This immortal is a bit fierce

Chapter 197 Refuse to Praise

After getting off the carriage, Huang Feng looked carefully at the general in front of him. He saw that the man's legs were spread apart and he was leaning on a sword in front of him. The sword was also quite heavy and solemn. This made three words pop up in his mind: curry. Great?

Then let him take a sword...

Huang Feng asked the general, "Can you take off your helmet so I can take a look?"

The general was a little surprised: "Take off your helmet?"

Huang Feng nodded: "Yeah, it's nothing serious. I just wanted to see if you have any stupid hair on your head."


Seeing that he had confused the general, Huang Feng shook his head: "It's nothing, just draw your sword."

On the wall of the palace in the distance, a luxuriously dressed woman, who didn't care about virtuous elegance at all, squatted secretly on the wall and looked over here quietly, like Huang Feng secretly eating melons.

The maids following behind are all used to it. In such a large palace, only my wife dares to be so unruly. If His Majesty hadn't been so worried about the war in Ganzhou, he would have been dragged over to watch the fun at this time.

"This is the Shenxiao General Hou Sheng. In the Tianmen Realm, the Zhaoyang Shenjia Army and the Imperial Palace Imperial Army are all commanded by General Hou." After finishing his reflection, Li Motang got out of the carriage and gave Huang Feng a heads up.

"Your Highness." Hou Sheng lowered his head slightly.

"General Hou." After Li Motang returned the greeting, he looked up and saw his sneaky mother on the wall in the distance. He pursed his lips and passed with his sword.

"Miss, wait for me." Xiao Nuan hurriedly chased after her.

"Sister..." Li Junzheng wanted to chase after her, but hesitated a little, and finally stayed where he was. He wanted to watch Hou Sheng draw his sword up close.

"Ah, we were discovered." Luan Hongxiao subconsciously squatted behind the city wall and covered her face, but she quickly realized what the use was.

"Mother!" Li Motang came to the city wall.

"I'm in a hurry." Luan Hongxiao snickered in her heart. On weekdays, when Li Motang saw her, he usually called her "Mother" according to the rules. Only when he was emotional, he would directly call her "Mother".

"You want to call me 'Mother Concubine', why don't you understand the rules?" Luan Hongxiao said seriously.

"Mother and concubine." Li Motang gritted his teeth, "In terms of not following the rules, you are the same."

"Why are you talking to the concubine?" Luan Hongxiao came to Li Motang in a few steps. Although she was half a forehead shorter, she was so powerful that she directly overwhelmed Li Motang.

"I..." Li Motang was weak.

Luan Hongxiao snorted: "What are you, what are you dissatisfied with?"

"What happened to the test?"

Luan Hongxiao said confidently: "Can't you? As your biological mother, I can check it for you, can't you?"

Li Motang said anxiously: "No, who said I fell in love with him!"

"Oh, you don't like it?" Luan Hongxiao sneered and stretched out her hand to poke Li Motang's chest, "How unbecoming is it for you to live in the same palace with a man outside the palace as an unmarried princess? Please explain to me!"

If it were anyone else, his hands would have been chopped off, but Li Motang could only retreat step by step: "I..."

"What, you're speechless?"

"Even if it's a test, you still have to tell me in advance, right?"

Luan Hongxiao sneered: "Telling you? Do you know that among the many princes and princesses in this Great Summer Palace, none of them can be as unruly as you. It will be difficult for them to decide who to marry in the future, and I just love you." Are you dissatisfied after just a little test?"


"And do you really think this test is child's play?" Luan Hongxiao educated, "Other princes and princesses don't have the right to choose, but you do. If the person you like is too mediocre, it will definitely cause a lot of dissatisfaction. Today's test is also Do it for these people to see, do you understand?”


"Finally I got it fooled." Luan Hongxiao felt proud and laughed softly: "Is it possible...are you afraid that he won't pass the test?"

"No, this is your test." Li Motang hummed. After humming, he was stunned. Didn't she come to ask questions? How did it become like this?

Luan Hongxiao smiled brightly: "Then he will fail?"

Li Motang snorted: "I'll kill him!"

"It seems you are quite confident." Luan Hongxiao pulled her, "Come here, come here, I just observed it, this angle is good, Xiao Nuan, you come too."

Xiao Nuan, who had been keeping his head down and not daring to speak, heard the call and hurried over to join in the fun.

Soon, there were three people eating melons on the city wall instead of one.

Seeing that Hou Sheng was about to draw his sword, Huang Feng suddenly said: "Wait a minute, General Hou, with your strength, you can destroy mountains and rivers with one sword. Are you not afraid of destroying this palace?"

A lot of things were destroyed in Yuyuan Pavilion before, so he felt that it was necessary to be more cautious, at least to make sure first whether it would be broken, and if it was broken, he would not have to pay for it.

"Don't worry, the palace is protected by a large formation." Hou Sheng said.

"That's good." Huang Feng nodded.

Seeing that he was ready, Hou Sheng raised his sword to the sky, and his spiritual energy exploded. The sword energy lingered around the sword as if it was about to burn. The sword glow was brilliant, and the sword's intention was mighty and powerful.

As Hou Sheng waved his hands downward, the sword energy was like a rainbow piercing the sun, slashing towards him.

"It really looks like a curry stick!" Huang Feng's thoughts were a little active, but he was not careless at all. He could feel that Hou Sheng's sword did not use all his strength, but the sword intention of a strong man in the Tianmen realm was real.

The intention of Hou Sheng's sword is the grandeur and strength of Daxia for thousands of years. This sword has the power of ten thousand armies!

This sword focuses on mind, not Qi.

In this case, Huang Feng was naturally not afraid to confront him tit for tat, and used the Nine-nine Styles. His spiritual energy was like a comet striking the moon, colliding with Hou Sheng's sword energy, and his fighting spirit was like a torrent of steel, crushing him.

What Luan Hongxiao said was not all deception. Many people were curious about what was so extraordinary about the person that Li Motang liked.

In the Great Xia Palace, there were many spiritual thoughts secretly observing. Even Li Yin, when he felt Hou Sheng draw his sword, he also used his spiritual thoughts to pay attention.


Many people were surprised. They didn't expect that Hou Sheng couldn't beat Huang Feng in terms of "meaning".

The momentum of Hou Sheng's million-strong army collided with Huang Feng's rolling torrent that was hard to fathom. Not only was he unable to overwhelm him, he was even almost defeated.

You know, there is a big difference between the two of them, and their cultivation years are also very different.

Li Yin stood up directly and couldn't help but want to take a look, but at this time another battle report arrived, so he had to suppress his curiosity and sit back down again.

After a duel of moves, Huang Feng was very sensible: "Thank you, General Hou, for showing mercy."

Hou Sheng was also a little surprised in his eyes, and then he smiled and said: "Under the Tianmen realm, Mr. Huang should be the number one, Hou Mou admires him!"

"Don't, don't, don't, take it back, take it back. If your words spread, I won't be able to live in peace." Huang Feng said anxiously, "General Hou, you are flattering me, flattering me to death!"

"Hou Mou always tells the truth, Mr. Huang, please!" Hou Sheng stepped out of the way, and the words came out, but it was difficult to hold them back.

"..." Huang Feng was very depressed.

On the city wall, Luan Hongxiao turned to look at her daughter and said in surprise: "General Hou's evaluation is better than yours."

"Humph." Li Motang snorted, noncommittal.

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