This is a Miracle

Chapter 108 Do It Yourself, Don't Live

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"His Majesty?"

In the evening three days after meeting Ina, the Three Musketeers and the Mouse Guard came to report at the same time.

"Having kids broke Aden's rules."

When Mao Lingling said this, it was obviously a long-standing resentment. Among the 120 children, 10 children had problems.

But for 9 of them, the problem is not that big.

After several days of discipline and training, they have begun to adapt to Aden's life and have developed a certain sense of belonging here.

This is a good thing, once people get used to it, they don't want to change.

"who is it?"

"That kid named Haxa."

A cute hamster raised his hand and said indignantly, "It's my brother's wife's cousin's niece, told me."


Bai Luo didn't know how to complain, he said, "What did he do?"

"Go deep into the forbidden forest?!"

Bai Luo frowned, but quickly relaxed: "Did you induce him, or seduce him?"

"Absolutely not!"

Mao Lingling respectfully said: "I will follow your will and will never fish for law enforcement."

It was impossible for a goblin to deceive Bai Luo, much less to disobey his previous orders, so Haxa really entered the forbidden forest by his own will.

"Self-inflicted sin, can't live..."

Bai Luo is not a good person, that's for sure.

The world of miracles is extremely chaotic, and people with good hearts simply don't live long.

But at the very least, Bai Luo still has the bottom line.

He killed the merchant for revenge, to destroy the pirates, to keep the news of the Adonians from spreading, and to protect his family.

Haxa, he was just a slave bought by Bai Luo.

If Bai Luo killed him at will, it would be fine, no one would say anything, but it would not benefit Aden's future rule of law construction.

'The laws of Adon are not to limit the king, but to serve the king. ’

This article is clearly written in the Aden constitution, and only one person can ignore any law, and that is Bai Luo.

But as the leader of Aden, Bai Luo will try his best to restrain himself and set an example.

"According to Aden's existing laws, under the stipulation that I can't cross the forest, knowing the law and breaking the law, what should I do?"

Aden's existing laws, for the most part, are good for Aden.

The Aduns include the tree elves, the Adun family, and the goblin family.

These three clans on Aden Island had almost no restrictions, except for the regulations that respect Bai Luo, not hurt their companions, and harm Aden's interests.

So those laws are all designed to restrict outsiders.

"After the Forbidden Forest is my Aden's secret."

The cat Ling was familiar with the Law of Aden: "And spying and leaking state secrets can be killed on the spot!"

The issue of state secrets, once spied on, is equivalent to leaking.

Inai, silly tiger and Haierbo, the three of them are different from Haxa.

With Bai Luo's permission, they naturally didn't break the law.

What's more, in Bai Luo's mind, these three people have almost become citizens of Aden, so the so-called civilian law has nothing to do with them.

"Then follow the law."

After Bai Luo finished speaking, he ignored the matter and continued to study the map of the azure sea with his head down.

If Haxa didn't choose to escape and break the law, even if he didn't succeed, Bai Luo wouldn't mind raising an idler.

However, now, a traitor who wants to leak state secrets, he is no longer a civilian in Aden.

Haxa is the enemy, and the Adonites never show mercy to the enemy!

"Oh, right."

Bai Luo raised his head, a mere Haksa, not worthy of his concern, just listened to him indifferently say: "You can supervise from the side, let the forest handle it."

"As ordered!"


Mao Yiyi disappeared, she went to Harbour Village and informed the fairies over there,

Confess Bai Luo's attitude.


On the other side, Haxa, who didn't know that he had violated Aden's law, was following the silly tiger and walking in the forest.

He thought he was hidden, hanging far behind, using the trees to hide, and was not found by the silly tiger.

"That guy Haierbo, and that ugly guy, even this fool..."

Of the 120 children, Bai Luo only fell in love with three of them for the time being.

For three days, Haierbo followed the goblins to learn Aden's martial arts.

