This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 845 Accept or perish

No one knew what happened to the Crouch family, not even anyone who noticed anything unusual.

Old Barty returned to the Ministry of Magic in the afternoon.

He sat at his desk as usual, picked up the information that Percy had compiled and looked through it carefully.

The Triwizard Tournament, which has been suspended for two centuries, will be held again in the UK. It happened to be during the Quidditch World Cup recently. The Department of International Magical Exchange and Cooperation and the Department of Magical Sports are the two busiest departments in the ministry.

Old Batty quickly read the information.

Percy organized it well, not only listing the most likely accidents in the past 10 years, but also ranking them in order of frequency.

This has great reference value for this year's project selection, and can also greatly reduce the workload of Lao Batty.

But even so, his face still didn't show even a trace of joy.

Percy, who peeked into the office from time to time, looked away.

It seems that in order to impress this unkind boss, you have to show better work ability.

Percy went to the archives and found all the information about the previous Triwizard Tournament.

After working hard until after get off work in the evening, he finally made a rough start.

Old Batty saw his busy figure through the office glass, opened a document sealed with red beeswax and read it carefully.

This is an internal document regarding the execution of Peter Pettigrew the day after tomorrow.

In order to let the public's dissatisfaction vent as much as possible, Fudge decided to cooperate with Wayne Enterprises to broadcast the entire execution process.

But even so, there won't be many wizards coming to Godric's Hollow by then.

Especially those who have directly fought against Death Eaters, they will definitely not be absent.

Old Batty looked at it very carefully.

Peter Pettigrew was in very bad health and would spend a night in St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Maladies before his execution.

It was impossible to treat the wound, but it was still necessary to tidy up the appearance a little so that people could recognize who it was.

Old Batty's calm eyes suddenly made waves, as if he was planning something famous.

At the same time at London Heathrow Airport, a passenger plane taking off from Bologna Airport in Modena, Italy, landed safely.

The Wayne family and the Granger family dragged their luggage out of the airport.

Naturally, they would not miss Peter Pettigrew's execution. Sirius and Harry had already returned through the portkey.

The day after tomorrow, July 23, is also Vincent's birthday, but no one has any plans to hold a party, including the noisy Fred and George.

The two families said goodbye at the airport and went home.

Just as Vincent guessed, there are indeed many letters from all over the world in the home.

The two bodyguards, Night Demon and Nightmare Killer, thoughtfully divided them into categories according to region, but the number that almost filled the entire bed was still quite scary.

Vincent sat on the floor and took out the birthday gift he had received in advance.

Hermione's gift was wrapped very delicately, and inside was a handmade sterling silver pocket watch.

The case is engraved with a golden suani pattern, and the dial is a symbol of his magic runes, "?".

The workmanship is particularly exquisite, and the shape is particularly in line with his aesthetics.

Although watches are no longer of much use after the magic communicator, the decorative role of this pocket watch is obviously greater than its practical role.

Vincent put the pocket watch back into the box and picked up the largest gift.

It looks big but is very light.

This sense of familiarity...

Sure enough, inside the box was another life-size pillow, with Snape again wearing a pink bikini.

The greasy hair was even tied into two small braids, and the sallow face even had a little blush.

Vincent stuffed the twins' gifts under the bed and immediately lost the mood to continue opening them.

He stood up and sat on the edge of the bed, picked up the letter and read it.

Most of them are wizard families or individuals who are not very well-informed and want to bypass the magic government and cooperate with Wayne Enterprises alone to develop the magic base station market.

There are also threatening letters, probably from the post office, or from traditional industries such as Wizard Radio that are facing elimination.

There was also a letter from the International Alchemy Association. They did not mention anything about the magic base station, but simply invited Vincent to participate in the International Alchemy Exchange Conference next month as a special judge.

Instead of scheming with those bad old men, it would be better to go watch the England team play.

At least their program was very effective, and they managed to win the second round of the competition in a daze, gaining an extremely valuable semi-final qualification.

The last letter was unsigned, and Vincent guessed it was a threatening letter from some industry.

But when he opened the envelope, there was only a simple-looking ring inside.

Lines of magic circuits faintly flowed on its surface, and its material was the same silver iron as Gryffindor's sword.

There is only one wizard in the entire magic world who can create such top-notch alchemical items, and that is the legendary French alchemist and his teacher, Nico Flamel.

There has been no news for more than two years, so how come a ring was suddenly sent to me?

Vincent picked it up and carefully looked at the magical circuits on the surface.

The magical runes that make up the circuit are so deep and complex that they can even be rearranged by the infusion of mana.

Without spending much effort, he quickly understood the function of this ring.

Different from the mithril suitcase that Nico originally gave him, this is a storage ring that has been cast with a traceless stretching spell.

According to different magic runes arranged into different magic circuits, it can also combine different magic gain effects.

For example, it can enhance the thinking speed of the brain, make the body more flexible and agile, or greatly improve physical fitness. One or more magic defense barriers can be deployed at any time without even chanting spells and casting spells.

Vincent tried it one by one and found that although the benefit effect of this ring was still far behind that of the top blessing potion, it could be superimposed with the potion and amplifying magic to maximize his own attributes in a short period of time.

My dear, there will be more after this chapter^.^,

How could Nico give him such an artifact-level alchemy ring?

The answer lies in storage space.

He took out a roll of parchment stored inside, and the writing on it was Nico's.

"To my apprentice, Vincent Wayne:

Long time no see, I have spent the last two years traveling around the world with Perenal.

Even though I live abroad, I hear from you occasionally.

Mass-produced alchemy products are great, and alchemy should be used to benefit wizards, rather than being hidden and tucked away by some people in the name of high-end magic technology, making it a luxury item that is out of reach for the majority of wizards today.

I also watched the broadcast of the Quidditch World Cup. The idea of ​​the Magic Base Station is particularly good, but I think your goal is not just to bring Muggle advanced scientific results into the wizarding world. Perenal and I are looking forward to it. Your next new invention.

By the way, do you like the birthday gift I gave you in advance?

This ring has the blessing of the Fairy King and can save your life at a critical moment.

I hope you will always be safe and healthy.

——Your teacher, Nico Flamel. "

Vincent solemnly put the letter back into the Flamel ring on his left index finger.

Not only does it have many buffs, it even has the blessing of the Fairy King.

This simple-looking silver-iron ring is a legendary item on the same level as Gryffindor's sword, Ravenclaw's diadem, Hufflepuff's golden cup, and Slytherin's double snake staff.

It seems like Nico, like Grindelwald, leaves everything to him.

Vincent picked up the letter from the International Alchemy Society again and was stunned by the content on it.

Some people who hide alchemy in the name of high-end magic technology should refer to those bad old men in the association.

It is undoubtedly a very difficult thing to completely change such an ancient and hierarchical organization, which requires countless time and energy.

Special judge?

Let them play by themselves!

The people abandoned by the times are destined to die in decay. All Vincent can do is give them two choices.

Accept it or perish.

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