This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 92: Fool and Sucker

Early on Saturday morning, Quirrell got up in a good mood.

He wrapped his turban and just opened the door, Vincent's big face came over.

"Hello, Professor Quirrell."

He smiled reluctantly, "Wayne, you-why are you here?"

"I have some problems with my studies."

"Yes-that's it."

Quirrell bowed slightly, and Seamus's little head squeezed in.

Following behind, there were first-year students such as Harry and Ron.

Except for Hermione, all the Gryffindor freshmen of this year were here.

The office, which was originally small, became crowded in an instant.

Quirrell's whole face was confused.

The reason why he got up so early today was that he planned to buy a new wand in Diagon Alley.

But looking at this scene, I'm afraid he can't go out unless he solves their problem.

"Professor, we all want to learn some magic to deal with dark wizards."

Vincent blinked his big eyes, "We are all first-year wizards, and we have no power to resist when we meet the mysterious man."


Quirrell cursed inwardly.

This guy just pulled out a gun and shot as soon as he met me. Is he powerless to resist?

"Of course."

"Great!" Seamus excitedly took out his wand.

Although his level was a bit low, he was still a serious professor.

"Can you not point it at me?" Quirrell tilted his head to avoid the wand in his hand.

"Sorry." Seamus flipped his hand and pointed again accidentally.

The wand almost poked the turban.

"Let's change another place.


A large group of little wizards followed Quirrell.

"Master, what do they want to do? "

"Quirinus, don't disturb my rest--"

Quirrell glanced back at Vincent, who was smiling.

The scheming Batman has set his sights on him again.

Catwoman is not here, and Nightwing and Robin may have something else to do.

He opened the door of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom and moved the podium away with some bitterness.

"Professor, don't you use magic?"

"That's it--it's just a small matter."

His trembling did not come from fear, but from anger at this man.

Everyone uses alder wands, and no one will get any good if they confront each other head-on.


Vincent shook his wand lightly, "Professor, how about I help you?

Wingardium Leviosa——"

The floating desks stacked together seemed to be laughing at Quirrell's incompetence.

Voldemort didn't need to remind him, he knew what the students were thinking.

Especially Seamus, whose face was full of contempt, even questioned Vincent with his eyes.

"He is a professor after all, there must be some good points."

Quirrel couldn't understand this awkward expression, but he understood the provocation in those blue eyes.

Voldemort knew more advanced wandless casting skills than the levitation spell, but even if he was willing to teach him, he couldn't learn it in a short time.

Lie down and let him laugh at you.

"Wayne-Wayne, I actually have something to do. "

Vincent looked at the alder wand in his hand.

The wizarding world had almost no information about Voldemort.

No real name,

No magic skills,

No year he went to Hogwarts.

He guessed that he was a master of Legilimency.

The reason why Hermione was not asked to come was simple. It was just to make a preliminary determination whether he was a natural master, so as to avoid revealing too many subsequent arrangements in advance.

"Professor, please demonstrate a simple spell. I learn very quickly."

"Okay - okay."

Quirrell, who was ready to be embarrassed, pointed his wand at him.

"Protector of Armor -"

The posture and pronunciation were very standard, but nothing happened.

"Haha." Seamus raised his little head proudly.

He was a little green, but at least he could blow something up every time.

Ron whispered to Harry beside him.

"This level is worse than that of the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic.

Although their Shield Charm was ridiculously weak, at least they could have a specific shape. "

Harry seemed a little surprised, "Really? Professor Dumbledore wouldn't find - I mean he should still have some real skills."

"Vincent made a mistake, he is like most people in the Ministry of Magic, just thinking about getting a salary."

Ron's words made sense.

Harry was a little shaken, "He was also another professor before, maybe he just hasn't adapted yet?"

"I heard from Fred and George that he used to teach Muggle Studies."

"Uh - I think Dumbledore - you know what I mean."

Quirrell's face was very ugly.

Because Voldemort was talking nonsense in his mind again.

As his nemesis, Harry Potter looked down on him, just looking down on the Dark Lord who almost ruled the British Isles.

The mentality is broken, but it will affect normal judgment.

Vincent smiled and explained to Neville, "The professor is too nervous, you must not be like this in the future."

"Is that the reason?"

"Yes, never lose confidence in yourself. "

Neville, who seemed to understand, puffed up his chest and looked at Quirrell, who looked like a clown, with confidence.

The most timid student in this class was like this, and Voldemort was so angry that he wanted to use Quirrell's body to have fun.

"Master, this must be Wayne's conspiracy!"

"You loser! You can't even handle a child——"

Before the aggrieved Quirrell could even say a word of advice, Seamus proposed to go back and take fighting lessons.

"Vincent, instead of wasting time here, we should learn a few useful tricks from you."

"But the professor—"

"It can't be that the wand is broken, right?" Seamus glanced over, "What do you think, Professor?"

"No--it's not broken." Quirrell forced a very ugly smile.

He wasn't crazy, but Voldemort was going crazy.

"I'm sorry, Professor." Vincent, who was walking at the end, bent down, "I didn't consider your miserable experience during the vacation."

Quirrell thought he was talking about vampires, but just as he was about to say something, the other party also left.

"Master, does Wayne know something through the wand?"

"Leave me alone!"

"But Master, if that's the case -"

"Dumbledore and Snape are not fools!

Wayne is no fool!

None of these Occlumency masters are fools!

You are the fool, Quirinus! "

After being scolded for about ten minutes, Chilo walked out of the classroom in despair.

He was wronged, very wronged.

Students look down on themselves;

The master looks down upon himself;

Even I look down on myself a little.

"Don't you dare think like that again!"

Quirrell walked out of the castle with his neck hunched.

Just thinking about it made Voldemort scold him for another half hour.

"Master, we are here."

Ollivander at the wand shop is very enthusiastic.

When he heard that he was going to buy a new wand, his face almost burst into laughter.

"Alder wood, unicorn hair wand core—"

In a pile of old boxes, he dug out a wand with the same combination as Quirrell's before.

It looks a bit crude, looking like a wooden stick.

"Professor Quirrell, are you sure you won't try anything else?"

"I just want this one."

Ollivander's face was full of pain and he said: "This is my very early work. I originally planned to keep it in a good collection."

Quirrell, who was groaning inwardly, took out a small bag.


Ollivander's expression changed immediately after opening it, "It's actually quite easy to use, but the appearance isn't polished very carefully."

Quirrell took the new wand and went straight out.

A wizard like him who comes to buy a second wand is a fool in the eyes of all wandmakers.

Because neither the Ministry of Magic nor the school is taken advantage of, they will only subsidize the first wands for young wizards.

And it’s almost at cost price, so there’s nothing profitable about it.

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