dangerous antisocial people.

Vincent and his friends burst out laughing.

It is obvious that he is incompetent. The more dangerous he publicizes his enemy, the more incompetent he becomes.

Thirteen years ago, Voldemort was probably aware of this, so he was able to develop Death Eaters on a large scale.

The Ministry of Magic has already suffered a loss, and like Pansy, it has not learned its lesson.

It’s still early morning, and there’s still the Room of Requirement.

There was no action tonight, everyone was celebrating last night's feat.

Fred and George didn't know where they got the champagne, and sprayed it all over the secret base.

"Hey!" Hermione, who was immersed in writing a review, shook off the wet parchment on her hand, "Are you going to finish this for me?"

"How is that possible~" The twins glared at her and quickly put down their champagne and ran over.

"Sister, your confession is wet. Let me blow it for you."

"Sister, you have worked hard all night, let me give you a pat on the back."

The corners of Hermione's mouth twitched crazily.

This pair of laughing and joking live treasures...

She looked at Vincent who was trying to hold back his laughter.

After cleaning up Pansy, everyone's eyes changed when they looked at her.

Fortunately, my friends, none of the girls dared to speak loudly in front of her before.

Now that it has become like this, it is better to adapt as soon as possible.

Hermione began to enjoy it with peace of mind, "Fred, you can't blow it dry with your mouth, and it will also be stained with your saliva..."

George, please put a little more force on my left shoulder..."

"Copy that, big sister!" Fred and George nodded and bowed in a very familiar way.

If you ignore the difference in size, they really look like Crabbe and Goyle.

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