This is a Miracle

Chapter 143 Lilith: Climb for Ben Gong!

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The senior sister has already crippled the abyss demon, and soon, she will be able to completely kill it.

Bai Luo rode Xue Li and fought against the ghostly monster and the ugly god.

With the aim of destroying it and thus protecting the privacy and secrets of the Adonites, they came up with the ultimate move and showed no mercy.


Christine saw all of this in her eyes, and even the ghosts and mythical creatures were beaten and beaten by Bai Luo, and she couldn't resist: 'If they can beat the king like this, are they the powerhouses that destroy the country? ’

Destroying the country level, that is, the legend of Aden.


Christine couldn't imagine, she looked at Lilith, the woman who just appeared here suddenly.

The dark dress, tall, graceful and charming, full of charm and mature color, but Christine can feel the holiness and the beauty of nature in her.

'What is she? ’

With so many strange attributes appearing in one person at the same time, it is clear that there are contradictions and opposite attributes.

However, in Lilith's body, they are perfectly integrated, making people feel that this is how it should be.

"Are you Sigurd?"

"Don't think about resisting," Lilith said solemnly, "That would make it difficult for me to do it."

"Can you speak?"

Sigrian's mouth was gagged, but he could still speak using a special ventriloquism.

Besides, neither Bai Luo nor that woman was there.


Lilith ignored him, the old uncle reminded her not to listen to Sigrian's bullshit.

"Don't worry, I didn't tell you."

"I told him.


Sigrian could not see anyone, but he knew that Knowles was standing beside him.


Knowles turned his back and said to himself, 'Don't listen to him, don't listen to him. ’

"Do you know how the Iron Eagle King destroyed the Kingdom of Aden?"

"The Adonites, they destroyed their own country," Sigrian: "It's interesting, isn't it?"

Knowles still didn't speak, but he was already thinking about what Siglian meant.

What is it that the Adonites destroyed their own country?

"The elders in your family must tell you that you are descended from the Seven Kings, and you serve the Aden royal family, right?"

"Ha ha ha ha."

Sigrian: "Sorry, I couldn't hold back, but you guys are really funny."

"What are you doing, what do you think the country is? Is the country your country or the people's country?"

"If the people rebel and overthrow the country, is this the fault of the people or the fault of the king?"

"Kings of Aden, all of them are tyrants."

Sigrian: "Compared to them, the Iron Eagle King is what the people want and what everyone expects!"

"To shut up!!!"

Knowles was panting heavily, and he suppressed it, but he still aimed the Dragon Crest Scarlet Flame Halberd at Sigrian's neck.

"Aden is already dead!"

Sigrian: "In this world, in this land, no Adonian expects you to come back and rule this land again!"

"What qualifications do you have to say such a thing?!"

Facing Knowles' angry questioning, Sigrian sneered: "What qualifications do you ask me? Am I not qualified?"

"If I, as an Adonian, are not qualified to deny this country, who should deny it?"


Knowles was stunned: "You, what did you say? You said you were, what?"

"I said I was..."



Knowles only felt the stench coming to his face, he instinctively turned around, and then raised the Red Flame Dragon Crown Spear to resist.


The scarlet tentacle-like substance knocked Norse away.

"Cough cough cough~"

Knowles got up from the ice, thinking he shouldn't have spoken to Sigrian: 'But is he telling the truth? Was it really the Adonites who overthrew the Kingdom of Aden back then? ’

If so, why was Aden established?

Knowles did not deny Bai Luo, nor did they deny them.

What Knowles means is, since this is a new country, why is it called the Duchy of Adun?

This is their country, get a new name, okay?


"what is this?"

"what happened?"

"Sea beast, the body of the sea beast has melted!"

The corpses of the sea beasts turned into black, red, and stinky blood, and they were like bridges of water, converging toward Sigrian from all directions.

"Don't touch them, avoid them!"

Knowing that this scarlet flesh and blood tentacles are powerful, he quickly put down those meaningless thoughts and began to maintain the order of the Aden people.


Opalang's holy ring is cracked because of the blood of thousands, thousands of sea beasts.


Sigrian rose from his chair, and his limbs recovered in an instant from the gathering of flesh and blood of the sea beasts.

"Finally, I waited for the opportunity."

I saw him take off the holy ring that bound his mouth and smiled at Lilith: "He left you, it seems that he is very confident in you, this lady."


Lilith's eyes were cold and calm: "Just force it."

But Lilith did not reveal the slightest bit of goblin power, which shows how terrifying her control of power is.

"I thought you were really stupid."

Sigrian said to Christine, "I didn't expect you to help me hide my trump card. It seems that I'm blaming you wrong."


Christine's eyes widened, and she exclaimed in disbelief: "You, you, do you still do this trick?! It's amazing! It's too strong!"

Sigrian's smile suddenly solidified.

