After listening to Lin Yuan's analysis, everyone looked at the two men's arms again.

There are messy tattoos on it, some red and some green. If you don't look carefully, you can't see the pinholes on it.

The two men panicked and subconsciously tried to hide their arms.

Little did he know that his move was in compliance with the old saying, there is no three hundred taels of silver here.

The more this happens, the more it means there is something wrong with the conscience.

After a pause, Lin Yuan explained calmly: "Under normal circumstances, there are generally three methods of absorption. One is to inhale through the nose. The powder can be quickly absorbed through the nasal mucosa and respiratory mucosa."

"So in movies, gangsters use their noses to identify the authenticity of drugs. This makes sense."

"The second is oral administration, which has the worst effect and almost no one uses it."

"The most common ones are intramuscular injection, subcutaneous injection and intravenous injection, which are absorbed faster and of course cause the greatest harm to the human body!"

After speaking, he looked at the woman and teased: "I have said so much, do you dare to lift up your sleeves and show everyone."

Lin Yuan's words were like a heavy hammer, hitting the woman's heart hard.

In an instant, I felt like my breathing had stopped suddenly, and I couldn't breathe.

No amount of makeup could hide the paleness and panic on her face.

Does she dare?

She certainly wouldn't dare!

But she doesn't dare others!

While she was in a daze, the police who came after hearing the news walked up to her and lifted her sleeves while she was not paying attention.


The next second, the scene was in an uproar.

The dense pinholes on the dry skin looked like countless blood-sucking insects lying on it. Goosebumps stood up all over the body of those who looked at it, making their hair stand on end.

It's hard to imagine that such a disgusting skin is hidden under such a bright and beautiful appearance.

Netizens in the live broadcast room were also excited.



——[Hey guys, where are you, talking? Is this a script? Can you give me a script like this? The police have come forward, but why are people joking about taking drugs? Do you feel a crackling sound on your face now? 】

——[I have always firmly believed that Lin Yuan is not the script, and those jealous people are the ones who are shady. This wave not only helped the waiters prove their innocence, but also helped the police catch drug addicts. People like this are so evil that they don’t even have a conscience anymore? 】

——[I feel sick when I see people taking drugs. I have seen a video before. An undercover drug police officer was found dead. What a miserable death. They sacrificed their lives to refuse drugs and harm the people of the country. But these people don’t care at all. They think they are taking drugs. Very fashionable. 】

——[I saw a documentary before, where a drug police officer went to pick up his daughter from school. But his daughter ignored him no matter how he greeted her after school. I followed him all the way and ignored him no matter how he shouted. It wasn't until we walked a long way that the little girl cried and replied. I still remember her words clearly - didn't you say you should pretend not to know someone when there are many people? 】

At this moment, everyone figured it out.

Why would she blackmail a waiter?

I see.

Addict, what can't you do? Not to mention blackmailing a waiter, it is possible for her to sell her child.

People who take drugs have no bottom line.

For the onlookers, today was an eye-opener.

I came to attend a wine tasting party, and not only did I meet the agent who was selling the house, he turned into a master of wine tasting and helped people fight injustices, but he also arrested a bunch of drug addicts.

This is not an intermediary, this is clearly the judge of the reception!

Everyone looked at the two men and one woman who had been arrested, and they all sighed.

One of the policemen walked up to Lin Yuan and said hello with a smile: "Thank you, young man. How many of our frontline comrades risked their lives to protect everyone, but they didn't cherish it."

Lin Yuan nodded seriously: "It should be!"

After a simple greeting, the police led the people away, and the crowd at the scene gradually dispersed.

However, Lin Yuan changed from a stowaway to the center of attention. Dozens of people gathered around the booth of Qinghe Winery to taste wine and chat.

Taking this opportunity, Lin Yuan gave everyone a business card and introduced the advantages of the villa.

On the spot, several people expressed that they wanted to view the house and if it was suitable, they would make a decision.

Netizens in the live broadcast room were all dumbfounded when they saw such a harmonious scene.

Who would have thought that more than half an hour ago, he was sneaking in with a ladder to sell a house.

As a result, now he is surrounded by stars. Not only can he sit there wearing sportswear, drinking wine and chatting, but there are also a bunch of people surrounding him wanting to see and buy a house.

Not surprisingly, by the end of today's wine tasting, the house will definitely be sold.

In addition to selling houses, Qinghe also took a lot of money this time.

Just now, she stepped forward to help Lin Yuan out of the siege, which also made the guests watching have a great impression of her.

In addition, so many people gathered around her to taste wine, several people signed contracts and placed a batch of orders on the spot.

But there was no joyful look on Qinghe's face at this moment. Looking at Lin Yuan chatting with everyone, instead, he showed a look of uneasiness and worry.

Looking at the two mobile phones on the table, she felt a little anxious.

Originally, her father came to the tasting with her, and it was her father who represented Qinghe Winery in the competition.

As a result, it has been more than half an hour, and the person has disappeared, and he has not brought his mobile phone with him, so he cannot be contacted at all.

This was one of the reasons why she dared to take the initiative to help Lin Yuan out of trouble just now. She believed in her own judgment. Lin Yuan's wine tasting ability was just as good as her father's.

In case his father is delayed by something and cannot come back, he can solve his urgent needs and also give him a favor.

But she also knew that this was just wishful thinking on her part, and Lin Yuan might not be willing to help in the competition.

And when it comes to favors, he has paid off just these few orders.

You can just pat your butt and leave.

Thinking of this, Qinghe couldn't help sighing and frowning, wondering how he was going to explain it later.

Just as she lowered her head and thought.

The host's voice came from above the stage.

[Dear leaders, distinguished guests, fellow wineries, the first wine tasting conference of Xihai City.]

[Now, let’s invite this time’s selection guest, Liu Damao, Senior Liu. 】


There was a round of applause.

Lin Yuan turned his head and looked behind him. An old man with half-white hair walked onto the stage, smiled and waved.

Under the introduction of the host, I learned that he is a wine tasting master, has absolute authority, and is very famous throughout China.

He will be the judge of today's bidding meeting, but he will not choose the winery.

Later, the relevant leaders were introduced, probably 7 or 8, who all walked onto the stage in formal attire and waved.

Lin Yuan wanted to laugh a little when he saw this scene.

We asked for a judge, but it turned out that the leader chose the winery.

Isn't this just a pure act?

I guess which winery to choose has already been decided.

Today's tasting will most likely be just a formality.

It’s not that I don’t understand those wineries. Anyway, it’s not a loss. If you’re lucky, just like Qinghe Winery, you can sign a few orders and make a lot of money!

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