This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 843 Quidditch Hooligan

Under the "popular" management of the British Ministry of Magic, British wizards have more or less suppressed their emotions.

They are usually hard to see, but when a suitable opportunity arises, they will "explode" like a bomb.

Therefore, similar to Muggle football hooligans, Britain also gave birth to a large group of Quidditch hooligans.

Soon after Tonks took people to the Ministry of Magic, they once again began to vent their negative emotions.

Wells, who is also a member of the special team, appeared in time, but this time the conflict was obviously not easily resolved.

Department of Magic,

When Scrimgeour saw Tonks bringing people in, he already knew that he would have to watch replays of tonight's game.

"Director, there are a total of 9 troublemakers, and I have brought them all back."

"Okay." Scrimgeour nodded, turned around and led the nine people to the elevator with her.

Arriving on the second underground floor, passing through two heavy oak doors is the Auror office.

After passing through another door and a series of aisles, they came to a dimly lit corridor.

The small cubicle on the left is the interrogation room, and the more shabby ones on the right are the solitary confinement cells.

After a brief interrogation, all nine people were put into the solitary room.

The process went so smoothly that Scrimgeour thought he could go back and continue watching the game.

However, as soon as he stepped out of the elevator and came to the foyer, he saw a bruised and swollen Wells coming in with a group of wizards tied up with long ropes.

"Damn Quidditch hooligan!" He looked at Tonks behind him with a dark face.

"You immediately return to Diagon Alley with reinforcements. If there are still people who dare to cause trouble, don't be polite to them, just control them and take them away."

"Yes, Director!" Tonks left.

When she returned to Diagon Alley with reinforcements and saw the "grand occasion" in front of her, a bright smile appeared on her face.

Most of the fans were either arguing or pushing each other, and only a few were still paying attention to the game.

"Stop it!"

The entire Auror office was busy until 3 o'clock in the morning before they finally cleaned up the troublesome Quidditch hooligans.

The English team won in the end, and the win was particularly magical.

With 150 points behind, the Golden Snitch actually took the initiative to fly in front of their Seeker.

If you can't catch this, then just retire.

The English team won, but there are also Scottish and Welsh teams in England.

It's not Wales, which was beaten black and blue by Quidditch hooligans, but the Principality of Wales in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

The strength of these two teams...

How to say, one is stronger than the other.

July 15,

The newly released Quidditch hooligans are having another carnival.

In order to ensure that no accidents occur, Scrimgeour personally takes charge of Diagon Alley this time.

However, the Scottish team's performance was too overwhelming, and they scored 50 points in less than 10 minutes.

"Shit, they have the best chance of winning the championship! I don't think they can even qualify!"

"Fortunately, I didn't buy them to win. It's okay if these idiots don't get their heads shaved!"

"Where are the floor washers? They don't dare to speak out?"

Scrimgeour on the roof of Gwent's flagship store pointed down, and the three of them were immediately taken away.

Under such high pressure, the Quidditch hooligans stopped pretending.

They all pulled out their magic wands and had a big battle with the special team.

The result is very obvious, they lost.

When everything returned to calm, the Scottish team in the light curtain suddenly exerted its strength and scored 30 points in a row.

In the end they won, even though it was a bit difficult.

July 19,

The last game of the first round of European qualifying.

Tonight's match was between Wales and Portugal, and naturally those Quidditch hooligans who were released again were not absent.

As usual, the Wells team will definitely lose at the start.

But to their disappointment, the Portuguese team's chaser missed the target.

It doesn't matter, keep up the good work.

So what about the Quaffle being held tightly by the Wells team's Chasers?

It's just a small problem and it will be snatched away soon.

Until the Quaffle passed through the Portuguese team's goal for the first time, they still held a very optimistic attitude.

As time passed, the score came to 110:30, and the Wells team took the lead.

Damn it, I can’t find any reason to curse.

If you don't scold, you can't quarrel, and if you don't quarrel, you can't make a fuss.

Do Quidditch hooligans need an excuse to cause trouble?

Need it?


Scrimgeour was still watching the game intently on the roof, but the fans below started to quarrel for no apparent reason.

"Trash Wells is definitely on drugs!" A fan who didn't know the specific ingredients cursed and stood up.

"The International Quidditch Federation is also a bunch of rubbish! I'm afraid they let them play without even doing a drug test!"

Behind Scrimgeour, Wells immediately felt offended.

Before his immediate superior could say anything, he jumped down and controlled the person directly.

One Quidditch rogue fell, and thousands more.

"Bullshit special team! Come on guys!"

Wells was surrounded. Fortunately, reinforcements appeared in time, so he was not beaten to a bruised face again.

The war was about to break out, and Scrimgeour on the rooftop watched the whole process from a distance with an expressionless face.

If the public is compared to a spring, then a spring that is inherently loose will not rebound.

And every time a problem occurs, it is pushed down, and it will always reach a critical point in the end, and then it will rebound with a casual touch.

Quidditch hooligans are just one example of "rebound". It is not difficult to see the current problems in the British magic world through them.

Scrimgeour understands this truth, Fudge also understands it, and all the senior officials of the Ministry of Magic also understand it.

Therefore, it is necessary to divert the public's attention.

In a few days, it will be the execution day of Peter Pettigrew. I believe that the British magic world will definitely get better after this.

At 2 a.m.,

the game is over.

The Welsh team successfully entered the second round of qualifying.

And the special team downstairs also successfully suppressed the Quidditch hooligans.

More than 2,000 miles away in the Black Forest of Albania,

a woman's figure is slowly moving forward in the forest.

She is wearing particularly loose clothes, her face is dirty, and her eyes are still a little confused.

"Hiss-" A black venomous snake poked out from her collar and bit her neck, which was already full of teeth marks.

The venomous snake seemed to be sucking blood, but she was moving forward slowly like a controlled zombie.

Such a strange scene was very rare even in the Black Forest where black wizards gathered.

The venomous snake, which had eaten its fill, finally left her neck, and the fresh wound was flowing with strange black blood.


The woman suddenly stopped, and a glimmer of light flashed in her muddled eyes.

She opened her mouth slightly and whispered two names.

"Bati... Wormtail..."

"Hiss--" The venomous snake got back into the woman's collar, and she continued to move forward slowly.



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