This intermediary can handle it. If you buy a house, you will give it to your girlfriend!

Chapter 101 The military advisor will be turned into a cockroach.

At this time, another bridesmaid who looked more mature and elegant asked with a smile: "Military advisor, I don't agree with what you said. Small workshops are poorly maintained and cars are prone to problems, aren't they?"

Lin Yuan shrugged noncommittally: "I'm just talking casually, don't take it too seriously."

"Then can I ask you a question?" the bridesmaid continued to ask.

"Okay, just say it."

"They say you should find a partner who is well matched, and I don't want to lower my standards. I have an annual salary of 200,000, so finding a man with an annual salary of 300,000 is not too much, right?"

Lin Yuan nodded: "Well, it's not too much!"

The bridesmaid continued to ask: "I have a house and a car now. Isn't it too much to find someone in Xihai City who has a car and a house?"

"It's not too much! It's very reasonable!"

"My parents have pensions. Shouldn't I find someone whose parents also have pensions?"

"That's a must! We're a perfect match!"

"I'm 30 years old this year. It's not too much for me to find someone under 35, right?"

"There's nothing wrong with it. It doesn't matter if one of the conditions is missing!"

Hearing this, the bridesmaid couldn't help but smile, and asked confidently: "Military advisor, if you had an annual salary of 300,000 yuan, a car and a house in Xihai City, and your parents had pensions, what kind of wife would you find?" ?”

"Me?" Lin Yuan answered directly without thinking: "I will find an eighteen-year-old!"

"At the very least, they must be born after 2000. Not to mention my annual salary of 300,000 yuan. Even though I have an annual salary of 30,000 yuan, I still want someone who is 18 years old!"


Everyone on the table couldn't help but spurt out.

Everyone looked at Lin Yuan like a god, dumbfounded.

Especially the bridesmaids who had asked questions before had given satisfactory answers. I thought that if I continued to ask questions according to my own routine, I would definitely get a good answer.

As a result, a man appeared who was looking for an eighteen-year-old!

You really know how to answer questions.

This last answer caught her off guard.

All the netizens in the live broadcast room laughed.



——[There’s nothing wrong with that, men are more dedicated, and everyone, young and old, likes eighteen. 】

——[If I were still 18 years old, I would praise her eyes, I would praise her misty eyes, I would praise her slender waist, I would praise her swaying steps, I would praise her She is beautiful and touching, and I would praise her for shaking the world, but I am now 24 years old, and after racking my brains, I can only say one thing, sexy! 】

——[Her idea is not valid. If according to what she said, those who understand Mingzhu should go to Boss Ma or Liu Dongqiang. Thinking about that scene, I can’t bear to look at it. 】

——[I confessed to her when I was 8 years old, but she refused. She is 34 years old this year. She confessed her love to me, but I didn't agree. After so many years, she has not changed at all, she still likes to be rich. I haven't changed, I still like 18. 】

After these two waves of answers, the bridesmaids looked at Lin Yuan with something wrong.

I thought of teasing and pranking me, but I ended up being pranked instead.

How willing they are.

One by one, they deliberately teased each other.

"Military advisor, if you understand so well, I'm afraid you've harmed many little girls."

"Needless to say, sisters, one of us should take him in, so that he won't continue to harm others in the future."

"He's full of dirty jokes. I don't know, I thought he was going to take the postgraduate entrance examination. What a big pervert!"

Hearing these words, Lin Yuan grinned: "A gentleman is lustful but not lewd. He starts from emotion and ends with etiquette. I appreciate beauty, not criticize it for sex."

"But why only beauties are allowed to show off their beauty, and talented people are not allowed to fall in love with their poems? If it is not inappropriate for today's occasion, I would open my mouth and pour out all my poems about tigers and wolves."


The groomsmen nearby were completely confused.

From the beginning to the present, Lin Yuan subverted their imagination every sentence.

Such awesome words were said by him in such an elegant way, and it really felt like it was appreciated by both the refined and the popular.

The bridesmaid opposite was also stunned by Lin Yuan's two words. After reacting, she couldn't help but cover her mouth and try her best to hold back her smile.

If it was just teasing on purpose before, now it feels a bit different.

Not only did he not appear to be shy, but he flirted with her and deliberately teased him: "My military advisor is so talented in literature, can you teach me about it?"

Lin Yuan grinned: "Yes! You can choose the time and place. I can do the balcony, sofa, or rooftop."

"It's true." After hearing these words, a cute bridesmaid next to her didn't feel shy at all, and boldly said provocatively: "We all want to learn how to do it, can you teach us? ?”

Immediately afterwards, bursts of bad laughter rang out.

"Yes, military advisor, can you teach me?"

"That's not right. You should ask your military advisor if you can take it."

Listening to their teasing words, Lin Yuan's eyes widened and his scalp felt numb.

Damn it!

Are you having fun so much?

I'm just having fun.

Are you serious?

Want to study together?

What the hell, I have more than enough ambition but not enough energy.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan complained in his heart, why didn't the system give me a skill in this area?

It's okay now. Just give in. It's so shameless. It's obvious from the other side that you did it on purpose.

But don't give in. If this comes true, to put it mildly, I will crawl out of the house.

