This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 76: The Little Wizard with a Luck Bonus

Without much thought, Vincent guessed what the twins had seen.

"Weasley's Wizard Wheezes."

"It's boring."


He turned to look at Hermione, only to receive a sharp glare.

"Okay, I won't tell."

She stepped aside slightly, "This should be a kind of magic that can peek into the heart, probably similar to the Sorting Hat."

"Well..." Vincent stepped forward and focused his gaze on the mirror.

Sure enough, what was reflected inside was him standing in front of the mirror at this moment.


With this helpless sigh, the three of them seemed to realize something.

During the longest sorting process in history, Vincent's behavior of talking to himself was very strange.

Either there's something wrong with this person, or there's something wrong with the Sorting Hat.

Will something go wrong with the magical props that hold the thoughts of the four founders of Hogwarts?

"You - are you..."

"Yeah, it's just an ordinary mirror in my eyes."

Hermione looked surprised, making both twins realize something.

All kinds of weird talents in the magic world have more or less annoying shortcomings.

Not to mention, although a certain Metamorphmagus who graduated last year could easily pretend to be someone else, it would be difficult to hide it from a Legilimency master.

What are the disadvantages of being a born Occlumency Master?

Can't the brain be hacked?

This is clearly an advantage.

"I'm envious." Fred pursed his lips, "No wonder Cedric sees you as his rival."


“He’s our top student in the third grade.”

"Very good." Vincent turned his back and rubbed his chin in an old-fashioned way, "If all the villains are Malfoy, I will be very disappointed."

"Cedric is not a villain~"


"He's a Hufflepuff student."

"I see." Vincent nodded solemnly, without any embarrassment on his face.

"Alas, this man is hopeless..." Hermione sighed.

The twins both agreed with serious expressions.

Vincent rolled his eyes at the three of them, "This mirror is of no use to me. I might as well go back to bed early."

"You have changed!" George clutched his chest and said heartbrokenly: "It's a long night, are you sure you want to abandon us?"

"I have no role." Hermione looked a little anxious.

It's one o'clock in the morning, it's the dead of night.

"Forbidden Forest?" Vincent came to the window, "The main reason is that I want to confirm whether the smoke has dissipated."

"Great idea!"

The twins jumped out of the classroom.

Hermione drew her wand.

"No need to pretend." He walked towards the door, "Professor McGonagall already knew that we have the habit of traveling at night."

"Ah?" She lowered her little hands with a ridiculous look on her face, "When did you start?"

"The time Malfoy got caught.

If Hermione hadn't gone, Vincent wouldn't have been exposed.

As for Mag’s small thesis assignment, I guess she couldn’t get it done either.

"I'm sorry, I..."

"Don't say this, it makes people uncomfortable."

Vincent held the back of his head with his hands and walked down the steps nonchalantly.

Hermione, who followed behind with her lips pursed, stopped talking several times.

It wasn't until shortly after walking out of the castle that she trotted to the front.

"I can help you organize the professor's papers."

"Do you want the right of signature?" Vincent squinted, "If you want to be the Minister of Magic, you have to make more headlines while you are young~"

"I'm not that kind of person!"

"Okay, I'm blind."

After making a little joke, he said seriously: "If you want to move towards this goal, you need to learn a lot from Percy.

Although he is indeed annoying in some aspects. "

Hermione clenched her fists and said, "At least I wouldn't treat my friends like this."

"Oh." Vincent chuckled, "I have always been honored to be Miss Granger's friend."

While she was stunned for a moment, he slowly walked away.

"Hey, wait for me!"

In front of the path leading to the Forbidden Forest, there is a house made of wood.


The twins could hear Hagrid's snoring from a distance.


Hermione crouched over and asked, "How are we going to get in?"

Fred pointed to the wooden house, "Hagrid has a big black dog named Fang. His nose and ears are very good."

Vincent walked quickly and looked around.

Only this path to the Forbidden Forest is safe, and there is a certain degree of danger from anywhere else.

"Adventure, of course, is to choose an unknown path."

He took out the SAS commando dagger from his pocket, "Don't look at me like that. It's for self-defense."

Hermione stared at him suspiciously, "You don't have a gun, do you?"

"Of course not."

Vincent took the initiative to open the way.

The three people following the bright light in front obviously didn't believe what he said.

Perhaps under the cover of the Illusion Body Curse, the gun was pointing steadily forward.

"Really not." He cut the vines with a dagger. "Quirrell hasn't shown up lately, so it's useless for me to bring him out."

"Okay." Fred looked to the left, "There seems to be something different in the Forbidden Forest.

Even in the fringe areas, there should be many magical animals living there. "

George smiled evilly and helped pull off the vines, "Brother, you must be so lucky."

Vincent bent down and walked through, "You know the Felicia Felix, right?

I'm a little wizard with a built-in luck bonus."

After Hermione walked through, she immediately rolled her eyes at him, "Yeah, I'm so lucky that I've never been caught."

"Thank you for the compliment."

She was so angry that she wanted to kick him.

"Oh~" George jumped in front of the two, "Am I here at the right time?"

"Quite timely." Vincent glanced at Hermione's eager little feet.

"Hum--" She raised her chin slightly and lit her wand.

"Hurry up, it will be dawn if you continue talking."

Vincent shrugged at the twins, saying that girls are so unpredictable.

The four quickened their pace and crossed the bushes to the lake.

As soon as Fred approached, he was choked and coughed violently.

"Ah, no wonder they all moved."

After he finished speaking, he retreated with some embarrassment.

"Not well prepared, it seems that we will have to do it next time~" George patted him on the back.

"Quirrell probably didn't dare to go deep last time."

Hermione looked at the lake from a distance, "I'm curious if he will come here again."

In the eyes of the students, Quirrell seemed to have fully recovered except that he became more neurotic.

But Vincent knew that he would come here soon to find something that could eliminate the influence of black magic.

The most effective thing is unicorn blood.

To slaughter a pure, weak and helpless life, you must pay a heavy price for it.

It can keep people on the verge of death alive, but from the moment the blood enters the mouth, they will have to bear an irreversible curse for the rest of their lives.

The life span is reduced by half, and the soul becomes nothing.

This half-dead life can't even be a ghost after death.



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