After listening to Lin Yuan's explanation, many people suddenly realized, but this did not alleviate their panic.

But fortunately, the doctor told them that the Gong element in their blood was not too much, and it was not fatal for the time being. As long as they no longer ingest toxins, the Gong in the body could be slowly eliminated through medical means.

However, those with severe symptoms have significantly higher levels of mercury in their bodies than the average person.

Thinking that they especially love fish, everyone's heart skipped a beat.

Could it be that fish are really poisonous?

At this moment, Lin Yuan suggested: "I suggest you catch a fish in the lake now. Wouldn't it be possible to know whether the fish is poisonous or whether someone poisoned it?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone immediately recognized it.

Immediately, several people ran home to get their tools and went into the water to fish together.

In less than ten minutes, I saw them running back excitedly holding a carp weighing more than two kilograms.

After some tests by the doctor, everyone was completely shocked!

Fish are really poisonous! !

It's just that the mercury in fish is very small, much lower than that in human blood.

Faced with such a result, everyone was full of doubts.

Team Chen's face was ugly. The worst result had occurred. He had already expected that Xihai City would soon change.

Right now, he must solve the case as soon as possible, otherwise once the public knows that poisonous fish are circulating in the market, the riots caused will be unimaginable.

But he couldn't figure out why this was the case, so he had to look at Lin Yuan and ask: "Lin Yuan, what is going on? Is it possible that fish is not the main source, but something else poisoned the villagers?"

Lin Yuan smiled and shook his head: "No, it's just a fish!"

"At first I didn't understand why the fish was poisonous but the fish didn't die. Now I finally understand."

"Generally, after mercury is absorbed by humans or animals, it will accumulate in bones and brains, especially joints. This is also the reason why body deformities and self-mutilation are out of control in the later stages of mercury poisoning."

"The reason why the fish didn't die was because there was very little mercury in its body and it wasn't enough to be fatal."

"But the problem is, one fish contains very little mercury, but what about ten or a hundred fish? The old people in the village have eaten at least thousands of fish in their lifetime, right?"

"That accumulated mercury would be a horrific dose."

"In addition, cats and dogs also like to eat fish with the bones. This is equivalent to eating mercury into their stomachs in disguise, so they become poisonous much faster than humans."

As soon as these words came out, the expression of a villager next to him changed drastically.

Everyone around him also looked at him.

Seeing Lin Yuan and Captain Chen's puzzled looks, the second uncle quickly explained: "This is Lao Zhangtou. He especially likes to chew the bones when eating fish, saying that there is marrow in them. Now think about it, how can he suck the marrow? It's obvious He’s taking drugs!”

Hearing this answer, Lin Yuan was also speechless for a while.

Now they finally understand.

The truth is often so unexpected.

I thought the mass suicide of animals was a supernatural incident, but unexpectedly it turned into a whole village being poisoned!

Fortunately, he was discovered by Lin Yuan today.

Otherwise, this village might really be slaughtered in a few years!

Thinking of this, everyone's faces became tense and frightened.

The look in Lin Yuan's eyes also completely changed, becoming one of awe and gratitude.

Netizens in the live broadcast room witnessed the whole process and were all surprised.



——[Oh my god, isn’t this too outrageous? I also love to eat fish and eat it almost every day, but now you suddenly tell me that fish is poisonous? How can I eat this shit in the future? Is it possible to use a silver needle to test whether the fish is poisonous before eating it? I'm afraid that the tiny amount of toxins can't be detected with a silver needle. 】

——[Lin Yuan really refreshed my three views again and again. It was outrageous enough that he helped his clients mourn, but in the end he discovered such a terrifying truth because of a big Mickey. I was thinking, what if If I didn't find anything today and let things continue to evolve, what would be the consequences? 】

--【as a result of? What else can we do besides holding a banquet for the whole village? Have you ever heard of Minamata disease? It almost wiped out a town in Japan. People who were severely poisoned still have no cure. Do you think this is a joke? I already had a premonition that the sky over Lin Yuan was going to collapse. If I were from Xihai City and knew this news, I would probably be scared to death. 】

——[Speaking of which, why are fish poisonous? People in the past were fine. Could it be that someone poisoned the lake? But the problem is, how much poison would be required for such a big lake, and the cost would be too high. 】

Although it is now clear that fish is the cause behind this series of supernatural events.

But the question is, why are fish poisonous?

The villagers have said before that it is okay for several generations to survive here, which means that poisonous fish must be a recent thing.

At this time, Team Chen asked doubtfully: "Is it possible that the water quality is polluted?"

The words just fell.

Several villagers replied in unison: "Impossible!"

"The water quality of this lake is well-known. People often see paddlefish in it. This fish is a national first-class protected animal and has very high requirements for water quality."

However, the next second, someone said doubtfully: "But I haven't seen a paddlefish in more than half a year, and I don't know what's going on."

As soon as these words came out, everyone else lowered their heads in despair.

In the past, whenever the villagers went out to fish, they were very happy to see the paddlefish, which symbolized that they were about to have good luck.

But in the past six months, the paddlefish has never appeared again.

I thought it was just a coincidence, but when I thought about what happened today, everyone couldn't help but tremble.

