This immortal is a bit fierce

Chapter 208 Easy to handle

Continuing down, the three of them wanted to avoid the stone statues, but after taking a few steps they discovered that there were countless stone statues on the surrounding cliffs, making it impossible to get around them.

"Forget it, just go down. Anyway, if the soldiers come, you block it, and if the water comes, you cover it." Huang Feng and Guan Taixu said, "Look at what I do, isn't this the meaning of experience?"

Having already reached a place 700 feet below the thundercloud, there was no reason to retreat. Guan Taixu snorted coldly, lowered his sword, and quickly approached the stone statue.

As they expected, these stone statues were by no means for decoration. As soon as Guan Taixu approached, the eyes of the stone statues flashed with electricity, and the heads of the stone statues slowly turned towards him.

Then these stone statues gradually exuded vitality, and the hard rock surface slowly softened and turned into soft and shiny black fur, which made people want to rub it hard.

These winged black panthers exude a powerful demonic aura, which is almost the same as the giant pythons they encountered before. Although Taixu is fully confident in dealing with three or five of them at a time, there are more than a hundred as far as he can see. However, deep in the thunder clouds, there are still many unknown people. Although he acted in a flamboyant manner, he was not stupid and did not dare to make a big deal, so he slowly retreated.

As soon as he retreated, these stone statues did not chase him, and his skin petrified again and returned to calm.

"What kind of monsters are these?" Guan Taixu was still frightened.

"I don't know." Li Motang shook his head.

Huang Feng had never seen this kind of monster in the records of the Department of Monster Collection. He said to Guan Taixu, "Don't be afraid if you go to explore again. I believe in you. With your strength, even if you can't defeat it, you can definitely defeat it." Buy us time to escape."

"Humph!" Guan Taixu snorted coldly and ignored it. He was almost used to it this way.

"If you can't take a detour, you have to force your way through and fight. Or you can try rushing directly to the bottom of the cliff. It seems that as long as you leave their territory, you won't be attacked. Maybe you can rush over, but is it possible below? There are other dangers, I can’t say.”

After Huang Feng finished speaking, he suddenly slapped his hands: "By the way, there is another way."

"What?" Guan Taixu asked.

Huang Feng said: "Stop it, just practice here. Anyway, you have gone deeper than before. Your limit may be here. You have to learn to accept it."

Guan Taixu said angrily: "Are you irritating me?"

"Is it easy to use?" Huang Feng asked, and after speaking, he proudly introduced, "It's generally very useful for her."

Guan Taixu looked at Li Motang, who was drawing his sword, and asked, "Let's join forces?"

Huang Feng glanced at him: "Please, please have some idea. We are two Hedao realm monks fighting, and you, who is still in the Void realm, are interfering with each other and joining forces."

Guan Taixu was furious and had been ridiculed by Huang Feng all the way. He had had enough, and his desire to break through had never been so strong.

"Prepare the battle for me." Guan Taixu said and went up with his heavy sword.

"Go ahead, go ahead." Huang Feng waved his hand and said to Li Motang beside him, "Oh, you geniuses are so good at it."

"Shut up." Li Motang realized that he hadn't been quiet for long. It wasn't enough for this guy to tease Taixu all the way. Are you ready to fight two against each other now?

"Okay, I won't say any more." Huang Feng had almost said enough.

Before Guan Taixu entered the territory of the stone statues, he slashed out with his sword. He used all his strength with his sword energy, which was more than ten feet long, and swept towards the stone statues, intending to chop them into pieces before they came to life.

Huang Feng thought about doing this just now, but he didn't realize it would go smoothly.

Sure enough, after being attacked, the stone statues came to life in an instant, much faster than before. These black panthers flapped their wings and ran into the thunderclouds.

Just when the thunder struck Guan Taixu, a black panther suddenly appeared behind him, swung its claw towards his back, and the tip of the claw pulled out streams of electricity extremely quickly.

Guan Taixu was already prepared. He held a sword secret in his hand and resisted the thunder from the thunder cloud. He slashed the heavy sword behind him and swept away the black panther with his sword energy.

The black panther let out a mournful cry and disappeared into the thunderclouds. It looked like he was injured. However, just as the black panther disappeared, another black panther appeared.

These black panthers were extremely fast and could appear and disappear in the thunderclouds. Their claws, wings, and sharp teeth all carried the power of thunder. They quickly made it difficult for Guan Taixu, who was blocking from the left and right, to resist.

Huang Feng and Li Motang didn't move at all. Both of them could see that they were not in a desperate situation yet, and taking action now would be of no use to Guan Taixu.

Guan Taixu didn't ask for help. He knew very well that he couldn't even think about continuing to explore downwards right now. He was desperate to survive here without risking his life. He would have no hope of breaking out in a short time.


With a deep shout, Guan Taixu used the secret skill of "Zhi Tian", and the general trend of the world was used by him. The thunder light shining in the surrounding thunder clouds all struck at him, and he was led to the sword body.

When the sword technique was used, for a moment, it seemed as if there were countless Guan Taixu overlapping each other, swinging their swords in all directions.

Countless sword energy erupted at the same time, slashing into the thunderclouds. The black panthers that attacked him were unable to dodge, and they were bleeding. Some of them were killed and fell directly to the bottom of the cliff. Some of them were seriously injured and lay down on the cliff again. Turned into stone, it seems to be healing.

But there were too many black panthers, and they were still besieging Guan Taixu.

Although he was teased from time to time on the road, seeing Guan Taixu fighting against a group of monsters alone, Huang Feng had to admit that these geniuses from various sects who became famous at a young age were definitely not in vain.

The thunder from all directions stirred up by the situation stirred in Guan Taixu's meridians. Facing the endless black panthers, he could feel that he was gradually exhausted.

But he still had an obsession in his heart. At least he couldn't ask for help so that bastard Huang Feng would look down on him. He asked this guy to die here instead.

"As expected of Huang Long, who is in charge of thunderstorms. The deep thunder clouds do have the taste of a small catastrophe." Guan Taixu felt his body gradually becoming numb, and the rules of Taoism in the thunder were destroying his meridians.

But at this point in the battle, he felt more and more comfortable.

Huang Feng and Li Motang saw it and could naturally feel his changes.

"The skills he has performed have been integrated into this world. He takes advantage of the general trend of this world. As long as he persists for a while, he should be able to achieve the same goal." Li Motang thought for a while and added, "Tempered by the thunder here, if If you can join the Tao, I’m afraid the benefits will be even greater.”

"The premise is that he can hold on." Huang Feng said.

At this moment, Guan Taixu was already scarred. Naturally, they could not just sit back and do nothing. Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain to Cangyun Mountain.

Just watch whether Taixu is dying first or breaking through first.

Suddenly, the sword energy stagnated. Guan Taixu realized that his meridians were overwhelmed and his spiritual energy was about to be exhausted. At this time, a black panther attacked, and a claw left several visible wounds on his back.

At this time, he had forgotten about breaking through the realm. He lacked spiritual energy and could not use his sword to kill the enemy, so he used his hands. He turned around and grasped the heavy sword hanging in the air. He knocked the black panther to the bottom of the cliff with one sword and shouted: " happy!"

At this moment, he felt a sudden enlightenment, and seemed to have a clear understanding of the great way of heaven and earth.

Feeling something in his heart, he struck out with his sword again. This sword, heavy sword without edge, swept across the wilderness.

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