This intermediary can handle it. If you buy a house, you will give it to your girlfriend!

Chapter 14 became popular overnight and shocked the entire Internet!

As soon as these words came out, the photographer next to him burst out on the spot.

The look in Lin Yuan's eyes was shocking.

How can you say this?

Certificate discount?

Do you want to listen to what you are saying?

How many people take back the certificate of bravery issued by the Public Security Bureau and brag about it for a lifetime!

This is not just a piece of paper, but a sense of honor and justice.

To put it bluntly, if you put this at home, the first impression others will get when they see it is that you are a reliable person.

Even if you find a partner in the future, you can increase your score.

How many people have worked hard for this certificate, but they can't even buy it with money.

In the end, when it comes to you, it’s better to discount it for 100 yuan?

Even if you use him to launch a live broadcast to bring goods, the cash will be more than 100 yuan faster, right?

Captain Zhang also smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I'm afraid this won't work. There are regulations above."

Hearing this, Lin Yuan sighed in disappointment: "Okay, forget it, I'm tired too, so I'll leave first."


In the hotel, Lin Yuan was exhausted after a long day of work, so he fell into bed and fell asleep.

However, he had no idea how much of a sensation what he did today caused on the Internet.

Some bloggers who make short videos edit the content of Lin Yuan’s live broadcast room into short videos and publish them on the short video platform.

That night, Douyin, Bilibili, Slow Shou and other major platforms reposted it like crazy.

Whether it was the case of sign language interpreters extorting deaf-mute people or the case of deaf-mute people being trafficked into prostitution, the whole internet was shocked.

As of midnight, it had more than 100 million views.

All related videos were on the hot search headlines.

Such a thing is impossible to encounter in normal people's lives, or even unheard of.

It’s hard to imagine how a deaf-mute person who can’t write would defend himself against blackmail by a sign language interpreter.

Netizens couldn't think of a solution despite racking their brains and had no choice but to admit defeat.

This is terrible.

Today is a typical example. He was obviously trying to catch a thief, but he was suddenly treated as a blackmailer.

If Lin Yuan hadn't happened to show up, the result would have been sad just thinking about it.

However, compared to Xiaoyu who doesn't even know what she is doing, netizens are even more jealous of human traffickers like the manager.

Under the most popular video, countless netizens left comments and vented their anger.

——[With a human face and an animal heart, both the sign language interpreter and the manager look human-like in suits, but what they do is more filthy than the last. This is the tragedy of the deaf-mute and the tragedy of society! 】

——[The pressure is on the Xihai City Public Security Bureau. I just want to see how this matter is handled in the end. It looks like there is someone behind the manager's posture. Everyone must stay tuned, raise the profile, and don’t let those people get away with it! 】

——[I just realized that I haven’t met a deaf-mute person for many years. Thinking about it carefully, maybe the times are developing, but they can’t keep up, so they can only fade out of sight of normal people and live in a corner. 】

——[I once saw an interview with an eleven blind man. He said that deaf-mute people are more pitiful than him because deaf-mute people cannot hear, speak, or express. Then all the emotions and inner thoughts cannot be expressed. Compared with a blind person, he just cannot see, but normal communication is no problem. 】

——[I am also a deaf-mute. After watching the video, I felt miserable. I would like to thank my parents for giving me education and letting me learn, otherwise I might become one of them. I also want to thank Lin Yuan for bringing more people's attention to the plight of deaf-mute people. I hope everyone can be more understanding and tolerant of deaf-mute people. It's not that they like committing crimes, but many of them really don't know how to commit crimes. 】

Because of this incident, netizens paid attention to deaf-mute people.

It turns out that there are always some bad guys who specifically target vulnerable groups like deaf-mute people.

Because they can't hear.

Because no one can understand their sign language.

Because I can't read, my education level is extremely low.

That's why the bad guys exploited and deceived them even more unscrupulously.

The man tricked himself into working as a coolie in a factory, earning a meager income.

The woman tricked her into going to a special place to provide services.

The most annoying and helpless thing is that everyone knows how pitiful this vulnerable group is, but very few people can really help them.

On the one hand, it’s because they can’t speak out, and on the other hand, they don’t know who to say it to or how to say it.

What deaf-mute people need is never boring sympathy, but fairness and justice like hearing people.

According to statistics from the Disabled Persons' Federation, there are nearly 30 million hearing-impaired people in China.

But there are only 10,000 sign language interpreters.

This is a disparity that is almost terrifying.

What's even more fucked up is that sign language is not uniform.

Just like dialects, it is divided into Mandarin Sign Language and Natural Sign Language.

In fact, even if there is a dedicated Mandarin sign language interpreter below the Xinwen Network channel, most deaf-mute people will not watch it at all.

The reason is simple, they don't understand.

They use natural sign language in their daily lives, also known as dialects.

Even if you encounter difficulties, you can only complain to your companions in private.

When netizens learned that the situation of deaf-mute people was so bad, they all extended a helping hand.

A large number of poverty alleviation agencies have issued public accounts and decided to provide help to the deaf-mute people.

Police stations across the country have also found sign language interpreters to promote legal education to every deaf-mute person.

On the one hand, it is to prevent them from being cheated, and on the other hand, it is to reduce the crime rate of deaf-mute people.

There are also related deaf-mute training institutions that provide deaf-mute people with free opportunities to learn to read.

This wave has directly raised the social status of deaf-mute people by a large margin.

The deaf-mute people who are in dire straits can feel the warmth of society and see the hope of life.

When netizens are immersed in the feeling that there is true love everywhere in the world.

The messenger of justice who suddenly realized this, Lin Yuan!

As a real estate agent, he helped the deaf-mute unconditionally. He also helped the deaf-mute trafficking gang and rescued more than a dozen ignorant deaf-mute girls.

Such behavior moved all netizens.

They were all looking for him, wanting to express their inner feelings.

Netizens appealed that good people should not be allowed to fade out of sight, but should be made popular and rich!

But when they found out about Lin Yuan's deeds, they all cried out.

It turns out that this guy did something earth-shattering at noon today.

Buy a house for your girlfriend!

It was a knife in the ass and an eye-opener.

Soon, this video quickly became a hot search.

Especially when Lin Yuan mentioned going to a dating agency to find a partner for his clients, everyone was dumbfounded.

Real estate agencies and dating agencies actually have such a linkage?

For a time, countless people seemed to see hope.

A large number of single men are calling real estate agencies to ask if they will give a partner as a free gift when buying a house.

This makes them confused. They don’t have a partner. I can send it to you somewhere. Isn’t it funny?

There are also many single girls who do not go to dating agencies and directly call real estate agencies to ask if there are any high-quality men who want to buy a house recently.

Many wedding companies have seen business opportunities and contacted real estate agencies one after another to strive for win-win cooperation.

Real estate agents all over the country were stunned by this incredible wealth!

No one could have imagined that Lin Yuan's operation would invisibly boost real estate transactions across the country.

Even the official account of the National Housing Authority reposted Lin Yuan’s video overnight, with the text, “If you buy a house, you will give it to your girlfriend.”

Now it’s good, the video is completely popular.

Lin Yuan's information was also revealed by netizens.

When netizens learned that he was participating in a live variety show, they flocked to the live broadcast room to watch.

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