This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 832 International Quidditch Federation

The high-level meeting of the German Ministry of Magic lasted until the afternoon.

Due to the intense quarrel, Berg had no choice but to start the vote.

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The final result was 13 to 12, with only one more vote in favor of cooperating with Wayne Enterprises.

After signing the magic contract with Vincent, Berg rarely showed a trace of fatigue.

"Mr. Minister, you can actually live a simpler life."

Berg saw sincerity in Vincent's blue eyes.

He shook his head gently, "Mr. Wayne, the responsibility of the Minister of Magic does not allow me to live a simple life. Although we have reached a cooperation, I can terminate the contract at any time."

In order to bite off the hard bone of the German Ministry of Magic, Wayne Enterprises not only gave up many interests, but also accepted several unequal terms.

The first is the supervision of magic base stations and related equipment.

Wayne Enterprises needs to give the German Ministry of Magic the greatest authority, including but not limited to review and monitoring.

Secondly, the security of the alchemical equipment must be ensured. If there is a privacy leak, Wayne Enterprises must compensate the German Ministry of Magic for all losses.

Finally, the German Ministry of Magic has the power to unilaterally and unconditionally terminate the contract until Wayne Enterprises gains enough trust and supplements the contract terms.

Faced with such sincerity, the extreme conservatives who strongly opposed it had no objection.

Although they are still worried about the uncertain future, the German magic world has finally taken the first step forward.

The next afternoon,

Vincent came to the Colosseum alone.

Cecilia and Abraham, who are responsible for laying magic base stations, have set off for Germany. Currently, only the Middle East has not yet fully signed the magic contract.

Compared with flying brooms, they obviously prefer flying carpets, and naturally they are not very interested in Quidditch.

However, after all, it is a global event held every four years, and I believe that Rin will soon bring good news.

Vincent avoided the sight of tourists and quietly entered the cellar entrance next to the performance area on the central plain.

In order to smoothly hold the European qualifiers, the Italian Ministry of Magic and the Muggle government temporarily requisitioned this place as the backstage of the players.

The originally simple cellar was expanded by the Traceless Extension Spell to become a huge space, and the interior decoration was also extremely gorgeous.

Vincent simply greeted the staff and then came to a luxurious small room with an open door.

As soon as he walked in, the enthusiastic Minister Scipio came to greet him.

"Mr. Wayne, come here, let me introduce you."

There was also a short and thin wizard in the room.

He was bald, but had a big beard and looked particularly kind.

Scipio led Vincent to him, "President Mustafa, this is Vincent Wayne, Chairman of Wayne Enterprises."

Mustafa stretched out his thin hand, "Hello, Mr. Wayne, I am Hassan Mustafa, Chairman of the International Quidditch Federation."

Vincent shook his hand, "I have heard of you for a long time, Mr. Chairman."

Mustafa smiled kindly and patted his shoulder, "No, no, Mr. Wayne, I should be the one who has heard of you for a long time."

The International Quidditch Federation actually has no sense of existence. If it were not for the loyal fans of Quidditch, wizards could only see them in the World Cup held every four years.

The title of the legendary alchemist's apprentice is undoubtedly much more famous, but Vincent dared not take his joke seriously.

"Mr. Chairman, you have always been deeply supported by us Quidditch fans. If it weren't for your efforts, the World Cup held every four years would probably not be as popular as it is now."

In the 1970s, due to the rapid development of Muggle technology, the International Quidditch Federation was once under pressure to stop holding the World Cup.

Mustafa had only been in office for a few years at the time, but he broke into the meeting room of the senior executives and told them that the suspension of the Quidditch World Cup meant the loss of sportsmanship, and that they should withstand the pressure to hold the event no matter how difficult it was.

The frequent fan conflicts were only one of the reasons for the suspension, and the key reason for the suspension was that the risk of being discovered by Muggles was inevitably increasing year by year.

In order to ensure the smooth holding of the World Cup, Mustafa racked his brains to take a series of preventive measures.

Fans could feel his love for Quidditch. After he became the chairman of the Federation, there had been no major conflicts for many years.

Small-scale verbal fights were still unavoidable, but they were usually not serious enough to require the use of wands.

But Muggle technology is changing with each passing day, and the risk of being discovered always exists.

Therefore, Mustafa made drastic reforms to the competition system of this Quidditch World Cup, changing from the original qualification system that started two years in advance to the current preliminaries system that started one and a half months in advance.

Although high-intensity competitions can make players more easily tired, wizards always have ways to adjust to the best condition before the game. The key point is that concentrating the competition will greatly reduce the probability of being discovered by Muggles.

When Wayne Enterprises proposed to broadcast this event, Mustafa traveled thousands of miles from Egypt to Italy just to witness the real effect of magic projection with his own eyes.

Watching high-quality events without being present in person can not only further expand the influence of Quidditch, but also completely shut up the International Confederation of Wizards, so that they no longer have any reason to ask for the suspension of the World Cup.

All alchemy equipment has been installed in and around the Colosseum in the European Division, but it is only around 3 o'clock in the afternoon and there are still many Muggle tourists around.

Mustafa did not expect Vincent to know so much about his deeds, and seemed a little surprised and confused.

But he soon became humble, "Mr. Wayne, the development of Quidditch to its current scale is of course due to everyone in the federation. I just did what I should do."

Vincent had a great crush on him.

Able, willing to do things, humble, and always successful.

Dumbledore should learn more from others. The reputation of the International Federation of Wizards has been getting worse and worse in recent years. A big reason is the inaction of old man Deng as the president.

My dear, there will be more after this chapter^.^,

The British Ministry of Magic is in a state of chaos caused by Fudge. As the superior department, the International Federation of Wizards can directly interfere with the sovereignty at any time and rectify the bad officialdom of those senior leaders.

However, after so many years, Fudge is still so greedy, and the British Ministry of Magic is still the same.

Thinking of this, Vincent couldn't help but secretly shake his head.

"Mr. Chairman, Mr. Minister, it's still early, why don't we sit down and have a chat first?"

His proposal was approved by both of them.

Starting from the principles of magic base stations and magic projection, we talked about the strength of each country's teams in the Quidditch World Cup.

Both Scipio and Mustafa paid attention to foreign news, and naturally knew that Vincent served as a chaser in the school team, and his performance in the competition was particularly dazzling.

The performance of the broomstick is secondary, the key is athleticism.

Mustafa carefully looked at Vincent's slightly bulging suit sleeves.

"Mr. Wayne, I heard that you received Muggle combat training since childhood. Do you have any thoughts on becoming a professional player after graduation?"

Vincent shook his head decisively, "Mr. Chairman, you think too highly of me. It's okay for me to play in school games at my level, but let's forget about professional games."

Scipio chuckled, "Mr. Wayne, I find that you are more humble than Mr. Chairman."

Anyone who knows Vincent a little bit, even through Gwent, will know how exaggerated his performance in the school game was.

Especially when playing against the Slytherin team.

In the first year after joining the team, they ended their six consecutive championships. In the second year, they shaved their heads directly. In the third year, they were severely targeted by them and they were able to handle it with ease.

Vincent waved his hand towards Scipio, "Mr. Minister, please spare me. I have to manage a multinational company after graduation. How can I have extra energy to consider other things."

In fact, to put it bluntly, he has little interest in Quidditch.

It's fine for occasional fun, but forget it for professional players.



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