This is a Miracle

Chapter 102 Arrive at Aden Island

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On the deck, the sharp-eyed children saw Aden Island appearing in the distance.

If it's just an ordinary island, they have encountered a lot along the way, but Aden Island is much larger than the island that was supplied with fresh water before.

"Gah, gah~~"

Countless seagull-like white seabirds hovered above everyone's heads, and Anderson brought the tree elves to them: "The front is where you will live in the future, the Principality of Aden!"

‘Principality? ’

These children do not know what a duchy means, nor do they know that in the land of miracles, only the Lord of Miracles can become princes.

But smarter people, such as Ilona, ​​Haierbo, etc., realized the meaning of this word for the first time.

"All line up, stand up!"

After several days of training, Anderson has taught them the most basic military postures and formations.

Andrew raised these children as sailors and seamen.

"Start counting!!"

With an order, everyone, including the girls who received maid training, immediately began to count the numbers.

On the sea, three large ships are running side by side, and 40 children are standing on the deck of each ship.

They lined up neatly, either looking forward to or worriedly looking at Aden Island in the distance.

There is the land where they will live in the future.

What the fate of the future will be, soon, they will know.


"Here, is Aton?"

Looking at the port town bathed in sunlight in front of them, along with the slow mooring of the boats, the children were attracted by the dreamy scenery in front of them.

The wooden Viking-style two-story house built along the coast is located in the meadows and gardens, with a Danish-style pastoral cottage.

And in the center of these huts and houses, on the square with the fountain, a Gothic-style, church-like majestic building stands in the center of the entire city.

"What is this place?"

Standing on the deck, Ilona leaned on the railing and looked out at the port town in the distance. He had never seen such a place before.

Compared with the kingdom of mountains, at least compared with his hometown, that poor and backward village, it is much more beautiful and peaceful.

"This town..."

Haierbo muttered to himself in surprise: "It's too beautiful."

Haierbo has been to some small towns, but the atmosphere there is far from comparable to that of Aden Harbour.

Standing in this category, he only felt peace of mind, and even a little warmth, the warmth from the heart.

"Don't call me master in the future," Elsa walked out of the captain's room and walked down the stairs: "You should call that person your majesty. This is not Aden, but the Duchy of Aden!"

The Duchy of Aton?

His Majesty?

Here, here is a country! !

Even if they really got this news from Anderson, these teenagers still couldn't imagine that they were not bought by nobles and landowners, but became the property of a duke.

'Great! ’

Haierbo has no fear, only excitement and anticipation.

To be a servant of a duke is much better than to be a serf of an ordinary landlord, to farm for a lifetime.

Helbo wanted to fight, he wanted to be a warrior, not a farmer and a fisherman.

From a very young age, Haierbo's mother instilled in him the "principle of equivalence".

You fight and fight for others, so that you can get what you want, and the other party gives you a reward, then you have to make achievements worthy of this reward.

Those who don't work, don't eat!

Be a human being, loyalty first, and never be ungrateful.


Hearing that someone had questions, Elsa turned around and found that it was Haxa.


Elsa doesn't like this person, but if the other person has problems, then she can't ignore it directly.

"What do you want us to do?"

Haxa summoned the courage to ask Elsa: "If it's a country,

There should be no shortage of people like us, right? "

However, the fact is that Aden really lacks them.

But in this case, Elsa must not be able to say, she continued to maintain a high cold: "Your role, you will know later."


This time, it was Haierbo.

"What's your problem?"

Haierbo has gained a lot of favorability from the Adonites.

If this is a game world, the Aduns are NPCs, and hidden tasks must be properly prepared for him.

"If you work hard, will you be able to eat enough?"

Facing the very practical question of Haierbo, Elsa felt that she could answer: "Of course!"

"Then I'm fine."

Those who do not work will not eat. Since the Grand Duke gives them a bite to eat, they have to work for him. Isn’t this just right?

"Have a meal."


"The king here must be a good person."

"We will work hard, and we will do it well."

Sure enough, the boys and girls are very grateful for Haierbo's question, this is the most practical.

What kind of safety, what kind of bullshit freedom, can it be compared to having enough food and clothing?

In a world where starvation is the norm, what is more important than food and clothing?

Along the way, the kids absolutely fell in love with Aton's food.

Although it is relatively simple to eat, it is really delicious.

Noodles, steamed buns, rice, and meat, and fish.

Gonia didn't take out all of Aden's delicacies, but even a small fraction of one ten thousandth is enough to make these children who have never seen the world linger.

The status of slaves is doomed to their height in this life.

So they don't expect to live in such a beautiful house, as long as they have a shelter from the wind, they are satisfied.

"Everyone, disembark in an orderly manner, and then follow me to the square in the center of the port to gather."

Gonia took the lead to get off the boat. After she said a few words to Elsa and Fiora, she went to make arrangements by herself, leaving the tree elves standing around the children to maintain order.

"A lot of flowers."

"And butterflies and bees, and many birds."

The children got off the boat and finally set foot on Aden's land.

They are very longing for this city.

If the kingdom of mountains is a black and white photo, then Aden Island is a color TV, and the whole world seems to be enveloped by an invisible dreamlike force.

'It's not like an illusion. ’

‘There is indeed a stock, incredible power. ’

Haierbo and Ilona looked at each other rarely, and the two teenagers read the shock in each other's hearts from each other's eyes.

It's not easy here, it's so peaceful!


Everyone looked around, but found that no one lived in the house, and all the houses were empty.

"Excuse me, why is there no one here?"

In the face of their questions, Gonia, Elsa, Fiora, and Anderson and other tree elves did not answer.

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