Netizens expressed their anger and dissatisfaction one after another.

Lin Yuan's fans tried to come out to clarify, but they were labeled as stupid fans. They were so angry that they simply shouted at each other.

At this time, the entire network exploded.

Lin Yuan sat in front of the computer, looking at the public opinion on the screen, frowning.

This thing is too wrong. I didn’t let it go sooner or later, but it happened at this time.

It really messed him up, he took a deep breath, he had to take action as soon as possible, otherwise the promotion of "Black Gold Mystery" would be seriously affected.

Li Minghui also learned the news at the road show. He immediately contacted Lin Yuan with a hint of anxiety in his tone.

"Lin Yuan, what's going on over there? Damn it! If I find out who it is, I can't kill him!"

Lin Yuan smiled and said, "Director Li, don't worry, I will take care of it, and you can rest assured on the roadshow."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yuan began to plan a response strategy.

Just then.

Lin Yuan's cell phone suddenly rang like crazy.

The names of An Qier and Qi Xiaoke were displayed on the screen. Before one call was completed, another one was made.

He rubbed his temples and felt a headache.

He didn't want An Qier and the others to help him solve this matter, as it would be easy for them to follow the truth.

Anjia and Qijia have outstanding methods, and most of them solve problems by banning or deleting posts on a large scale.

This may actually make things worse, confirming Lin Yuan's problematic public opinion.

He took a deep breath and sent them a group message.

"I don't need your help for now, I will take care of this matter."

Lin Yuan did not want his own affairs to affect Li Minghui's reputation. After all, the movie was the hard work of the entire team.

Just when he was about to contact someone for public relations, his phone rang again, and it was an unfamiliar number.

Lin Yuan frowned and hung up directly.

Immediately afterwards, a message was sent.

"Lin Yuan, I'm Lulu Jiang, I have something to ask you."

Lin Yuan was stunned. What did Lulujiang want to do with him? Isn't she Zhao Tai's girlfriend?

He was full of doubts, and after thinking about it, he decided to call back.

The call was quickly connected, and Lulu Jiang's voice came from the other end, with a hint of excitement.

"Lin Yuan, I know you are in some trouble now. I can help you turn defeat into victory and throw back the dirty water in terms of public opinion."

Lin Yuan became interested, but at the same time remained vigilant, "Why do you want to help me?"

Lulujiang chuckled lightly on the other end of the phone, with a hint of playfulness in her voice.

"Let's meet and discuss it in detail. We can't explain it clearly on the phone."

Lin Yuan was silent for a moment, and then slowly said: "Okay, where should we meet?"

Lulu Jiang proposed a location, and the two agreed to meet at twelve o'clock in the evening.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yuan frowned. He didn't know what Lulu Jiang had planned, but he didn't have much choice now.

You have nothing to lose by meeting her.

Last time Zhao Tai went crazy and bullied An Qier and two others, Lulujiang was still there to persuade him.

I think this girl probably doesn't have any bad intentions.

At twelve o'clock in the evening, Lin Yuan arrived at the agreed cafe.

Lulu Jiang was already waiting there. She was wearing an elegant dress and looked very calm.

After Lin Yuan sat down, he went straight to the point, "Lulu Jiang, what do you want to see me for?"

Lulu Jiang smiled slightly, an elusive light shining in her eyes.

"Lin Yuan, I know the public opinion crisis you are facing now. I can help you, but I also have conditions."

Lin Yuan looked at her warily, "What are the conditions?"

Lulu Jiang gently stirred the coffee in front of her and said slowly: "My conditions are very simple. I want you to help me deal with Zhao Tianbao."

Lin Yuan frowned, "What are you doing with him?"

Lulu Jiang took a sip of coffee and said, "Of course it's to seize his family property."

Lin Yuan was stunned. He originally thought Lulu Jiang was a simple girl.

Now it seems that he was completely wrong. No one has ambition written directly on his face.

"How is it? Am I sincere enough?" Lulujiang blinked at Lin Yuan.

She was not worried at all that Lin Yuan would leak this matter.

Lin Yuan smiled and said, "You are interesting, but what do you want me to do?"

Lulu Jiang shook her head, "You don't have to do anything for the time being. It's easy to reverse this matter. You can go back and post this news directly on your own social account."

After speaking, she handed a piece of paper to Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan took a look at the content and was shocked!

His expression was extremely ugly, "Okay, I'll send it as soon as I get back!"

Seeing his expression, Lulujiang knew that Lin Yuan was stable. Lin Yuan was indeed a man with a strong sense of justice.

"Thank you, I'll leave this to you."

Lin Yuan took the note and left directly.

At 12:30 in the morning, the whole city was immersed in the quiet night.

Lin Yuan sat in front of the computer. After taking a deep breath, he clicked the send button, and a social update quickly spread on the Internet.

"I never beat people, only animals. Who is Zhao Tai? For those who sympathize with him, please read the Haicheng High School Incident, Donghua Car Accident, Nangang Nightclub Scandal, etc. If you sympathize with a scumbag, then I That’s all I can say.”

As soon as this news was released, it immediately caused an uproar!

Netizens were waiting for Lin Yuan's response, but they didn't expect to receive such a tough and provocative statement.

The events mentioned in the dynamic were almost not reported on the Internet, which undoubtedly aroused the curiosity and exploration of netizens.

[Wow, Lin Yuan's operation is so domineering! Waiting for the melon. ]

[I haven't heard of these events, please let the insider know!\

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