To put it more seriously, it is gathering a crowd for lewdness.

No, no!

But when he looked at the four beauties facing him, he was lying to himself if he said he had no idea.

Lin Yuan nodded thoughtfully and replied seriously: "I want to challenge my weakness!"

Damn it! !

Netizens in the live broadcast room were instantly excited.

The bridesmaids on the opposite side were all stunned, and their eyes were as wide as bells.

Only the photographer and the other three groomsmen looked confused and had no idea what it meant.

It’s understandable that you can learn knowledge on the sofa, so why go to the kitchen or even the rooftop?

But they didn't understand, but the bridesmaids did. They were all embarrassed for a while and kept their heads buried in silence.

What a joke!

If you continue teasing, something will really happen.

Fortunately, the host came on stage at this time.

According to the wedding process, the host goes on stage to speak first to liven up the atmosphere, and then eats first.

After the meal is almost done, the wedding ceremony begins, and finally the bride and groom toast from table to table.

This will ensure that the guests will not go hungry to watch the wedding.

After the food was served, Lin Yuan and the photographer were already very hungry and ate heartily.

The bridesmaids also seemed to have gotten over the embarrassment just now, and everyone was chatting while eating, and the atmosphere was quite good.

But we never talked about such awkward topics again.

Almost all of the more than 200 tables on site were occupied, making it very lively.

Every guest was eating food and drinking heavily, looking like a starving ghost who hadn't eaten for several days.

This phenomenon is not an isolated case, but almost!

Even the table for the parents of the bride and groom is the same. Basically, the dishes are eaten quickly after they are served.

As for cigarettes and alcohol, they have been sorted out long ago.

Although Lin Yuan also noticed this scene and felt it was a bit strange, he didn't think too much about it.

Maybe it's because I'm too hungry.

However, as the banquet gradually came to an end, as expected, the unexpected occurred.

Lin Yuan and others who were eating suddenly heard a quarrel coming from the hall.

Looking up, there were several people standing up and arguing at a table in the corner.

The loud voice could be heard almost in the entire banquet hall.

Everyone was attracted by the sudden sound and looked over curiously.

"What's wrong?" The bridesmaid turned around and asked curiously.

The man with glasses pushed up his eyes, half-closed his eyes and replied uncertainly: "It must be a quarrel, I heard them talking about cigarettes and alcohol."

The big man nodded: "I heard it too, it seemed like they were arguing about sharing cigarettes."

"Split the cigarettes?"

Everyone's expressions froze, and they all pricked up their ears curiously.

This is the first time I heard of a quarrel over sharing cigarettes at a banquet.

Under normal circumstances, everyone who comes as a gift will get a few packs of cigarettes.

In addition, several packs of cigarettes are placed for guests to smoke during meals.

In most cases, no one will grab this kind of cigarette. After all, they all want to save face and can smoke it themselves.

As for a quarrel over this cigarette, it is really unheard of. Could it be that I heard it wrong?

As time went by, the quarrels at the table over there not only did not decrease, but became louder and louder, and the sounds became clearer and clearer. They even started fighting. If someone hadn't pulled them, the situation might have gotten out of control.

The groom had already noticed the situation there and thought it was nothing serious.

But I didn't expect that it would turn into physically beating someone, and the expression on his face became very ugly.

Go over and be the peacemaker as soon as possible.

"Stop it, stop it. It's just a pack of cigarettes. Can I give it to you?"

After saying that, he took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and gave it to the person who took the initiative to quarrel.

I thought this would calm things down and prevent the situation from getting worse.

Unexpectedly, the groom's behavior immediately aroused dissatisfaction among others.

They all clamored for cigarettes.

In response, the groom had no choice but to take out a pack of cigarettes and give a pack to everyone on the table.


The whole place was completely excited!

All the guests nearby put down their chopsticks and rushed over to ask for cigarettes.

"Give me a pack, I want cigarettes too!"

"Don't be biased. Why don't we if they have it?"

"That's right, it's only 80 yuan a day. They have money but we don't. It's not fair!"


As soon as these words came out! !

The whole place was in an uproar instantly! !

Everyone immediately focused on the man who just said 80 yuan a day.

The man seemed to realize that he had said the wrong thing.

His eyes kept darting away.

But then he said forcefully again: "Am I wrong? If you have the ability, don't ask for it! Since it is going to be given, it is only fair that everyone should give it."


The words just fell.

People at more than a dozen tables all put down their chopsticks and rushed forward, fearing that they would be late and miss the queue.

Lin Yuan was stunned when he saw the scene that was completely out of control!

Before he came, he felt something was wrong with the groom.

But after the chat between the best man and the bridesmaid just now, he gave up this idea.

But at this moment, what did he see! !

Hundreds of guests actually surrounded the groom, just to ask for a cigarette?

Go crazy! !

Whose relative would do this to the groom at a wedding? That would mean being scolded by eighteen generations of ancestors.

But these people are completely indifferent. It seems that a pack of cigarettes is more important to them than anything else, even more than the wedding.

Also, what does the person just said about 80 yuan a day mean?

This question kept echoing in Lin Yuan's mind.

Vaguely, he felt like this wedding was a huge conspiracy?

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