This immortal is a bit fierce

Chapter 200 I don’t know either

Huang Feng did not refuse, and immediately picked up the booklet and read it. It happened that he also wanted to know what was going on in Ganzhou.

After a while, he had read all three excerpts and had a general understanding of the situation in Ganzhou.

After the pass was broken, the reinforcements intercepted it in time. The opponent did not attack by force, and there was no barrier from the pass. With the help of the monks, some troops were divided into pieces, infiltrated into Ganzhou, and harassed everywhere.

People from Jiuyue, one of the twelve immortal sects, also appeared on the battlefield to prevent the monks from Daxia from sneaking attacks on the enemy generals.

Although the leader of the Jiuyue Sect did not show up, one of the elders, a general from Daxia, and two Hedao realm monks fought in front of the formation. They fought for two days and one night, and razed a hill to the ground.

Huang Feng became more and more confused as he read these battle reports.

Noticing his expression, Li Yin asked: "If you have any opinion, just say it directly. No matter what you say, I will not blame you."

"There is a problem." Huang Feng put down the note, "I can understand that the other party started the uprising in Qingzhou, and I can also understand that they took the lead in attacking Ganzhou, but after so long, the war is still in Ganzhou, something is wrong. ”

Li Yin said: "What's wrong? Do you think that Daxia's soldiers will be easily defeated by the other side?"

"Of course I didn't mean that." Huang Feng shook his head and explained, "That day in Zhaoyang, hundreds of ghosts walked at night, and then rumors spread throughout the states of Daxia overnight. The other party has been preparing for hundreds of years, and their manpower must have penetrated into all walks of life in Daxia. Industry, but now he is not cooperating with Qingzhou, which is very strange.

Except for the lively fighting in Ganzhou, other places were too peaceful. The war in Ganzhou also had the feeling of heavy thunder but little rain. I always felt that the other party was waiting for something. "

Li Yin did not question his statement, and nodded slightly: "Yes, I feel this way too, go on."

Huang Feng thought for a while: "In this case, it's probably something out of the opponent's plan that went wrong."

"for example?"

"For example..." Huang Feng suddenly had a flash of inspiration, "I heard that the alien race outside the pass has made some noise before?"

Li Yin nodded: "That's right."

Huang Feng analyzed: "Maybe this is one of the mistakes. The other party has colluded with the foreign tribes and asked the other party to cooperate in attacking the border and contain the border troops and some reinforcements when there was an uprising in Qingzhou.

These aliens gathered their troops and restrained the border troops, so the other side started an uprising in Qingzhou as planned. However, they did not expect that these aliens were just pretending and did not actually send troops to attack. In this way, the pressure on Daxia was not enough, and Daxia The reinforcements within the country can be deployed calmly, so that the other party's hidden secrets buried in other states dare not be easily uncovered. "

Li Yin found that Huang Feng coincided with what he thought, which was also one of his guesses.

Huang Feng hadn't finished speaking yet: "If this is true, it is not good news. The foreigners have been plotting the land of Daxia for a long time, but they have always been unable to cross Anyuguan. For them, this is a good opportunity.

Both sides know that they are not close allies, but they are just using each other, so the aliens outside the customs did not act according to the plan. In fact, they just played a trick to deceive the other party and strive for greater interests for themselves, but they will never sit back and watch Qingzhou. Be wiped out.

I guess that Qingzhou and the foreign tribes are just fighting each other now. Once the interests are agreed, the foreign tribes will attack the border. "

Li Yin praised: "You are right. You are worthy of being able to solve strange cases repeatedly. You are really thoughtful. Earlier, I summoned ministers and generals to discuss matters. There were very few people who made the same guess. There are others. ?"

Huang Feng nodded: "I also have some inferences about how the other party will cause trouble and chaos in various states. In addition to the secrets that have been buried long ago, the most likely to cause chaos are powerful evil spirits.

That night in Zhaoyang, hundreds of ghosts walked at night, sacrificing their bodies to summon evil spirits to possess them, and the opponent was very good at using these methods.

Nowadays, the way of heaven has changed, and many powerful monsters and ghosts have awakened and appeared in the world. Is it possible that the other party has secretly found the sleeping places of many such powerful monsters during these thousands of years, and is preparing to wake up at the same time. "

Li Yin's face changed slightly. He didn't expect that. What he was thinking about was standing on both sides of the chessboard, thinking about the game between the chess players.

In his opinion, only those things that can be controlled are chess pieces, so from the opponent's perspective, he is also thinking about what power the opponent can control.

Obviously these many powerful evil spirits were beyond the control of the other party, but Huang Feng's words reminded him that the other party did not need to control them, as long as they were allowed to wreak havoc.

Judging from the fact that the other party killed the villagers and sealed their souls, sacrificed the bones and mixed them into the army, it can be seen that the other party has no benevolence at all. In order to achieve the goal, they can do whatever it takes. I am afraid that as long as they can win the throne, even if Daxia is devastated and beaten to the point of rivers of blood and corpses, Shanguhai didn't care at all.

The other party doesn't care, but he does. By then, all the Ji Yaosi will be involved in the battle with the demons, and maybe even more people will be involved.

"How to solve it?" Li Yin had more expectations for Huang Feng.

"Twelve Immortal Sects!" Huang Feng said, "The balance has been broken. As far as I know, the only ones standing on Daxia's side now are Yuyuan Pavilion and Yunlu Academy, which is not enough.

For this battle, Your Majesty must try his best to win over the twelve immortal sects, especially the Buddhist monks, who are experts in dealing with evil spirits. It would be too wasteful to let them chant sutras, chant Buddha's name, and meditate in retreat in the temple.

Your Majesty, are you waiting for them to take the initiative?

Monks are not stupid either. They sacrifice themselves for others and manage the world to benefit the people. If I don't go to hell, who will go to hell? It's easy to say, but there are a few people who can do it.

Just like every official says they should be honest and honest, and should be honest and clean, but it’s not the same as being corrupt..."

Huang Feng suddenly realized that it was reasonable for Li Motang to remind him to stop talking nonsense. He couldn't control himself when he was so excited. The emperor was in front of him.

"In short, winning over the Twelve Immortals is the key to breaking the situation." Huang Feng emphasized.

Seeing him forcing his words back, Li Yin was a little amused, but he already agreed with his point of view in his heart. The aliens outside the pass would probably have to fight. It seemed that the Twelve Immortal Sects would also lower their posture and take the initiative to win over. waited.

With the decision made, Li Yin looked at Huang Feng again. He couldn't stand Luan Hongxiao's request, so he took the time to take the exam, which now seemed to be very worthwhile.

"Chang Ning is so arrogant, the person he likes is indeed extraordinary." Li Yin thought in his heart, but it was obviously still early, so he never mentioned it.

In addition, regarding Huang Feng, he couldn't completely rest assured: "There is one more thing that I'm quite curious about."

"Your Majesty, please speak."

"Where are you from?" Li Yin asked, "Although the Imperial City Division I control is not as exaggerated as the rumors of knowing everything, it can be said to be pervasive, but I can't find your sect or origin. Today Can you clarify my doubts?”

Huang Feng looked at Li Yin with sincere eyes: "The origin of the sect... To be honest with Your Majesty, I actually don't know either."

As the saying goes, as long as the master hides it well, the disciple can't tell the truth!

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