Sigrian: I'm a fucking idiot

"Aren't you going to run?"

Lilith originally wanted to take action, but Sigurd didn't have the attitude of running away, which made Lilith not sure why.

However, she still planned to kill Sigrian in seconds, so she raised her hand, ready to snap her fingers.

"Do I have to run?"


"what sound?"

Lilith didn't look back. With Senior Sister and Bai Luo's double barrier, there was no power that could break through here.


However, the next moment, a huge mushroom cloud slowly rose, and the earth-shattering explosion swept through everything.

"Gela la la, bang, ge la la~~"

The frozen sea was shattered, the four ships trembled, and the Adonites above, without exception, looked at the south side that was only five hundred meters away from them in horror.


"Quick! Stop it!"

Under the leadership of the two extraordinary witches, Fiora and Elsa, all the witches raised their wands, released invisible fairy power from them, and built a huge fairy barrier.

"Lori Shield Guard!!"

One side of the shield was unfolded, and the silver-white small holy light barrier tightly protected the location of the Holy Grail.

"Nuclear bomb?!"

Lilith found such a word from Bai Luo's memory knowledge.

Because the scene in front of me is really similar to the nuclear bomb in Bai Luo's impression!

Although not as powerful as a nuclear bomb, it is also a small nuclear bomb.

"Hey, hey, Sigrian, save me, save me!"

Christine's familiarity almost didn't make Sigrian vomit blood: I won't kick you, the king of backstabs, I've done my best, and you have a fucking request! !

"That's it?"

"Is this your trump card?"

Lilith did not look back, but stared at Sigrian, she would never give this guy a chance to escape.


Sigrian looked at Lilith in surprise, and Christine's expression also changed suddenly.

this woman? !

She, what happened to her?

"Her miraculous power!"

"This, what kind of monster-like miraculous power is this?"

Christine was very decisive: "I think it's good to be a prisoner, please forget what I said before!"


Sigrian decided that if he had the chance, he would definitely beat this bitch to death.

"Hurry up and take action!"

"Do you really want to wait for me to die?"

Sigrian shouted: "Crash this barrier to pieces, Fortress Emperor Lizard!!"



Below the barrier, a single horn suddenly rushed up, and it slammed into the bottom of the barrier.

That huge force forcibly lifted the entire barrier, along with the sea, ice, and ships, into the air hundreds of meters high.

"And the sea devil?"

The senior sister who happened to deal with the abyss demon ignored the heroic sea monsters around, stepped out one step, and rushed towards this side.

"What monster is this?"

"so big!"

"Is this too big?"

The Aton looked at the creature below in surprise.

It was a lizard-like sea demon with a 500-meter radius of the Holy Light Barrier on top of its head, which turned out to be like a human putting a fist on his forehead.

At least 4,000 meters long body, 600 meters high behemoth, at this time, rushed up from the bottom of the sea, like a small island, and came to life.

【Fortress Emperor Lizard】

Morgan's gift to his beloved son Sigrian, like the red crab, the abyss demon, and the ghost and mythical creature, are all powerful sea demons that will only take action when Sigrian is threatened by a powerful enemy.

"Big, it's big."

"Unfortunately, it is a silver gun wax head, which is not useful."


Under the puzzled gazes of Sigrian and Christine, Lilith snapped her fingers casually.


A large amount of smoke burst under the barrier, and also below everyone, and the smile on Sigrian's face gradually solidified.


High in the sky, the figure of the Fortress Emperor Lizard disappeared, and in its place was a sheep with uneasily swinging its hooves.



Sigrian's eyes widened, he was stunned, completely stunned.

Even if they were hanged by Bai Luo and Senior Sister, and then the two of them burst out with the powerful Avalon power, Sigrian could understand and accept them.

But what is this? !

What power is this?

Why, why is the fortress emperor lizard missing, such a big city fortress emperor lizard, if you don't see it, you can't see it?

"She, she turned the Negative Island Sea Demon into a sheep?!"

Christine is completely speechless. She feels that what she has encountered today is even more outrageous than what she has encountered in her life!

"What the hell?!"

Sigrian's eyes were obviously not as good as Christine's. She saw it: "A sheep? What sheep?"

"Tweet Tweet Tweet."

While Sigrian was shocked, Lilith heard a whistling sound from a distance, and hundreds of nuclear bombs, the same as before, were flying towards this side.

"Do you need me to come?"

Through Miracle Contact, Senior Sister asked Lilith.

"Although you are powerful, the power of miracles is mutually reinforcing."

"This move, you need to resist."

"but me..."

Lilith raised her hand and snapped her fingers again.

"Boom boom boom boom!!"

As a result, the nuclear melt cannon of the sea mirage red crab, which was rushing at an alarming speed, suddenly exploded halfway.