Although he has not yet been armed with other fairies, he used the guardian pendant to lay the foundation for the power of miracles.

His body is adapting to Bai Luo's gift, and when he obtains other miraculous powers in the future, Haierbo will go faster and farther than others.

As for Ina, she really has a talent for learning fairy magic.

In just three days, he has learned a few simple little magics.

His aptitude is even better than Elsa before receiving the blessing of the mysterious dragon.

Elsa and Fiora complimented Inai more than once, saying she was excellent: 'Whether she is talented, or loyal, she is enough to be accepted by us as a true Adun. ’

The last silly tiger, his situation is special.

This child has no scheming and low IQ.

So, like Haierbo, Bai Luo only gave him the goblin armour, but did not dare to give him weapons, for fear that he would hurt others or himself.

The learning ability of a silly tiger is less than one-tenth of Haierbo's, and it almost relies on instinct to memorize.

The only advantage is that he has strong plasticity, and can become the talent that Aden needs as his IQ grows.

It is precisely because of this that the conflict between the three of them and Haksa broke out.

It was this morning, and the fourth day after the trio had been training with the Atons.

Haxa continued to do things as always. He mocked Inai for being a monster, which angered Haierbo, who became a quasi-citizen of Aden, and was very angry.

Because they were chosen by Bai Luo, the three of them knew each other's identities.

Haierbo is a good boy. If he is the boss, he will definitely bring out a very good corporate culture.

Helbo had taken care of Inai when she was on the slave ship.

So to the young and young, Haierbo is like the big brother among the slaves in this boat, the elder brother who will seek benefits for them, answer their doubts, and then provide help.

Silly Tiger and Inai respected Haierbo, which made Haierbo the team leader of the three.

According to the reports of the fairies, Haierbo, the captain, was very qualified.

"I don't allow you to scold Sister Inai!"

However, before Haierbo could teach Haxa a lesson, the silly tiger stood up.

That terrifying power, like a beast that chooses to devour someone, immediately stunned Haxa.

"Damn! Damn!!"

How could Haxa not take revenge after being so humiliated.

But for two consecutive days, Haxar found that the life trajectories of the three people overlapped.

At night, Haxa noticed that they were smearing their travels and walked into the forbidden forest that was not allowed to enter.


Haxa understood, he finally understood.

No wonder that stupid big guy who is usually timid and like a mouse suddenly lashes out at himself. It turns out that there is such a relationship.

What was in the Forbidden Forest, Haxa didn't know.

But if the three of them were able to enter, it means that Aden's laws are simply deceptive.

According to the content of the military training, if something happens, you should tell the instructors as soon as possible.

But Haxa didn't mention this to Knowles, but secretly told the matter to his previous younger brothers.

However, these little brothers have now been captured by Aden.

They had listened to Haksa before because of their shallow knowledge.

But with Aton's education and training, they have a certain degree of self-judgment.

Coupled with Haxa's successive embarrassment, they made a gangster like Haxa completely disgusted by them.

So, they decisively rejected Haksa.

They didn't believe him at all.

Who knows if Haxa is trying to trick them into the forbidden forest and use them as gunmen?

It has to be said that these kids are witty, because that's what Haxa planned.

Regardless of the reason and method for the three of them to enter the Forbidden Forest, find more people, and even if they fail, they can still be scapegoats.

If you are also arrested, so many people, the law does not blame the public, right?

"I must dig out your secrets."

"And this island."

Haxa plans to escape from Aden Island and tell the merchants the secret here (too little knowledge to know about miracles).

So much food, so well equipped, there must be something good here.

And this is the first step for him to break free from slavery and become a superior man!

Haxa's mind is active, and even if his aptitude is not as good as Haierbo and Ilona, ​​he is second only to them.

But he has too many ideas.

Haxa is jealous, greedy and selfish, and likes to bully the weak.

If it wasn't for Bailuo wanting to correct Aden's laws and regulations, such rat shit would have been disposed of by the Aden people immediately.

