Lin Yuan sat in front of the computer, his fingers flying on the keyboard.

He saved the edited video file and opened an encrypted mailing list.

These email addresses are the contact information of major marketing accounts that he carefully selected.

His social media account was banned, but the information was spread through far more than just this one channel.

He took a deep breath and hit the send button.

The video file and some simple explanatory text were attached to the email.

"Exclusive news, real records, not to be missed."

He believes that these marketing accounts, which rely on click-through rates and traffic, will not refuse such a "gift" that comes to their doorsteps.

Not long after the email was sent, Lin Yuan's cell phone began to ring with notifications, which were replies from major marketing accounts.

As if they had discovered a new continent, they showed great interest in this "violent information".

[Mr. Lin, this video is so shocking, these people are really crazy! 】

[Lin Yuan, are you okay? ! I promise to give you maximum exposure! 】

[Don’t worry, we have a way to make this video popular all over the Internet! 】

Lin Yuan looked at these replies with a proud smile on his lips.

He knew that these marketing accounts would do anything to spread the video for profit.

In fact, Lin Yuan was really wrong about this.

Loving money is one thing, but a sense of justice is another.

Ever since Lin Yuan started speaking out online, he has been blocked and troubles have continued.

As a media person, I can’t stand it anymore!

Big Internet celebrities like Lin Yuan have suffered from such a tragic situation, but what about ordinary people like them?

If something happens to them in the future, who will cheer for them?

So they are willing to take the risk of having their accounts banned and spread these videos.

Sure enough, a few hours later, ripples began to appear on the Internet.

The label "Assassination of Internet celebrity Lin Yuan" suddenly appeared on the hot search lists of major platforms.

The video quickly spread like a virus, and netizens clicked to watch it.

In the video, the actions of the two killers were clearly recorded.

From when they climbed over the wall, to being shot in the wrist by a sniper, to when Liu Ziyi heroically kicked away the grenade

Every detail is displayed vividly.

Netizens were excited watching the video and expressed their opinions in the comment area.

[Oh my god, this is terrible! Lin Yuan almost died! 】

[Which powerful person did this? It must be found out! 】

[This policeman is so handsome, he is a hero! 】

[This is no longer simple online violence, this is a naked crime! 】

Discussions on the Internet exploded!

They demand truth and justice.

The pressure of public opinion began to gradually emerge, and some media began to intervene in reporting, and the influence of the incident continued to expand.

On the other side of the city, the man was sitting in the office, his face ashen.

He looked at the comments and reposts that were constantly refreshing on the computer screen, and angrily smashed the cup in his hand against the wall.

"Damn! How could this happen?!"

He roared angrily, his voice full of unwillingness and panic.

His men stood aside, heads lowered, afraid to speak.

They knew that the outbreak of this incident was beyond their control.

Lin Yuan sat at home, watching the response on the Internet, and felt a little relieved.

He stretched, he was curious about what these people would choose now that the matter was so big.

Late at night, Liu Ziyi's cell phone suddenly rang, and he picked up the phone.

When I saw the call from my superior, I felt an ominous premonition in my heart.

He pressed the answer button, and a familiar voice came from the other end of the phone, but his tone was unusually cold.

"Liu Ziyi, you did a good job tonight. The superiors are very satisfied with your performance." The voice on the other end of the phone said.

Liu Ziyi's heart tightened. He knew that this was not a simple praise call.

He was silent for a moment, and then slowly said: "Thank you for your recognition, but I want to know, how to deal with this matter?"

The voice on the other end of the phone became a little heavy.

"It has been decided from above that this matter can be closed. All responsibilities will be placed on Zhao Tai."

Anger surged in Liu Ziyi's heart, and his voice involuntarily raised a few points.

"What?! This is unfair! Can those behind it get away with it?"

The person on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, and then said coldly: "Liu Ziyi, you are a smart man. You should know what to do. Go and execute the order."

After hanging up the phone, Liu Ziyi felt helpless and angry.

He knew what this decision meant.

He sat on the chair and sighed deeply, his heart full of pain and helplessness.

He picked up the phone and dialed Lin Yuan's number.

The call was quickly connected, and Lin Yuan's voice came from the other end.

"Captain Liu, it's so late, what can I do?"

Liu Ziyi took a deep breath and slowly said what was decided above.

Lin Yuan on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, and then chuckled, "I have guessed it a long time ago. I have seen this kind of thing too many times."

Liu Ziyi felt guilty, and his voice was trembling, "Lin Yuan, I'm sorry, I..."

Lin Yuan interrupted him: "Liu Captain, don't say that. I know you tried your best. However, my account may still be blocked, right?"

Liu Ziyi sighed, with a hint of helplessness in his voice.

"It may not be that simple. They may take more extreme measures. In short, you must be careful."

Lin Yuan smiled softly on the other end, "Don't worry, Captain Liu. This is not the first time I have faced this situation. I will be careful."

After hanging up the phone, Liu Ziyi stood up, his heart was full of powerlessness and anger.

Lin Yuan was not angry at all. It was a waste of time to be angry with these people.

The matter has become so big that this person will not do anything to him for the time being. As for after this matter is forgotten.

It will probably be his turn.

The phone rang again, Lin Yuan picked up the phone, and heard Lulu's crying voice.

"Lin Yuan, I. I saw the video on the Internet. Are you. Are you okay?"

Lulu's voice trembled, obviously frightened by the content of the video.

Lin Yuan comforted her softly, "Lulu, don't worry, I'm fine. Everything is under my control."

Lulu sobbed, "But... But those people, how could they do this to you? Can the people behind the scenes be caught?"

Lin Yuan sighed, with a hint of helplessness in his tone, "No, Lulu. They are going to put the whole thing on Zhao Tai."

Lulu became even more emotional, "This is unfair! How can the real bad guys get away with it?"

Lin Yuan patiently comforted her, "I know this is hard to accept, but it will take time to completely solve the problem. We will always find a way."

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