The screams of Ma Zi and Liu Zi echoed in the laboratory again, but Qin Shiyi showed a satisfied smile on her face.

"Lin Yuan, you are mine, no one can take you away from me."

Qin Shiyi murmured to herself, her eyes revealed a morbid obsession.

In her heart, Lin Yuan is her only obsession, and she is willing to do anything for him.

Ma Zi and Liu Zi's consciousness gradually blurred under the torture of drugs.

Their bodies twitched on the laboratory table, and every breath was spitting blood crazily.

Their eyes were full of despair and regret. They finally realized that they were just a discarded pawn in the hands of the boss and were ruthlessly sacrificed.

"Boss, we. We" Ma Zi's voice was so hoarse that it was almost inaudible.

His lips trembled, but he could no longer utter a complete sentence.

Liu Zi's situation was even worse. His throat had been corroded by the drugs and was almost rotten.

He could only make a low whimper, like the last wail of a beast.

Qin Shiyi stood beside them, observing all this expressionlessly.

Her eyes were cold, as if she was watching an insignificant experiment.

She shook her head gently, "It's so boring, it's over so quickly."

As the drug continued to work, Ma Zi and Liu Zi's bodies gradually stopped twitching, their breathing became weaker and weaker, and finally stopped completely.

The only sound in the laboratory was the ticking of the instruments and the coldness of the two bodies.

The boss watched all this in the monitoring room, and he was relieved until he confirmed that the two could no longer speak.

Fortunately, these two idiots did not give him up, otherwise Qin Shiyi would definitely not let him go.

"Collect the bodies." Qin Shiyi ordered lightly and turned to leave the laboratory.

The experimenters walked into the laboratory expressionlessly and began to deal with the bodies of Ma Zi and Liu Zi.

Their movements were skillful and indifferent. The bodies were put into black plastic bags and carried out of the laboratory.


Angel's life these days almost completely revolved around Lin Yuan's phone calls.

The two would call each other every day.

Angel was really scared this time, and she has been hiding at home recently.

She was bored these days and almost went crazy. Most of the time, she watched Lin Yuan's live broadcast to relieve stress.

After all, she couldn't always disturb Lin Yuan, who still had to work.

The Starry Night event on the live broadcast platform finally ended, and Lin Yuan topped the list with 8.63 million votes.

Far more than the 5.14 million votes of the second place Gu Yexing, and the third place was a new coser Lichuanjiang.

With 3.18 million votes, he emerged as a dark horse and won the love of many fans.

After the ticket theft incident, Lin Yuan's fans and Gu Yexing's fans have now completely clashed.

Recently, Gu Yexing's life has not been easy.

He can't show his face in the live broadcast because of the scar on his face, which makes many loyal fans very worried. They left messages in the live broadcast room to ask about his recent situation.

Gu Yexing was extremely anxious, and what he cared about most was this face!

The scar on his face was still healing, and the doctor told him not to pick it randomly.

Otherwise, it would leave a permanent scar, which would undoubtedly make things worse for Gu Yexing.

"Damn it! It's all that bitch's fault!"

He couldn't help cursing and took out a mirror to look at himself.

Just then, the assistant called and informed him that the time for the offline meeting had been set, which was this Saturday.

Gu Yexing was furious when he heard it. He yelled into the phone: "Didn't I say I would wait until my injury healed? Why is it set at this time?"

The assistant explained tremblingly on the other end of the phone, "Mr. Gu, the official took into account that Lin Yuan has been very popular recently and didn't want to miss this opportunity."

"And Director Gu also agreed to this arrangement."

Gu Yexing was even more furious when he heard this!

"It's this Lin Yuan again!" He gritted his teeth and said, "I must make him pay the price!"

The assistant was silent on the other end of the phone. How could he dare to speak at this time?

Soon, the call was hung up by Gu Yexing, and the phone was smashed against the wall by him, breaking into pieces with a loud bang.

"Since this matter has been decided, don't blame me!"

Gu Yexing sneered in his heart. He already had a new plan. He wants to make this offline meeting a nightmare for Lin Yuan!

At the same time, Lin Yuan's company is very lively.

This offline meeting attracted the attention of many brand sponsors, who all hope to use Lin Yuan's popularity to promote their products.

Lin Yuan's ability to bring goods is obvious to all in the industry. Every live broadcast can bring amazing sales, not to mention this highly anticipated offline meeting.

In the company's lobby, the crowd is bustling, and the logos of various brands can be seen everywhere.

Sponsor representatives rushed to express their intention to cooperate to Lin Yuan's assistant, and some even quarreled in the company because of the competition for cooperation opportunities.

"Our brand and Mr. Lin's image are very consistent, and this cooperation will definitely be a great success!" A man in a neat suit said excitedly.

"Don't joke, our products are the hottest in the market, and Mr. Lin is absolutely right to choose us!" Another lady retorted unyieldingly.

Lin Yuan's assistant was busy and overwhelmed, both to appease the emotions of the sponsors and to ensure the smooth progress of the cooperation.

The boss looked at the lively scene, feeling both excited and helpless.

He smiled and shook his head, thinking that if the office was bigger, he would definitely invite all the sponsors in.

"Lin Yuan, look at this scene, we will definitely make a lot of money from this meeting!"

The boss walked to Lin Yuan, patted his shoulder, and his face was full of joy.

Lin Yuan glanced at the sponsors around him, these are all old domestic brands.

"The quality of these sponsors is pretty good, and we must also choose those that meet the positioning."

The boss had expected it, and he whispered: "Don't worry, I have done background checks, these are all big brands."

Just then, a well-dressed lady came over. She was the marketing manager of the domestic brand Zhimei.

She elegantly extended her hand to Lin Yuan, "Mr. Lin, our brand attaches great importance to this cooperation and hopes to get your support."

Lin Yuan politely shook her hand, "Hello, please sit inside. There are too many people today, so just put the cooperation plan on the table."

She nodded, put the cooperation plan away quickly, and then left.

As the busy day ended, the company received more than a hundred cooperation plans, filling the table of the entire conference room.

Colleagues looked at this spectacular scene and started to joke.

"Lin Yuan, you are the one who supports our entire company!" a colleague joked.

"You are the strongest working emperor. Looking at this cooperation plan, we don't have to worry about performance this year!" Another colleague also joined in the joke.

Lin Yuan smiled and didn't mind his colleagues' jokes.

"Okay, everyone, stop making trouble." Lin Yuan said, and began to sort out the cooperation plan on the table.

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