After Qin Shiyi's men left, she sat alone in the large office chair, with a complicated light shining in her eyes.

She knew she should be careful about this, but she couldn't help it.

The thought of such a person actually harming Lin Yuan made her insides explode with anger.

At the same time, at the hospital, the employees sent by Gu Changchuan heard the sound of rapid footsteps and the sirens of rescue equipment as soon as they arrived at the hospital.

He didn't understand the situation yet, so he could only hurry to the side and wait.

On the other side, Lin Yuan was eating with Mei Zi and the others.

Suddenly, Lin Yuan's cell phone rang. He glanced at the caller ID and saw that it was the number of the police station.

"Sorry, let me take a call." Lin Yuan motioned to Mei Zi and An Biru, then walked aside to answer the call.

"Hello, I'm Lin Yuan." Lin Yuan's voice was calm.

The police officer's voice came from the other end of the phone, "Mr. Lin, there is something that requires you to come over."

"What's the matter?" Lin Yuan asked.

"Hu Mazi is dead." The police officer's words shocked Lin Yuan's heart.

"When did it happen?" Lin Yuan tried to stay calm.

"Ten minutes ago, someone poured a whole bottle of concentrated sulfuric acid into his mouth." The police officer's words shocked Lin Yuan!

After Lin Yuan hung up the phone, he returned to Mei Zi and An Biru.

"I'm in a hurry and need to go to the police station. You guys eat first without waiting for me."

An Biru asked with concern: "What happened?"

Lin Yuan shook his head, "It's not clear yet, I'll go take a look first. By the way, I've settled the bill, you can take your time."

Meizi was a little embarrassed, "Obviously I invited you to dinner, why did you invite us instead?"

Lin Yuan smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, you can invite me next time." After saying that, he hurriedly left the restaurant.

Arriving at the police station, Lin Yuan was taken to the interrogation room.

The police officer looked at him and said seriously: "The person has not been rescued!"

Of course Lin Yuan knew that drinking concentrated sulfuric acid was almost equivalent to death.

He frowned, "This is indeed strange, if Jute is hired by someone else."

"He hasn't been thrown at me yet, so he can't be so anxious to silence him."

The police officer nodded, "We think so too, so we need you to come over and assist in the investigation."

Lin Yuan took a deep breath, "I will try my best to cooperate. Most of this happened in the hospital."

The police officer handed a bunch of USB flash drives with surveillance videos to Lin Yuan and said solemnly:

"This is the hospital's surveillance video from that day. Our people have gone to the hospital to collect evidence. Let's watch the surveillance together and see if there is anyone you recognize."

Lin Yuan took the USB flash drive and nodded, "I will try my best."

In the hospital, the employee sent by Gu Changchuan stood in the corridor, holding a phone in his hand and saying in a trembling voice: "Mr. Gu, the person you asked me to see is dead."

Gu Changchuan on the other end of the phone was stunned, "What's going on? Tell me clearly!"

The employee swallowed, "I heard that he was fed a bottle of sulfuric acid and his internal organs were rotten."

Gu Changchuan was silent for a moment, then suppressed his smile and said, "Then you can come back, everything will be fine."

The employee was stunned and felt a little confused, but he still said "ok" and hung up the phone.

After Gu Changchuan hung up the phone, he couldn't help laughing, "God helps me!"

Gu Yexing, who was standing aside, was a little helpless, "Dad, what's wrong?"

Gu Changchuan smiled from ear to ear, "The guy you hired to throw acid was dead. He was killed by someone pouring acid into his mouth."

Gu Yexing was also shocked, "Is there such a thing?"

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but laugh, "Dad, it must be Lin Yuan's extreme fans who did it. He is not a good person. Most of Lin Yuan's fans also have problems."

Gu Changchuan sneered, "Okay, please be more honest recently, do you understand?"

Gu Yexing nodded, "I understand."

On the other side, Lin Yuan watched the surveillance video all day in front of the police station's computer.

My eyes were dazzled, but I didn't find anything strange.

The people who came in and out of Huang Mazi's room were all doctors and nurses from the hospital, and there was nothing unusual.

His ward is on the twentieth floor, and no one can sneak in.

Lin Yuan rubbed his temples and felt a headache, "This matter is getting more and more complicated."

The police officer stood aside with a look of helplessness on his face, "We didn't send anyone to protect him at the time. We thought it was just a small matter, but we didn't expect that such a big mistake would happen later."

Lin Yuan shook his head, "It's too late to talk about this now. The key is to find out the truth."

The police officer sighed, "We have to send someone to protect you. If you get into danger on the way, you will be in trouble."

Lin Yuan refused, "No, I will go back soon."

The police officer insisted, "Then at least find someone to take you back to the hotel, otherwise we won't worry."

Lin Yuan thought for a while and nodded, "That's okay."

As night fell, Lin Yuan walked out of the police station under the escort of two police officers.

Lin Yuan sat in the police car, looking through the car window at the pedestrians and vehicles passing by outside.

If it was done by a nurse doctor in the hospital, what was the motive?

Just to silence him, he was too brave to kill people openly in the hospital.

He thought and shook his head slightly, the doubts in his heart getting heavier and heavier.

The police car slowly drove into the hotel parking lot. Lin Yuan got out of the car, thanked the escorting police, and quickly walked into the hotel.

Back in the room, Lin Yuan packed his luggage and was about to take a rest.

"Tuk-tuk-tuk!" Suddenly, there was a rapid knock on the door.

He opened the door and the boss stood outside the door panting.

"What's the situation?" The boss asked anxiously as soon as he entered the door. "I was called over for questioning after the incident, and I haven't been able to come to ask you about the situation."

Lin Yuan shook his head, "The man was originally arrested, but he died again. This is really a big trouble."

The boss looked puzzled, "No one can threaten you after he died, isn't it good? What's the trouble? It's not the person we killed."

Lin Yuan sighed and brought him a bottle of water.

"Boss, you don't understand, this person attacked me, but died, what does this mean?"

The boss smiled, "It means someone can't stand others touching you!"

This sentence instantly enlightened Lin Yuan, yes!

He had been thinking wrongly, maybe this was not to silence someone at all, it was purely for revenge.

He felt a chill on his back and thought of a name.

Lin Yuan's face changed slightly. Seeing this, the boss asked with concern: "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Lin Yuan forced a smile, "Boss, you should also take a rest quickly. We have to leave tomorrow."

"I know, didn't I come to see you?" The boss patted Lin Yuan's shoulder and turned to leave the room.

After the boss left, Lin Yuan sat on the bed, silent for a moment, then picked up the phone and dialed Qin Shiyi's number.

After the phone rang a few times, Qin Shiyi's voice came from the other end, with great excitement.

"Lin Yuan, I miss you so much! But you don't allow me to contact you?"

"What's the situation? I heard that someone did something to you, I'm very worried!"

Lin Yuan took a deep breath, "Qin Shiyi, did you do it?"

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