Ma Zi and Liu Zi looked at each other, they could feel the boss's nervousness.

Liu Zi couldn't help asking: "Boss, we..."

The boss interrupted him: "You have worked hard on this trip. When the time comes, I only want 10 million, and you can share the rest."

This is a full 100 million, and the boss only wants 10 million!

Ma Zi and Liu Zi were moved to tears!

They didn't expect the boss to be so loyal and willing to share most of the money with them.

Ma Zi said excitedly: "Thank you, brother, we will never let you down."

The boss nodded, his expression serious.

"My identity must be kept secret in this matter. If the people in the organization know, we will all be finished."

Ma Zi and Liu Zi immediately patted their chests and promised, "I will never tell anyone!"

The boss was relieved, he turned around quickly and left the warehouse quickly.

He knew that he had to leave here as soon as possible, otherwise once the boss came to the door, the consequences would be disastrous.

Liu Zi and Ma Zi watched the boss's back disappear at the door, their mood was complicated.

Ma Zi couldn't help but sigh and said, "The boss is so loyal. We must do a good job this time."

Liu Zi couldn't help fantasizing, "When I get the money, I will buy the latest sports car and find a beach villa to bask in the sun every day."

Ma Zi looked longing, "What's so good about sports cars? I want to open a nightclub and have beautiful women to accompany me every day."

The two became more and more excited as they talked, as if they had seen the life in their dreams. Soon, their fantasies began to diverge.

Liu Zi said dissatisfiedly, "You open a nightclub, what about my sports car? We have to divide it fairly."

Ma Zi retorted, "Fair? How much can your sports car cost? A nightclub requires a big investment."

The two quarreled louder and louder, and their emotions became more and more excited.

Angel was speechless behind them. She had never seen a fight over the fantasy of dividing the spoils.

Just then, the door of the warehouse was suddenly kicked open with a loud "bang".

Qin Shiyi walked in aggressively with several of his men.

Liuzi and Mazi were stunned by this sudden scene. They didn't expect Qin Shiyi to come to them in person.

Qin Shiyi's eyes were as cold as ice. She looked at Liuzi and Mazi with a low and powerful voice.

"You two are very brave!"

Mazi stuttered: "B... Boss, we... we just..."

Qin Shiyi interrupted him: "Just what? Just want money? Or do you think you can escape from my palm?"

Liuzi and Mazi didn't dare to speak. They knew Qin Shiyi's methods. If they offended her, the consequences would be disastrous.

Qin Shiyi sneered, glanced at Angel, and was relieved after confirming that she was fine.

As for people like Mazi and Liuzi who disobeyed her orders, there was only one way, death!

Qin Shiyi's eyes flashed with a cold light. She glanced at Mazi and Liuzi coldly. The two trembled involuntarily under her gaze.

"Take them away!" She waved her hand to signal her men to take action.

"Please, Boss, we won't dare to do it again!" Ma Zi's voice was filled with tears. He struggled desperately, trying to get rid of his men's control.

Qin Shiyi was unmoved, her voice was very cold, "Impossible. You have touched my bottom line, so you should bear the consequences."

Liu Zi saw that begging for mercy was useless, and fear and anger intertwined in his heart.

He suddenly jumped up, pulled out a sharp knife from his waist, and began to wave it wildly, not letting anyone get close.

"Don't come over! You running dogs, get out of here!"

Liu Zi's roar echoed in the warehouse, his eyes were red, like a trapped beast.

The men seemed a little embarrassed in the face of Liu Zi's crazy behavior. They stopped and dared not act rashly.

Qin Shiyi frowned and shouted sternly: "Do you still need me to teach you? I see if you all don't want to live!"

After this, how dare the men talk nonsense?

If they can't solve Ma Zi and the other two, they will be the next to be solved!

The men no longer hesitated, they acted quickly, and several people worked together to subdue Liuzi.

Although Liuzi fought hard, he was eventually pinned to the ground.

Seeing this, Mazi was even more frightened, and his begging for mercy became more shrill.

"Let me go! Let me go! I won't dare to do it again!"

"Okay, we are also forced to do it." One of the men spoke helplessly, and his hands did not stop moving at all.

After Mazi and Liuzi were subdued, their bodies were covered with scars and bloodstains.

Qin Shiyi didn't care about it at all. She glanced at the two coldly, "Take them back!"

The men hurriedly took the two away, and she bent down to pick up the phone that Mazi had dropped on the ground.

Her fingers quickly tapped on the screen, and sent a text message to the An family, informing them of the location.

After finishing, Qin Shiyi's figure disappeared at the door of the warehouse.

An Qi'er's heart was beating like a drum, her eyes were wide open, and she couldn't believe what she saw.

The warehouse suddenly became quiet, and she was the only one left.

She was tied to a chair, her mouth sealed tightly with tape.

She wanted to call for help, but the tape was so tight against her lips that she couldn't make any sound.

She felt unprecedented fear and helplessness. Why did the kidnappers leave her here? Did they just ignore her?

At the same time, Lin Yuan's phone rang.

When he answered, it was An Biru's anxious voice.

"Lin Yuan, we received the kidnapper's message. The address is No. 56 in the industrial zone!"

Lin Yuan was driving nearby to look for Angel at this moment. When he heard the address, his heart skipped a beat.

"I'm nearby. I'll be there soon!"

After saying that, he quickly hung up the phone and stepped on the accelerator?

A few minutes later, Lin Yuan stopped the car and approached Warehouse No. 56 cautiously. His heartbeat accelerated and his palms were slightly sweaty.

He slowly pushed open the door of the warehouse. It was dark and silent inside, with no trace of other people.

Lin Yuan's eyes swept through the warehouse and finally fixed on Angel, who was tied to a chair.

He walked up quickly and saw that Angel's clothes were torn and her face was full of tears. A surge of anger surged in his heart.

Lin Yuan quickly took off his coat, gently draped it over Angel, and began to untie the rope on her body.

Angel was stunned. When Lin Yuan's hand touched her, she instinctively trembled.

Soon, she realized that it was Lin Yuan who came to save her, and her tears welled up again, and she burst into tears.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm here." Lin Yuan's voice was gentle, and he untied the rope while comforting Angel.

As the rope loosened, Angel's body was finally free, and she threw herself into Lin Yuan's arms and hugged him tightly.

Lin Yuan hugged her back tightly and patted her back gently.

"I'm sorry, I'm late." Lin Yuan's voice was a little hoarse.

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