This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 847 For the stability and unity of the Ministry of Magic

There is less than half an hour left for the senior officials of the Ministry of Magic to think about it. Peter Pettigrew will definitely not be found now.

Time passed little by little, and Fudge's expression turned extremely ugly.

His tone was serious, "Everyone, we don't have much time."

The senior executives all looked embarrassed.

Either confess or postpone.

It is impossible to confess, the public's anger will burn them to ashes on the spot.

But if you choose to postpone the execution at this juncture, even a fool will know that something is wrong.

Umbridge seemed to have something to say, probably thinking of a countermeasure.

However, she did not dare to speak out immediately. Instead, she quietly observed with her eyes.

Of course Fudge didn't need to say much. She had never seen him as angry as he was now.

Scrimgeour lowered his head, seeming vaguely uneasy.

Most of the senior officials frowned like Director Amelia Bones of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, while a few had a passive attitude of doing nothing like Director Ludo Bagman of the Department of Magical Sports and Sports.

No one in the huge British Ministry of Magic can come up with an excellent countermeasure?

The corners of Umbridge's mouth raised slightly.

When the time came to show off her outstanding abilities, she coughed slightly to attract everyone's attention.

Fudge quickly exchanged glances with her, "Dolores, do you have something to say?"

Umbridge straightened her chest and strode forward to face the senior officials, like a big toad with its head held high.

She enjoyed their expectant gazes for a moment, and then spoke her countermeasures calmly:

"Everyone, we can find someone to pretend to be Peter Pettigrew, so that we don't have to postpone today's execution, and we don't have to confess to the people."

"I object." As soon as he finished speaking, a discordant voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone's eyes turned to Old Batty.

As usual, he combed his short gray hair neatly, and his expression was more serious than before, "Everyone, the death penalty cannot be faked. No matter who we find, we will kill an innocent life."

Umbridge sneered, "Director Crouch, we can find someone who is not innocent."

There are a lot of prisoners in Azkaban who deserve to die. They have made no contribution to the wizarding world. Now they can play a role before they die, so they deserve to die.

Old Barty had a sullen face, "Senior Deputy Minister Umbridge, have you ever thought about what would happen to us if the public found out about finding someone to pretend to be?"

This is a political incident with extremely negative consequences. The current leadership team of the current government may be forced out of office, or even lead to the collapse of the entire Magic Department.

What if it's not discovered?

All crises will cease to exist, and the Ministry of Magic will regain the trust of the people according to its original plan.

Postponing and confessing are both death, but finding a scapegoat can still give you a chance of survival.

Fudge smiled intriguingly, "Barty, I know you are a very principled person, why don't you tell everyone what you think?"

Old Batty's face was full of justice, "No matter how the people react, we should also explain to them the ins and outs of the whole matter."

Fudge looked a little unhappy.

He glanced at Umbridge, who rolled her eyes and suddenly laughed.

"Director Crouch, have you forgotten that you are the culprit that caused all this?"

Her voice was high and her tone was particularly sharp, "If you hadn't concluded that Black was guilty without a trial, would Peter Pettigrew have been able to hide for so many years?"

Old Batty's lips trembled slightly.

Umbridge did not give him a chance to defend, "Director Crouch, don't you understand yet? The principles you insist on cannot solve the current problem. For the sake of the stability and unity of the wizarding world, we must carry out executions as usual today. "

As sarcastic as she was, she was absolutely right.

Compared to the stability and unity of the magical world, the truth is nothing.

And this is not the first time that the Ministry of Magic has concealed the truth, as long as it does things beautifully.

Even if someone turns out to be a fake in the end, the Ministry of Magic has long since reestablished its credibility.

The method is tougher, and there is no possibility of spreading "rumors".

Looking at it this way, Umbridge's countermeasure is indeed the best.

Old Batty had nothing to say. He lowered his head with grief and indignation on his face and clenched his hands.

The matter has been settled, leaving only one key question.

"Guys, who are we looking for to impersonate Peter Pettigrew?"

Who else to look for, of course, those damn Death Eaters in Azkaban.

Many prisoners die there every year, and no one will notice if there is one more or one less.

August Lukewood, Antonin Dolohov, Bellatrix Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange...

There is Polyjuice Potion, whichever one you choose will do.

Feeling guilty, Scrimgeour took the initiative to take over the task of selecting a scapegoat.

At 9:55, he returned with Peter Pettigrew.

In addition to his extremely fierce eyes and the constant spraying of feces from his mouth, there is no flaw at all from the surface.

"All you disgusting officials, listen carefully! Finally one day, our great—"

Scrimgeour sealed his mouth with a spell, and then made him sleepy with a very powerful stun spell.

Like, so similar.

Fudge nodded with great satisfaction, "Everyone, it's time for us to set off."

The senior officials apparated to Godric's Hollow one after another.

Barty Sr. stared at Peter Pettigrew until Scrimgeour took him away.

10 am,

Escorted by several Aurors, Peter Pettigrew was brought to the Potter Monument.

His physical condition seemed to be much better, and the wounds on his face had been treated. However, his eyes were a little dull, which was very consistent with a state of complete despair and waiting for death.

As Umbridge expected, almost none of the wizards present saw the problem.

Sirius, who was standing at the front, looked at Peter Pettigrew who was kneeling in front of the monument with some confusion, and seemed to notice something.

He looked at Lupine behind him and saw the same confusion in the other person's eyes.

Although they felt something was wrong, neither of them could tell where it was.

I hope it's an illusion.

The magic projections in Gwent's flagship store in Diagon Alley and the Magic Department Hall were simultaneously broadcasting the scene in Godric's Hollow. The camera gradually zoomed in and finally settled on a dementor slowly falling from the sky.

Compared with other cruel execution methods in other countries, the Dementor's Kiss can be considered humane.

Just as the camera zoomed in on its slowly opening empty mouth, a sharp explosion suddenly sounded.

The wizards at Godric's Hollow all turned to look behind them, and then they all screamed in horror.

The sound exploded into a strange green skull, and a huge python crawled out of the skull's mouth, like a tongue.

The senior officials of the Ministry of Magic near the Potter Monument all had their eyes widened with disbelief on their faces.

"You disgusting officials, all listen to me! Finally one day, our great—"

The unfinished words of the Death Eater disguised as Peter Pettigrew were inexplicably repeated in their ears.

It has been more than ten years since I saw this mark.

At this extremely important moment, the damn Dark Mark actually reappeared.

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