This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 94: Quirrell's True Identity

A dignified professor is actually afraid of vampires?

Not to mention the first-year students, the seniors may have discovered something long ago.

No student could have imagined that there was something wrong with him, but if anyone questioned it, such a lame excuse would seem extra stupid.

"Ah - I met their leader."

Quirrell couldn't help but start to feel annoyed.

In order to let Dumbledore notice, so that he could get rid of Voldemort, he made random excuses, but now it turned out to be the most suspicious thing.

Coupled with this month’s performance,

I can no longer pretend like before.

Under Vincent's expectant gaze, Quirrell's originally submissive eyes became sharp.

He slowly stood up, his whole body no longer showing any cowardice and timidity.

"Wayne, you're great."

He stopped stammering, "I thought it would be near the end of the school year before any students would find out that I was faking it."

The students in the audience were so surprised that their mouths were wide open.

But Quirrell brought them more than just this.

He walked down the stage step by step, "Of course I'm not afraid of the vampire leader.

The reason why I became like this,

It’s all because of you sitting here.

You have to have your own ideas,

Don’t blindly believe in the appearance of things,

One should have the courage to question authority. "

In high spirits, he glanced around the classroom as he walked, "Wayne, when did you find out?"

Vincent raised a finger, "First Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson."

"It's great. You are indeed an outstanding student making history!"

Quirrell stopped in front of him, "Wayne, sit down.

"Yes, Professor." Vincent behaved well.

Exposed, but not completely exposed.

The students didn't say they looked at him differently, but they just sat there as if their world view had been completely overturned.

Especially Draco, whose clenched fists were still trembling slightly.

"Let's learn a more practical spell today!"

Quirrell returned to the podium and drew out his wand, "Although it is difficult, it is a good way to face the dark wizard."

"Armor protection——"

The transparent barrier on the tip of the staff is like a shield,

It almost enveloped his entire body.

"Not only does it bounce spells, it's also indestructible."

Vincent raised his hand,

Waited politely.

"Say it,

Wayne. "

His eyes focused on the alder wand, "Professor,

If the Iron Armor Curse is cast using the silent spell technique, can it still reflect attacks from the opposite side?

You know, my wand is also made of alder. "

Quirrell quickly calmed down, "This is not part of the first grade curriculum."

"But the Iron Armor Curse is not part of the first-year curriculum."

He chuckled and canceled the iron armor spell on the tip of the staff, and used the silent spell technique to cast a small circle of barriers again.

"The most important thing about silent spells is concentration, but without the help of spells, the power of any spell will be greatly reduced."

"I understand. Vincent sat down.

He seemed to be in a good mood.

Although Quirrell looks like this, he is not like this in his heart.

Voldemort was unhappy.

Falling into a kid's trap, even if it was his old enemy Harry.

"Whoever can successfully cast the Iron Armor Curse will receive 10 points from me."

As soon as Quirrell finished speaking, the atmosphere in the classroom became heated.

Although the difficulty was high, the students worked hard.

"Can you, Vincent?"

"So be it."

Now that Quirrell has taken the initiative to uncover the first layer, he has to find a well-known person in the magic world, preferably a student with both good character and academic performance, to join him.

Vincent glanced at Harry, "Although I'm not very skilled yet."

Neville pursed his lips, "I always feel like we don't live in the same world."

"How is that possible? I always feel that you, like Professor Quirrell, intend to scare everyone by pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger."

"Tiger?" Neville shrank his head, "I don't dare to eat a tiger."

Vincent shook his head and sighed, "If you have a chance, come to my house and I'll show you a lot."

"See what?"

"A horror movie to practice your courage."

"O-okay." Neville was terrified.

Unlike the relaxation here, Hermione was practicing hard.

Exposing Quirrell is important, but learning is the most important.

"This is not something you can learn in first grade."

Ron next to her threw his wand on the desk, "Professor is trying to impress us."

"Shh-" Harry glanced at Quirrell, who was holding his chin with his hands on the podium.

Seeing that the other party didn't pay attention, he whispered: "The professor is not a stingy person. None of us really looked down on him before."

Ron turned his head and looked to the other side, "Vincent is so easy, he must have learned it last time."

"Probably." Harry smiled awkwardly, "We can't count on him every time, right?"

"you're right."

Hermione, who wanted to say something several times, calmed down.

Others may only know that Vincent is an omnipotent genius, but she knows the price behind it.

After taking classes during the day, he teaches fighting;

Going to Quidditch training in the afternoon;

Spend the night traveling to learn various magic spells;

Occasionally, I would also drink some potions that were not too expensive.

Once the Court of Owls Club is launched, many senior students will definitely join.

As far as she knew, Cedric and Qiu had said hello in advance and were waiting for Dumbledore to make the official announcement.

"Armor protection——"

After twenty-seven attempts, she succeeded in making a barrier the size of a fist appear on the tip of the staff.

"Well done, Granger!"

Quirrell, who looked a little pleased, immediately added 10 points to Gryffindor.

Then he turned his attention to Vincent.

As expected, the iron armor spell couldn't be difficult for him, and it was even big enough to barely cover his upper body.

"Excellent, Wayne!"

These 20 points stimulated Draco.

But no matter how he tried, the Iron Armor Curse ended in failure every time.

Vincent can't compare, and neither can Hermione.

Even if it were Harry or Ron, he wouldn't feel as uncomfortable as this.

"get out of class is over." Quirrell stood up crisply and left the classroom.

What happened in this class spread throughout the castle like a virus.


"Cedric, you must not have imagined what happened today."

A sunny and handsome Hufflepuff student sat next to him.

"I knew that before I came here, Rolf."

Rolf shook his head with regret, "I really didn't expect Professor Quirrell to have such a character.

He taught us a good lesson. "

Cedric didn't reply, he was thinking quietly about something.

"Do you think something is wrong?"

He nodded slightly, "It all happened so suddenly—Wayne's question, I mean."

"That's what I thought too." Rolf glanced at the Gryffindor table, "The noises in the kitchen recently at night may have been caused by them."

Cedric looked over and saw Fred and George jumping up and down.

"Rolf, don't you need to prepare for the exam?"

"My grandpa won't be coming over. Why don't you take it easy this semester?"

Thinking of the other party's grandfather's name, Cedric couldn't help but shake his head and smile bitterly.

"Rolph, Mr. Scamander will be very sad if he finds out."

"Studying is so boring." Luofu tightened his school robe slightly, "Look at Wayne, I'm sure he is usually very busy."

Cedric, who had sharp eyes, spotted half of something green, "You didn't just go to the Forbidden Forest again, did you?"

"No, I was just passing by."

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