Is it possible that there is really a problem with the water quality of the Great Lakes?

In order to clarify this issue.

Team Chen asked the villagers to lead the way, and asked the accompanying police and doctors to fetch water from the lake and return it for testing.

All the villagers are anxiously waiting for the results.

Fish have been proven to be poisonous.

If the lake water proves to be poisonous again, it will be disastrous for them.

The fishing that has been their livelihood for generations must be cut off. What is the difference between this and cutting off their roots?

When the time comes, young people will stop fishing and go out one after another, and eventually this village will inevitably disappear in the long river of history.

However, despite their reluctance.

The results will not change!

After more than twenty minutes of detailed inspection.

The conclusion was drawn that the mercury element in the lake water exceeded the standard! !

After hearing this answer, some older villagers fainted on the spot. The faces of the villagers were ashen, and many people lost control of their emotions. Some cried and some yelled.

Lin Yuan looked at the chaotic scene and fell into deep thought, frowning.

He couldn't figure out why there was mercury in the lake water.

In such a large lake, how much mercury is needed to ensure that both the fish and the lake water exceed the standard?

This is absolutely an astronomical figure!

Even if someone wanted to poison the lake, the cost would be too high.

But then again, mercury can't just appear out of thin air.


Unless there is a cinnabar mine under the lake!

After years of crustal movement, it was gradually lifted to the ground. Under a series of specific conditions, a chemical reaction occurred when it encountered water, and then mercury was formed?

However, this answer is also far-fetched.

Previous tests on villagers, fish, and water showed mercury elements, not mercury.

If it was an accidental chemical reaction in the cinnabar mine, it should appear in the form of mercury.

Mercury does not dissolve in water, it will only sink to the bottom and will not be eaten by fish.

Therefore, Lin Yuan denied the possibility of mineral veins at the bottom of the lake.

In addition, there is another problem that bothers him.

Generally, mercury is divided into two forms: organic mercury and inorganic mercury.

It is difficult for inorganic mercury to enter the brain through the human blood-brain barrier and affect the human brain nervous system.

Based on the current situation of the villagers and the abnormality of the animals, Lin Yuan was certain that this was definitely organic mercury poisoning.

The problem is, whether mercury is used in chemical industry or in daily life, although it is also toxic, it is inorganic mercury.

Where does the organic mercury that can pollute an entire lake come from? Could it be conjured out of thin air?

It's a pity that the doctor hasn't analyzed the results for a while, otherwise he might be able to find some clues.

Just when he was stunned, Team Chen came to him and said with a wry smile: "Lin Yuan, if this news gets out, there will be a big earthquake in Xihai City."

"I have heard about this lake since I was a child, and the fish in it are also very popular in the market. Almost most people in Xihai City have eaten it."

"Once they know the fish here are poisonous, there will be consequences"


At this point, Team Chen no longer knew what to say.

He knew very well how serious this matter was.

Just like the last incident at the funeral home, the impact was far-reaching, even worse.

The most urgent thing he had to do was not to investigate why the lake was poisonous, but to make a phone call to Director Yang to report the situation.

Lest the news spread and the superiors came to question him, he would still be kept in the dark.

A moment later, Director Yang answered the phone. When he learned the news, he was stunned!

"What? Poisoned by eating fish? A whole village was poisoned? Maybe everyone in Xihai City was poisoned?"

Team Chen smiled bitterly and nodded: "Yes, it has been confirmed that the mercury element in the lake water exceeds the standard, but the root cause has not been found yet. The impact of this matter is too great. Director Yang, what should we do now?"

On the other end of the phone, Director Yang's eyes widened and his face turned ugly.

It was surprising enough to hear that eating fish can cause poisoning. Who would have thought that the entire lake was poisonous, and even the entire Xihai City was implicated! !

At this moment, Director Yang felt that the sky was falling!

Of course he had heard of that lake, and even went to see the paddlefish in the lake himself.

The large lake has been passed down from generation to generation for at least several hundred years, and it produces an astonishing amount of fish!

Although part of it was eaten by the villagers themselves.

But they make a living from this, and most of them are sold on the market.

In other words, there are so many people who have eaten fish from the lake that it is unimaginable, and even he is one of the victims!

And as Captain Chen just said, this is mercury, and once it enters the human body, it cannot be excreted.

It looks like a fish might be okay.

But...that's mercury!

All fools know that it is highly poisonous, but now they accidentally eat it.

Who wouldn't be afraid of such a highly toxic substance lurking in his body?

Especially the residents who live in the nearby market, who hasn’t eaten dozens of fish?

If they continue to eat it, he may not even know how he died until the day he dies!

As the saying goes, there is no wall that is airtight. This news will definitely spread by tonight at the latest.

When the time comes, will those innocent victims just sit back and wait to die?

How should the government deal with these people?

If they gather to cause trouble, will he, as a policeman, maintain order, or help them redress their grievances?

It’s hard to decide!

Thinking of this, Director Yang couldn't stop sweating from his forehead.

In order to avoid the worst situation, I quickly asked on the phone: "How many of you are there now? Have you asked experts to come and help?"

Hearing this, Captain Chen looked strange, glanced at Lin Yuan and nodded: "Lin Yuan is here too!"

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