Secretary He and Bureau Jiang took several deep breaths before they managed to calm down.

The case itself is very strange and unheard of.

But compared to the fact that an agent selling a house can solve the case, it feels more strange than the case itself.

What if someone had told them this before, and they could have slapped them away and made an international joke?

But now, it's really happening, and it's right before our eyes.

But they all knew in their hearts that whether it was identifying the ashes or analyzing some cases, it showed that the young man in front of them was definitely not simple.

They couldn't figure out how such a talented young man could sell a house. Wouldn't that be a humiliation of talent?

Thinking of this, the two of them seemed to have a tacit understanding and said in unison: "Lin Yuan, right?"

As soon as these words came out.

The two people's expressions froze, somewhat embarrassed.

"Say what you want to say first."

"It's okay, I'm not in a hurry, you can talk first."

Director Yang looked at the two of them exchanging blame with each other, looking confused. What was going on?

Lin Yuan also looked blank, standing there and watching blankly.

In the end, Secretary He's position was superior, so it was decided that he would speak first.

"Lin Yuan, on behalf of the people of Xihai City and the victims of this case today, I would like to express my gratitude to you."

Lin Yuan hurriedly smiled and waved his hand: "You're too polite, as you should."

Secretary He smiled and shook his head: "You can afford this compliment."

"Besides, I heard from Director Yang that you are currently working as an agent selling houses."

"It stands to reason that since you have helped so much, you must be given a certain reward."

"Now you have two options. One is a cash reward of 30,000 yuan, and the other is that I transfer you to a government department and give you a more stable job. Which one do you choose?"

When he heard that there was a reward, Lin Yuan looked overjoyed and hurriedly replied: "30,000 to 30,000! I want money!"

However, the words just fell.

Everyone present was shocked. They all looked at Lin Yuan like a fool, dumbfounded.

Isn't it?

This is a multiple-choice question that elementary school students take. Did you choose the wrong answer?

The job that the mayor has personally arranged for you will be an iron rice bowl for life.

Even if you are a very ordinary section member, who dares not to give you face?

The most important thing is that you are still so young, and your room for promotion in the future is unlimited. It is not a dream to become famous one day.

No matter how many people spend all their money, they can't buy such an opportunity.

When the results are delivered to you, you refuse without even thinking and ask for money?

Is your brain crazy?

Secretary He was also shocked by Lin Yuan's choice, a little unbelievable.

He specifically asked again: "Have you thought clearly? If you regret it now, it's still too late."

Director Yang next to him also hurriedly persuaded: "Lin Yuan, don't be stupid, choose a job!"

"If you choose a job, with your ability and eloquence, your achievements in the future will most likely surpass mine."

However, Lin Yuan acted as if he didn't understand. He curled his lips and replied, "Thank you for your kindness. I appreciate it. You don't want to give me 30,000 yuan, right?"

I'll pour it! !

After hearing this, everyone was completely convinced.

Even Secretary He and Director Jiang were confused.

In your eyes, the co-authorship job is not as valuable as the bonus?

The opportunity is right in front of you, just throw it aside as garbage?

It's really like drought and drought, waterlogging and waterlogging. They just occupy the latrine and don't poop!

Everyone wanted to rush up and bite him to death, it was so irritating.

Lin Yuan shrank back when he saw the unkind eyes of everyone: "Why are you looking at me like this? If you don't give me, I won't give it to you, and you're going to beat me!"

Director Yang's mouth grew big when he heard this, and his eyes almost popped out.

He quickly pulled him aside to prevent him from continuing.

If you keep talking like this, you know what other outrageous things you can say.

"Lin Yuan, please take it easy. This is not our police station. The person standing opposite you is Secretary He!"

"If you piss him off, I can't protect you!"

"How many people can only dream of such a job."

"Hurry up and say thank you!"

When Lin Yuan heard this last sentence, the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily. He looked at Director Yang and asked calmly: "Director Yang, have you ever heard of a lyrics."

"The world is in a panic, but only a few taels of silver can be broken. But these few taels of silver can solve all kinds of panic in the world. It can ensure the health of the elderly in their later years, the children can go to school, and you and I can get food, rice, oil, salt and grains."

"In your opinion, civil servants can live a lifetime without worries and even become successful."

"But I would like to ask, can I stop doing nothing after half a year after joining the company?"

Director Yang was stunned for a moment, a little confused, and replied blankly: "That's definitely not possible, you have to do something."

"Then if I do this job, will I be able to enjoy all the glory and wealth in the future, and spend whatever money I want without any worries?"

"Um, this won't work either!"

"Then can I change my girlfriend every day and be the groom every night?"

Director Yang had a dark look on his face when he heard this: "Of course not!"

"That's it." Lin Yuan shrugged: "In half a year from now, if I win the competition I am participating in, I will receive a bonus of 100 million, which is enough for me to live freely. Why should I be a cow horse?"


After listening to Lin Yuan's questions and answers, Director Yang felt a little doubtful about life.

Looking back on my life, it can be said that I have been walking on thin ice and always be cautious.

Although he held a high position in the eyes of others, he knew how difficult it was to climb up to this position.

Let alone corruption and bribery, even if he really dared to accept it, would he dare to spend it?

He also thought that if he could start his life over again, he would choose to make money and enjoy life.

But ask yourself, he can't be as free and easy as Lin Yuan.

Because in this world, power outweighs everything, even money.

He didn't even know that Lin Yuan had resurrected his life and was more open-minded about many things than ordinary people.

Just live a happy life, be rich, live a life of luxury, go wherever you want to play, and talk to as many people as you want, this is what he pursues!

Secretary He stood aside and watched the exchange between the two, with a smile on his lips.

"Young people's ideas are indeed unique. Since you don't want to, I won't force you."

"You want money, right? 30,000 yuan seems a bit hard to come by. Let's go to 100,000 yuan! I'll ask the secretary to give it to you later. I'll also hold a press conference to issue you a medal and certificate."

Hearing that 30,000 yuan turned into 100,000 yuan, Lin Yuan's face was overjoyed and he quickly thanked with a smile: "Thank you, leader. You are such a nice leader. I will treat you to dinner later."

"But for a busy person like you, you definitely don't have time, so I won't force you."

"As for the press conference and certificates, they cost money and waste time. It's better to waive them all and just discount them."

As soon as these words came out.

Director Yang turned his head to the side and covered his face. He couldn't listen anymore. It was so embarrassing.

Secretary He was also confused by his words.

When I asked you to invite me to dinner, I wanted to politely refuse.

In the end, why did you find a reason for me?

After everything is over, you still use this reason to discount?

You think of me as a lucky cat!

You know, whether it is a press conference or a certificate, it is something that many people dream of.

When the time comes, he, a senior city official, will hand it out in person.

Lin Yuan immediately became a celebrity in Xihai City and even on the Internet.

To put it more bluntly, the value of that certificate alone was far more than 100,000, and he actually wanted to discount it as scrap.

Secretary He just felt that he could not understand Lin Yuan's thinking, and smiled helplessly: "The reception can be canceled, but the certificate is necessary. I will ask the secretary to bring it to you later."

Lin Yuan's expression was slightly disappointed, but he still nodded with a smile: "Thank you, leader. If you want to buy a house later, come to me and I will give you a discount."

Then he looked at Director Jiang expectantly: "Boss, what did you want to say to me just now?"

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