This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 737: This pair of top students really knows how to play

Just one misjudgment obviously couldn't bring down Fudge, not to mention that he blamed all his mistakes on Umbridge.

She issued all the orders on her behalf, even though all the senior officials knew that she was nothing more than a sounding board and scapegoat.

Politics is like this. While you are making progress step by step, you also need to find a way out.

Snape was released, but that didn't mean the Ministry of Magic would evacuate people.

They won't give up until they catch the Bat-Family.

It seems calm, but that's because the next storm is coming.

On Sunday morning, the Daily Prophet released another bombshell.

"Oh my God, Aurors are so inhumane. Even a pet rat has to undergo strict inspection..."

Rita described Ron as a kind-hearted student who was caring and devoted everything to his pets. He was a saint of high moral character in the wizarding world.

"I now extremely question the selection criteria of the Ministry of Magic. How did such a cruel wizard pass the test..."

Wells is known internally for his honesty, but he doesn't know how to be flexible and is just a bit stubborn.

But the outside world doesn’t know, they don’t know at all.

"He even dared to humiliate Vincent Wayne, the future star of the wizarding world, in public. It's hard to imagine how arrogant he would be in the process of law enforcement..."

People once again questioned the Ministry of Magic, and Fudge could only focus on calming public opinion first.

Not long after the newspaper was released, Ron, who was still eating breakfast, was told that he could go to the temporary headquarters to pick up Ben Ben.

After checking for a week with no results, we immediately resolved the issue after being exposed. The efficiency was really high.

Just when everyone thought the matter had been resolved satisfactorily, Ron woke up and found that Bamban, who had been holding him in his arms last night, was missing again.

"It must be that Auror!" He told Harry his guess.

After all, he was almost expelled, so Ben Ban's disappearance might be revenge.

Harry shook his head after careful consideration, "It shouldn't be him, it would be too obvious."

Yes, it's really obvious.

Could it be that Bamban got lost on his own?

But why? When everyone held a welcome party for it last night, it was obviously fine.

"Uh - is it Snape?" Ron laughed dryly, "He shouldn't be in jail and going crazy, right?"

Harry shuddered inexplicably, "Probably... not."

The two recalled the Potions class a few days ago.

"Potter! Weasley! Why are you two so behind on schedule? Come to my office after class!"

When Snape was released in the new term, he didn't take a single Potions class at all.

Behind schedule? That's because he skipped class.

The students were all complaining, fearing that there would soon be another collective absence from class.

Harry and Ron looked at each other and both thought that no matter how abnormal Snape's mentality was, he would never catch a mouse.

"What if he's seeking revenge for the Ministry of Magic's suspicion of him?"

"Uh...will he take Bamban...?"

"Probably... he won't be perverted to this extent."

With the rat's life at stake, Ron looked at Harry with pleading eyes.

Sneaking into the Batcave is too difficult.

Moreover, the castle is full of people from the Ministry of Magic. If they are caught, they will definitely be regarded as members of the Bat Family.

Since it doesn’t work at night, then during the day?

Harry took out his timetable and looked at it.

Today is Monday, the morning classes are fully booked, and in the afternoon there are only Care of Magical Creatures classes and Charms classes.

"I don't know if Snape has classes in the afternoon."

"We have invisibility cloaks. As soon as we find anything wrong, we will run away."

The plan is very detailed, but it is already 8:45.

"Go change quickly, we're going to be late!"

The two of them didn't even eat breakfast. They simply rinsed their mouths and faces before running to the divination classroom.

Should be late or be late.

Trelawney was in a bad mood, and she predicted that something terrible would happen to the two of them soon.

If it were normal times, they would not believe it. It was just because of the infiltration plan in the afternoon that they were distracted all day long.

After the last spells lesson, it's time for the action to begin.

Harry and Ron returned to the dormitory and carefully squeezed into the invisibility cloak.

Walking out of the common room and into the corridor on the eighth floor, an Auror passed by.

After his figure completely disappeared around the corner, the two of them moved forward uneasily.

Arriving at the stairwell on the fourth floor, students came up one after another.

Harry and Ron hurriedly pressed against the wall.

They were all senior students, probably going to either Defense Against the Dark Arts or Charms classes.

After they all passed, the two continued walking down.

"Bang -" Ron seemed to have bumped into something just after taking a few steps.

I stumbled several times and almost fell down the stairs.

"Dong dong——" There was something moving below.

"Ah——" followed by a scream, which sounded very familiar.

"Hermione?" A figure suddenly appeared in front of them.

The voice sounded familiar, and the short ash-blond hair looked even more familiar.

"It's Wen-" Harry quickly covered Ron's mouth tightly.

Vincent didn't seem to hear him. He turned his back and looked downstairs, "Where are you? Are you injured?"

An even more magical scene appeared, Hermione slowly appeared on the flat ground at the corner of the stairs.

She supported her body with one hand and covered her curled-up right foot with the other hand. Her delicate face was full of pain.

"I'm fine, I just twisted my foot."

Vincent quickly came to her and squatted down.

The stockings were torn from the fall, and there were still some bruises on the exposed thighs.

He took out his wand and waved it gently towards the bruise.

"Heal quickly——"

Then came the sprained ankle.

"Hiss—" Hermione pinched her little face, "It hurts a little, maybe because I hit a bone just now."

"Just bear with it." Vincent put his wand against her ankle.

"Ah -" Hermione subconsciously reached out and grabbed his clothes tightly.

Harry and Ron looked at each other awkwardly under the invisibility cloak.

It seems that I have discovered something amazing again.

It was considered transparent last time, but this time it is truly transparent.

Vincent simply used magic to deal with it, and quickly put away his wand and picked her up.

Hermione subconsciously hugged his neck, "I'm much better now, we still have time to get there."

"Then you have to go to the campus hospital first."


Harry and Ron felt inexplicably suffocated.

When Vincent walked down the stairs with Hermione in his arms, the two couldn't wait to lift their invisibility cloaks.

"They are..."

"Uh..." Harry quickly shook his head, "Is there a possibility that they are rushing to class?"

Ron grabbed the invisibility cloak, "But why do you need to use the Disillusionment Curse?"

"Maybe..." Harry closed his mouth suddenly.

A top student is a top student. Even dating is so high-end and he knows how to have fun.

Looking at each other again, the two lowered their heads at the same time.


Others have fallen in love on the sweet campus, but I still have to work hard for my class.

Harry and Ron squeezed back into the invisibility cloak.

"Alas -" In addition to the helpless sigh, there was also deep envy.

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