Of course, it's not too late.

Bai Luo originally planned to give Haxa a month, hoping that he could read Aden's favor and make a change.

However, he is an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf.

Aton gave him delicious food, gave him a warm house, arranged education, and gave him knowledge training.

But Haxa didn't want to repay, instead, he was jealous of Haierbo, Inai, and Silly Tiger, and hated them being opened by the teacher.

Of course, these are nothing.

If you just think about it and feel unconvinced, and even ask teachers and officers directly in person, the Aden will feel that he has followed the rules.

But today, without the guidance of any Adonites, he entered the forbidden forest, which was strictly stipulated by the law and could not be entered without authorization.

And this has become the last piece of Aden's law to sentence him to death.

"What the hell is going on in this forest?"

Haxa found himself missing a fool, but how could it be: "I would lose a fool? What a joke!"

But it turned out that he was really lost.

Not only that, but Haxar also discovered a strange thing, that is, he seems to have returned to the starting point.

"It's here again!"

Haxa's breathing was a little short. He looked around and remembered the ghost stories he heard when he was a child: "It's all fake. There is no living forest that can eat people. There is no such thing."

Haxa didn't believe it, so he continued to wander in the forest, but he didn't know that at this moment, countless pairs of eyes were already watching him.

"Hey hey hey..."

In the quiet forest, a strange laughter came from far to near, and it seemed to come from the soles of the feet and echoed above the head.


Haxa was shocked, he was just an ordinary bastard, where have he encountered such a thing: "Who is pretending to be a ghost, come out, come out for me!!"

"Gela la la."

The trees swayed and made a tingling noise.

The sound is getting closer and closer, Haxa's world is shrouded in darkness, and around him, countless vines twist like tentacles.


Haxa's screams echoed in the forest, and were eventually swallowed by the pitch-black world.

The goblins didn't torture Haxa, they had no such interest.

Everything is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Law of Aden.

Obviously, this awakened 'forest' is the best executioner in the Principality of Aden

"Today, I want to tell you something."

The next morning, Knowles told everyone about this at the morning exercise rally.

"Someone violated Aden's law, entered the forbidden forest without authorization, and spied on my Aden's state secrets!"

As soon as these words came out, there was a little discussion in the originally quiet crowd.

But there were very few people, and it soon became quiet.

It can be seen that Aden's military training was effective, and they adapted to these requirements.

'Haksha! ’

Ilona was different from Haierbo in that he didn't get any inside information, but Ilona found out who the 'that person' that Knowles was talking about was the first time.

The number of people in the audience is wrong, there is one missing, and the one missing is Haksa.

"According to Aden's order, trespassing in the forbidden forest is a felony."

Knowles did not say Haxa's ending, but many children can imagine how terrible Haxa's end would be.

He really forgot his identity.

Slaves who dared to disobey their masters were beaten to death.

The Duchy of Adon, as the buyer, their master, gave them food, housing, and education.

If this news spreads, even if they want to become soldiers or even go to the battlefield, countless people will flee to Aden desperately in order to beg for food.

They were lucky, but Haxa ignored this luck and was insatiable.

"Here, I repeat."

Knowles: "No one is allowed to enter the Forbidden Forest without permission, do you hear that?"

"heard it."

"louder please!"

"heard it!!!"

Haxa is like the chicken that kills the chicken and warns the monkey, but Knowles doesn't want to frighten these children, because they have actually changed and don't need to be frightened anymore.

As a result, there was a lot of thunder and little rain, and this matter was quickly exposed by him.

I have to say that Haxa's popularity is really bad, almost to the point of public enemy.

No one would sympathize with his death.

"Start the morning exercise now, if you haven't finished ten laps, the afternoon training will be doubled!!"


"Be louder, haven't you eaten yet?!"


Seeing that the matter was resolved, Knowles looked up at the cat Yiyi floating in the air, only to see the thick blue fog flashing, and it went back to report.

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