The colorful fireworks suddenly turned this sea area from terror to a joyous world.


Sigrian and Christine have never encountered such a bizarre situation in their lives: 'This ability, this is a fart? ! ’

"You seem to be very confident."

"It's still arrogant."

Lilith looked at Sigrian: "Do you think I can't despise you, or do you think I don't deserve to be here?"

Raise your hands!

"Hey hey!"

Sigrian panicked immediately. He didn't know the flaws of Transfiguration, he thought it was permanent.

"If you use this trick on me, all the sea monsters will attack frantically! Until death!"


Lilith was stunned for a moment, but Sigurd continued: "If you seal me, ditto."


Lilith frowned slightly, and then Sigrian turned around and ran: "If you catch up, same!"

Lilith is not Bai Luo after all.

No matter how powerful she is, it is still a miracle of Bai Luo, and she has to ask Bai Luo's opinion for everything she does.

However, just when Lilith subconsciously wanted to contact Bai Luo, her old uncle's previous instructions rang in her ear: 'Don't worry about Sigrian's bullshit. ’


Lilith: "Even if I don't need it, don't seal it, don't chase you, can these sea monsters stop?"

Lilith was furious, she felt like she was being played by Sigrian as a fool.


The snap of his fingers sounded, and Sigrian, who was running away, only felt that the world suddenly became bigger.


On the deck, a green frog looked at the new world from a new angle with a bewildered face: "Huh? Gua?"

"Qing, frog..."

"As for you."


Seeing Lilith come over, Christine was completely frightened: "I won't run, I will never resist, don't turn me into a frog~~~"

Christine was really scared, she would rather be killed than turn into a frog.

"Then be quiet!"

Lilith is the fairy godmother of the Adonites, but when facing the enemy, she is the most terrifying queen of terror who curses all beings.


Senior sister rushed back, she saw the frog on the ground, and the sheep that was still jumping and struggling in the air, but was about to hit the sea.

"Sure enough, such an enemy is still the most suitable for you."

Senior sister is very strong, but Lilith's ability has a great resistance to sea monsters.

Polymorph is too weird, it has a weakness, that is, it can't hurt the creature being deformed.

Otherwise, with just a little damage, they'll instantly revert back to normal.

In the same way, the damage in the deformed state, after changing back, has nothing to do with the real body.

In addition, in order to maintain the transformation, Lilith must transmit the power of the fairy all the time, and this also means that she cannot be too far away from the other party.

"The big guy below, the power of miracles in his body is too huge, I can't control it for 20 seconds."

"The other one, the nuclear bomb it fired," Lilith said disdainfully, "I don't care about 10,000 rounds."

Disembodied energy is like rootless duckweed.

As long as Lilith casts the spell at one time, even if it is not maintained, it doesn't matter.

It is a product of the power of miracles, and if you use the power of miracles to offset it, it's just a matter of a moment, and there will be no sequelae.

"What about him?"

"Hero level, too many resistances."

Lilith told the senior sister through voice transmission: "But because it is the first time, he has never encountered the power of the goblin. If I continue to provide energy, it is estimated that it can last for half an hour."

Saying that, Lilith waved her hand, and the Sigre frog jumping on the deck was immediately covered by a golden cage.

Afterwards, the shady curtain was put down, and the world of Sikri Frog became completely pitch-dark.

"Heroic level is adaptable. This time it is easy to cast the spell, but in the future, the effect on the same target will be much worse."

Lilith's current power of miracle power is the level of a casual hit (unlimited).

It is roughly equivalent to more than 20 heroes teaming up and doing their best to strike.

"If you were here before," Senior Sister: "I don't have to fight anymore."

"I came early, they changed back early," Lilith said: "Transfiguration cannot be used twice on the same target in a short period of time. This is also my spell, and it is the biggest flaw right now."

"Solve it?"

The gigantic ghost monster was still there, and Bai Luo found that he wanted to kill it. One minute was obviously not enough: "Lilith, how long can you control this guy?"

"Its miracle power is too huge, more than the big lizard below."

"Only for 5 seconds."


Bai Luo gave up, he didn't plan to kill the ghostly monster here, but planned to take it back: "Feiya, open the door."

"it is good."

Senior Sister summoned the Holy Grail, and at the same time pulled out the holy sword holding the king: "Avalon's gate, triumph!!!"




The golden holy light is centered on the Holy Grail and expands outward, and I see golden runes covering the air. Here, it is where the Adonites are.

"Everyone, go home!"

Senior Sister started the teleportation, swung down with a sword, the air was split, and the scenery of Avalon world appeared in the eyes of Aden and Christine.


At the same time, Shirley's huge figure slammed into the ghost and Ugly God, and then forcibly smashed it towards the gate of Avalon.


The Gate of Avalon was activated, and in an instant, the entire sea disappeared without a trace of the Adonites.

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