This immortal is a bit fierce

Chapter 227 Soul Tree

Just as the two were hesitating, a battle report came again. As expected, after the aliens invaded the border, the war in Ganzhou immediately became intense.

After reading the battle report, Huang Feng asked: "What are your plans? Go to the remaining immortal sects first, or help the Liuzhou Monster Collection Department to investigate the monsters?"

Li Motang lamented: "There is too little we can do."

Sensing that her mood was not right, Huang Feng said from the side: "You rarely say such depressing words, unlike you."

Li Motang looked at him: "Why do you look like me?"

Huang Feng made a gesture of drawing his sword and pinched his throat: "If you keep nagging me, I will kill you!"

"Annoying!" Li Motang wanted to give him a kick and didn't bother to talk to him anymore, but he was in a better mood. Although there were few things he could do, it was okay. It wasn't too late to feel sorry for himself until he couldn't do anything anymore.

"Leave matters in Liuzhou to Master Ding. Let's go to the remaining Twelve Immortal Sects."

Li Motang made a quick decision, but then a white bird flew into the window.

"What kind of bird is this?" Huang Feng saw this strange little bird land on his hand. Just as he was about to ask, the bird suddenly changed and turned into a letter, lying in his hand.

Seeing Huang Feng opening the letter with a strange expression, Li Motang asked from the side: "Who gave it to you?"

"My master." Huang Feng looked at the words "I haven't seen you for a long time, I miss you so much as my master" on the letter, and wanted to rub the letter. He was really telling lies with his eyes wide open.

But looking back, he slowly became serious.

"According to our teacher's earlier thoughts, when troubled times come, you and your brothers and sisters should be able to stand alone, but who knows that the situation will change and the general trend will come faster than our teacher expected.

My master has done some fortune-telling recently and I predict that you are on the verge of breaking out. As a master, I should give you a helping hand.

Next, you follow the white bird to a place. "

He didn't say where it was or where it was. Just as Huang Feng was about to complain, the letter in his hand turned into a bird again and was about to fly out of the window.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Huang Feng grabbed the bird in his hand, held it in both hands, and let it flutter in his hand.

Li Motang saw this and said, "What are you waiting for? Go."

"Are you coming with me?" Huang Feng asked.

Without even thinking about it, Li Motang shook his head and said: "No, I don't know where it is, how far it is, and how long it will take. Won't me going with you delay the current matter? Go quickly, I will go to the remaining sects. It’s more efficient if we work separately.”

"Okay." Huang Feng also knew that one of them had to break through the situation as a priority, otherwise they could only do things like delivering letters and investigating.

He let go of the bird in his hand and watched it fly into the air. He followed it and warned at the same time: "Be careful."

Li Motang nodded: "You too, I'll leave after telling Master Ding."

Huang Feng followed the little bird all the way to the southwest. Liuzhou was already the westernmost point of Daxia. Going southwest, the direction was the wilderness.

He felt a little uneasy, maybe Xu Jingshan was planning to throw him into the wilderness for training.

After flying for a day, Huang Feng had already seen the abyss called "Immortal Punishment" that spread thousands of miles. It was still far away, and he felt a strong sense of oppression, and his emotions became depressed and heavy unconsciously.

"It's well-deserved." Huang Feng was already prepared to fly across the abyss. Unexpectedly, when he was about to arrive, the little white bird in front of him suddenly turned around.

"You're kidding me!" Huang Feng shouted angrily. Unfortunately, the bird couldn't understand human speech and flew towards a mountain peak next to the abyss.

Looking at this mountain from a distance, the trees are all bare, there is no life in sight, and it is full of loneliness.

Seeing that the little white bird was getting slower and slower, Huang Feng probably guessed that this should be the destination, which made him even more confused: "What are you doing here?"

However, he believed that the master would not play tricks on him in the face of such big things.

Coming closer, the little white bird flapped its wings, landed on the mountain wall, and gradually blended into it.

Huang Feng's eyes widened, and he saw the white bird turned into an inscription, engraved on it, and then the mountain gate opened, revealing a road in front of him.

The winding path led to a secluded place, and walking into the mountains, Huang Feng saw a world in the mountains, with small villages and people coming and going in the villages.

In the center of this world, there was a towering tree that occupied almost one-third of the mountain. This tree gave him a very strange feeling, attracting him like a magnet.

Without the white bird to lead the way, he could only explore on his own: "The letter couldn't have made it clearer!"

When he arrived at the entrance of the village, he was suddenly startled. He had not even noticed from a distance just now. Not all the people in this village were living people of flesh and blood. Many of the men, women, old and young were souls, but the living people were only a minority.

The reason why I didn't feel it was because these souls didn't have any yin energy or resentment. Apart from not having a physical body, they looked no different from living people. Even the clever ghosts didn't notice it.

People in the village were surprised to see the stranger and didn't know what to do.

An old man walked out of the villagers and said with a smile: "We haven't had strangers come here for a long time."

The other party was not hostile, so Huang Feng asked respectfully: "Old sir, where is this place?"

"Lingshu Village." Before Huang Feng could ask any more questions, the old man smiled and said, "I think you have many questions, young man. Just follow me."

Huang Feng followed curiously. As the old man walked, he said to the villagers: "It's okay. Just do whatever you have to do."

Some people dispersed, while others were still looking at Huang Feng curiously. Several children among them were hiding behind their mother and peeking at him. When they saw him looking over, they quickly retracted their heads.

Huang Feng smiled and waved to them, and a little girl shyly raised her hand in response.

Following the village chief into the house, the old man made him a cup of tea. Huang Feng was doubtful at first that the soul could still drink tea, but looking at the water in the cup, he couldn't tell whether it was real tea or fake tea.

"Thank you." Huang Feng raised his glass and drank it all in one gulp. It seemed that there was tea in his mouth, but it seemed that there was not. There was a cool feeling flowing down his throat and into his body, washing his soul.

"What kind of tea is this?" Huang Feng was a little surprised.

"Don't worry." The old man smiled and pointed to the tall tree in the distance outside the window, "That is a soul tree, and the name of Lingshu Village comes from this.

Living under the soul tree, at the end of your life, you will not enter reincarnation or turn into a ghost. You can give up your body and continue to live peacefully in the world, no different from when you were alive.

You have also seen that just like this tea, including vegetables and seeds, are all transformed by the power of the soul tree. We sow, water, and live as usual, which is also the power that helps maintain the soul tree. It can be said that we, the people, and the soul Trees are interdependent relationships. "

Huang Feng asked: "If no one alive can die, after so long, why are there so few people in the village?"

The old man sighed: "That's because the soul tree is sick."

"Is...sick?" Huang Feng is not unacceptable. Ordinary trees can get sick, but why can't fairy trees get sick?

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