At the event, as the lucky draw progressed.

More and more fans were selected to come on stage to interact with Lin Yuan and Li Chuan.

The fans were enthusiastic, and they were excited to get close to their idols. Some fans were so excited that they burst into tears.

Lin Yuan and Li Chuan were also very cooperative. They patiently communicated with every fan and fulfilled their little wishes.

The more lively the two were, the more embarrassed Li Hao was. Damn it!

If I had known that he would not come, it would be so embarrassing now.

The fans he drew were not willing to interact with him at all, and all ran to find Lin Yuan and Li Chuan.

It's really a dead end to compare with others!

At the same time, in the monitoring room of the marketing department.

The person in charge looked at the data in the live broadcast room, and his face became more and more ugly.

The traffic in the live broadcast room was almost concentrated on Lin Yuan and Li Chuan, and Li Hao's presence was almost zero.

He slammed the table angrily and asked loudly: "What are you doing? We said that Lin Yuan is not allowed to be shown on the screen, what are they doing on the live broadcast side?"

The employee explained helplessly: "Manager, the people on the live broadcast side said that traffic is the most important, and they don't want to distract the audience's attention."

The person in charge was immediately furious, and his chest was heaving with anger.

"Fuck! What kind of logic is this? This is Mr. Gu's order!"

The employee nodded, with a bit of helplessness in his voice.

"I told them that this was Mr. Gu's order, but they didn't believe it!"

"They also said that unless Mr. Gu had Alzheimer's disease, why would he not want traffic."

The person in charge's face became even uglier. This matter could not be told to Mr. Gu, otherwise he would appear too incompetent.

However, he could not leave Lin Yuan alone, and he was really having a headache at the moment.

Just then, another employee made a suggestion.

"Manager, this matter is not easy to handle, we have to consider offline fans."

"We can't control offline, but we can change it with technical means online, and cut Lin Yuan's screen manually."

The person in charge frowned, thought for a while, and finally reluctantly agreed to his suggestion.

"Okay, I'll do as you say, but I'll do it cleverly so that netizens don't find it abrupt."

The employee nodded and took action immediately.

He made a phone call, hoping to take over the backstage.

Unexpectedly, the live broadcast team who answered the phone started to curse.

"Don't come to me and talk nonsense, you just want to grab traffic! Get out!"

"Beep beep beep!"

The employee was dumbfounded, and the person in charge didn't expect them to have just reached this point.

"Bang!" He slammed the table, "Wait for me, I'll report to Mr. Gu right away!"

Gu Yexing sat in his office, staring at the live broadcast screen on the computer screen with gloomy eyes.

Watching Lin Yuan and Lichuan Jiang being pursued by so many fans on the stage, his eyes were cold.

He picked up the phone and dialed a number, and a man's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Master, what do you want?"

"It's time, you can go on." Gu Yexing said coldly.

"Understood, Master." The man on the other end of the phone answered, revealing a hint of sinisterness in his voice.

Gu Yexing hung up the phone with a smug smile on his face.

He imagined what was about to happen, secretly delighted in his heart.

Meanwhile, the activities on the stage were still going on.

An Biru smiled, holding the lottery box, ready to draw the next lucky fan.

She pulled out a small ball from the box and announced loudly.

"Congratulations to the fan No. 296, please come on stage!"

As soon as the voice fell, a burly man suddenly rushed out of the crowd, holding a bottle of transparent liquid in his hand.

The audience thought he was the fan who was drawn, and they all made way.

Lin Yuan's intuition told him that this man was wrong.

Just then.

The man rushed towards Lin Yuan, aiming the bottle in his hand at him!

An Biru realized the danger and wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

She shouted, "Lin Yuan, get out of the way!"

Lin Yuan was quick-eyed and quick-handed, hugged Lichuanjiang beside him, and rolled to avoid the man's attack.

"Be careful!" Lin Yuan shouted loudly.

The liquid in the man's hand still spilled out, and a lot of it splashed on his body.

Lin Yuan kicked the man hard and knocked him to the ground.

The liquid spilled on the man's body, and instantly made a hissing corrosion sound, and the air was filled with a pungent smell.

"Ah!" The man screamed miserably, his skin corroded and in great pain.

The security guards quickly rushed to the stage and controlled the man.

The fans at the scene panicked instantly, with screams and cries coming one after another.

Lin Yuan stood up, picked up the microphone, and said loudly: "Don't panic, stay calm!"

His voice was powerful and penetrated the chaos at the scene.

"The security will handle it all, please leave in an orderly manner to avoid trampling."

Lin Yuan continued to comfort everyone, fearing that something would happen.

Lichuanjiang also stood up, she looked at Lin Yuan, her eyes full of gratitude and dependence.

At this moment, her heart was beating very fast, and she had not recovered from what had just happened.

With the comfort of Lin Yuan and Li Chuanjiang, the order of the scene was gradually restored.

The audience began to leave in an orderly manner, and none of them had recovered from the shock.

An Biru was also standing aside, her face was pale, and she was obviously frightened by the scene just now.

She looked at Lin Yuan with admiration in her heart.

She didn't expect that Lin Yuan could be so calm and decisive at this critical moment.

Gu Yexing watched all this in the office, his face livid.

"Lin Yuan, wait, this is just the beginning." Gu Yexing gritted his teeth, this beast, his luck is really good!

As the audience left in an orderly manner under the guidance of the security guard, Lin Yuan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He turned to look at An Biru and asked with concern: "Host An, are you okay?"

An Biru shook her head, her face still pale with shock.

She tried to squeeze out a smile, her voice trembling slightly, "I'm fine, thank you, Lin Yuan."

Lichuanjiang also came over at this time, her eyes full of admiration and said to Lin Yuan: "Lin Yuan, thank you so much just now, if it weren't for your quick reaction, I might..."

Lin Yuan gently waved his hand and interrupted her: "Don't say that, Lichuanjiang, we are all guests, and we should help each other."

Li Hao stood aside and witnessed the whole process. He was completely shocked by Lin Yuan's heroic behavior!

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart, damn, how can Lin Yuan be so handsome!

No wonder there are so many fans, if it were him, how could he care about others.

On the Internet, this scene was quickly spread by the audience at the scene, and the barrage exploded instantly, and the emotions of netizens were high.

[Oh my God, Lin Yuan is so handsome! His reaction speed is simply amazing! ]

[What are the organizers doing? How can they not even check such dangerous items? ]

[Lin Yuan is not only handsome, but also so stylish when saving people. I want to give birth to a baby for him! ]

[The security measures are too poor. Fortunately, Lin Yuan is here, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous! ]

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