Lin Yuan sat in front of the computer with a sneer on his face.

This game has just begun.

As a multi-million-level Internet celebrity, his influence cannot be underestimated.

The other party also knew this and used the method of blocking his voice channel to make him disappear from the public eye.

However, his connections are not for show. He began to plan the next move and prepare to fight back.

At this moment, his mobile phone suddenly rang.

Lin Yuan glanced at the caller ID and saw that it was an unfamiliar number.

He took a deep breath, pressed the answer button, and turned on the recording function of the mobile phone.

"Hello, is this Lin Yuan?" A low and cold voice came from the other end of the phone.

"It's me, who are you?"

Lin Yuan's voice sounded a little trembling, as if he was scared.

"You don't need to know who we are! I just want to remind you not to talk nonsense on the Internet. It's not good for you."

The other party's tone was full of threats.

Lin Yuan pretended to be panicked, "Who are you? Why do you treat me like this?"

"Mind your own business, a wise man knows the times. You'd better be smart, otherwise..." The voice on the other end of the phone suddenly became fierce.

"What do you want?" Lin Yuan's eyes were excited, and he wanted the other party to threaten him.

"Hmph, I'll make you regret living in this world."

The other party snorted and hung up the phone.

Lin Yuan put down the phone, and the fear on his face disappeared instantly, replaced by a smile of success.

He quickly opened his social account, his fingers quickly tapped the keyboard, posted a new dynamic, and attached a phone recording.

[Who understands! Family members, the live broadcast room has just been blocked, and I have been threatened with death by phone! These people really do everything they can, but it's a pity that I, Lin Yuan, am not scared! ]

As soon as this dynamic was released, netizens immediately exploded.

[This is too much! Lin Yuan, you must be careful! ]

[This is a blatant threat, we will never sit idly by! ]

[Lin Yuan, we support you, kill these beasts! 】

As expected, three minutes later.

His social account was quickly blocked.

Lin Yuan tried to search for his name and found that he could not find any relevant information.

He was not surprised by this, but he did not expect that the other party's power was so great.

Lin Yuan sat in the chair, and a glimmer of excitement flashed in his eyes.

It has been a long time since I felt this kind of blood boiling.

"Beep beep!"

His mobile phone rang again, it was Lulu Jiang's call.

Lin Yuan pressed the answer button, and Lulu Jiang's anxious voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Lin Yuan, are you okay? I heard that you were kidnapped and threatened. It was all because of me. I hurt you."

Lin Yuan smiled and comforted her, "Lulu, don't say that, it's not your fault. Where are you now? Are you safe?"

"I'm in the countryside, I'm worried about you, this matter started because of me, I'll help you, okay?"

Lulu Jiang's voice was crying, she regretted that she shouldn't have involved Lin Yuan.

"Don't be afraid. All you have to do now is hide yourself. These people are really scary. Leave it to me to deal with them." Lin Yuan's voice was warm and powerful.

"Lin Yuan, if you need anything, feel free to find me. I will do my best to help you."

Lulu Jiang hated these powerful people. If it weren't for them, how could so many tragedies have happened back then.

"Don't worry, I will protect myself and you." Lin Yuan's tone was full of confidence.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yuan stood up and stretched.

He did not take action immediately, but turned on the computer and browsed the situation online.

His dynamics quickly became a hot search, but were quickly removed.

All entries were banned on the entire network, and any discussion posts were blocked within three seconds.

Lin Yuan looked at all this, and a playful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He thought it was all very interesting.

He decided not to take action for the time being and have a good sleep first.

The crazier these people were, the more excited he was.

It was especially at times like this that it was most important to stay calm and rest well.

At the same time, on the other side of the city.

A man was standing in the office, facing the computer screen and furious.

He saw Lin Yuan's dynamics and the reactions of netizens, and was so angry that he vomited blood!

"Damn Lin Yuan, he is so stubborn!"

He slammed the table hard, and a trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes.

"Go and kill him directly!"

His subordinate stood aside and said cautiously: "Boss, should we think about it again? Will killing him directly cause more trouble?"

The man turned around and looked at his subordinate coldly.

"Consider? I have considered enough! I don't want to see this person making trouble anymore, just do it, don't talk too much!"

At that time, all means will be used to ban the message. As long as an order is given, no one dares to send it out.

The next morning, after Lin Yuan woke up, he did not go online, but went to the hardware market.

He bought a pinhole camera and installed it inside and outside the house after returning home to ensure that there were no blind spots.

He also bought five spare mobile phones and hid them in secret compartments at home in case of emergency.

In addition, Lin Yuan also bought an electronic watch with alarm positioning function.

However, this was just a cover.

He also ordered hundreds of button-sized locators, which were expensive, but he felt it was worth it.

While he was busy, the photographer suddenly came.

As soon as he entered the door, he asked anxiously: "Lin Yuan, what are you going to do? These people are so hateful!"

Lin Yuan motioned the photographer to sit down first, "Sit down first, don't worry, the boss is here too."

The photographer turned his head to look at the balcony, only to see the boss smoking, obviously unhappy.

"Lin Yuan, are you really okay? These people's methods are too cruel, you have to be careful."

Lin Yuan smiled slightly and motioned the boss to sit down as well.

"Don't worry, I already have a plan, and I will deal with these methods one by one."

The photographer and the boss looked at each other. Although they still had doubts in their hearts, seeing Lin Yuan so calm, their worries were slightly relieved.

"These people are really used to lawlessness. Blame me for not having any connections and not being able to help you!"

The boss felt very guilty. They were just businessmen. What could they do?

One order came down, and they were all in trouble. He was really depressed at the moment.

He always felt that these powerful people had some humanity, but now it seemed that he was overthinking.

"Don't talk about this, don't you think it's interesting?"

Lin Yuan smiled smugly while pouring water, "They are scared now!"

The boss took the water and took a sip, "But is it not worth it to do this? They will probably blame others later."

"So what?" Lin Yuan didn't care at all, "What I want to do is to make them behave themselves!"

The boss was stunned for a moment when he heard Lin Yuan's words, and then he smiled bitterly.

"You are amazing, Lin Yuan."

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