This is a Miracle

Chapter 186 The Bell of the Ancient Capital

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"Is this the fishing village? That sea singer, is there really that kind of person?"

"There are many legends on the sea, the green light at sunset, the fleeting rainbow bridge, and the sea of ​​​​skeletons full of death and confusion."

The old man said: "Compared with these, the legend of the sea singer is actually not so magical."

This is the first time the boy has come to this fishing village, but he does not want to continue to be a businessman, so he has no interest in ghost stories on the sea.

"But uncle, is it really good for us to do this?"

The young Andy said to his uncle: "That's the person the nobles want. Go and inform, aren't you afraid of an accident?"


The old man gave Andy a slap on the head: "A man at sea is not even afraid of storms and sea beasts. Are nobles more terrifying than storms?"

"Aren't you afraid? I see you hesitated for a long time."

"I, I was thinking about what to say!"

The old man blushed a little. After all, he was slapped in the face just after pretending to be coercive: "Stinky boy, are you doubting Lao Tzu's courage?"

"Yes, yes, you are brave, you are the most courageous."

"You're not afraid, but I'm afraid."

Andy said: "And I've never seen a sea beast or something. Is there really such a thing?"

"You'll see later."

The old man did not elaborate. In fact, he had not encountered sea beasts a few times.

This is also common sense. If they encounter sea beasts, how can ordinary people like them come back alive and be buried in the sea long ago.

"Remember, Andy."

The old man said: "A man can fear death, but he cannot be ungrateful. It is better to die without regrets than to live in humiliation."

"Uncle, I don't even know a few words. What are you doing so sloppy?"




The back of the head was slapped again, and Andy said dissatisfiedly: "I'm already short, and if I hit it again, I really won't grow taller."

"Eat your little dried fish, what are you talking about!"

The old man was quite helpless to this nephew, but he was the only seedling in the family, and he had to protect him well.

It's just that the old man had to repay the kindness at the beginning.

A few years ago, the old man went fishing in the sea and encountered a storm unexpectedly, and he also encountered a sea beast with extremely bad luck.

The old man thought he would die, but the singing from the storm frightened the sea beast, calmed the storm, and saved his life.

As the old man said, men at sea are not afraid of anything, they are afraid of feeling guilty.

He may not come.

But if he doesn't come, the old man is afraid that his conscience will be uneasy for the rest of his life.

"Follow the rules and pay taxes."

At the entrance of the fishing village, the old man ordered someone to moor the boat, and in front, the local fishermen were already waiting here with buckets of aquatic products.

The old man is the fish buyer in charge of this island, but he is not the leader, just a small branch of a large team, the kind that works for others and has no right to speak.

"I'm sorry, old friend."

The old man said to Iodina and her father: "The tax has been increased recently, and now it is nine out of ten."

"Tax increase again? How can you do this?"

When the fishermen heard this, they expressed their dissatisfaction.


"Isn't that taking us too seriously?"

"If you want me to say, just go out to sea and run farther, how can you be wronged by this!"

"Run? Where can we go?"

"It is only safe to be close to the inland. There are sea beasts outside, and one accidental life will be lost."

"But staying here, it's not about starving to death!"

"This day will not pass..."

Different from the agricultural tax on land, the fishermen on the sea, most of their harvests have to be handed over to local traders.

But ninety-five, that is, 100 fish, only 10 are given to the fishermen.

Such taxation is simply a rhythm that drives people to a dead end.

What's more, the above will select the best fish first, and the rest is the 10% for you.

In other words, only cheap fish, not expensive fish.

Some people may ask, is this not afraid of starving people to death, and not afraid of people rebelling?

They are really not afraid.

Because if people were dying of starvation, they would come out on their own and become slaves of their own accord.

Slaves are private property, give them a little food, and they can work for you wherever they want to live.

But what about the freedmen?

If you make trouble for the people, you will make trouble for the people, and you will return to the free people.

What is their own property, what is their savings, do the dignitaries need people like you?


All they want is slaves, and the more the merrier.

As for rebellion, people would like you to rebel.

Once someone rebels, the miraculous troops will be dispatched. How can mere mortals be able to compete with the army of gods who master the power of miracles?

Dare to rebel, there is a dead end.

When the rebellion failed, he was either beheaded by the Lord of Miracles or sent to the slave market.

So after a circle, the result is still the life of a slave, what is the rebellion?

"Bring in the fish."

Rhodes, Iodina's father, had all the fish brought up.

Although they have a hard time, it is not without good things, such as the old man, he will not deduct, nor will he enrich his own pockets.

This is the greatest luck of the fishing village, and met a good businessman.

However, the old man is only a small role after all.

He didn't exploit them here, and returned to the ancient capital to join with most of them, but he still had to pay his own pockets to satisfy the appetite above.

To be honest, the fishing village of Rhodes has already been calculated.

Some fishing villages can't pay much food at all, but some people still collect it regularly.

Picture what?

Taxes are not as good as road tolls and costs consumed along the way.

However, it doesn't matter, it's just some food anyway. Compared with the real thing, this food is insignificant at all.

So, what are the reasons why the rich and powerful are so desperate?

Quite simply, it is an absolute authority!

Even if you can't eat, I'm still here to collect taxes.


Because I want you to know who your master is.

I can starve you and make you die.

And you can't resist!

Every village, every town, every city.

No matter where you are or what kind of ravine you are in, the powerful will definitely reach out and bring fear to your eyes.

The rich and powerful will let everyone remember one thing, and that is to whom does your life, freedom, and even everything you have belong to?

The rich and powerful are not businessmen. Sometimes they do things not necessarily for profit, but may be purely for fun, fun, and fun.

Powers and dignitaries: I am happy, who cares about your life and death.

Money, food?

These are the things that the rich and powerful have.

What they long for now is absolute domination, supreme majesty.

The powerful know how terrible God (Lord of Miracles) is, but God doesn't care.

Then they, who were chosen by God, and their descendants, would naturally manage this land on behalf of God on behalf of God.

What is honorable and humble?

Life and death are inexorable, this is called honor and inferiority!

You can't even control the life and death of others. You can't let others hear your name and tremble. Why do you call yourself a powerful person?


The elderly live under the atmosphere of honor and inferiority created by the powerful and powerful for decades, or even hundreds of years.

So for him, the powerful are really more terrifying than storms and sea beasts.

To resist them and be their enemies, only those who really grew up in the ancient capital will understand how much courage it takes.

"Anything else?"

"I have something to tell you."

The old man called Rhode aside, and then said softly, "Get out of here quickly, the people above have taken a fancy to your girl."

"What did you say?"

Rhode was extremely shocked, and he looked at Iodina.

The girls are not very beautiful, they can only be said to be in the middle class, they belong to the kind of girls who are placed in the crowd and can be replaced by anyone.

"Her fame spread."

As soon as these words came out, how could Rhode still not understand.

Iodina is very mysterious, her singing is like the sound of nature, and she has the magical power to calm the anger of the sea and make the sea beasts retreat.

Rhodes didn't know what was going on with his daughter. His vision was insufficient, and naturally he would not know the existence of the power of miracles.

"Yes, is it the lord?"

Rhodes asked: "The lord sent someone to take her away?"

The lord here refers to the city lord of the ancient capital, that is, General Winter.

It's a pity that General Winter, as the city lord, never does anything.

The real rulers here should be the dignitaries headed by the six major families. They are the managers and even the owners of the ancient capital Shiluen.

"Do not."

The old man said, "It's the Sgroth family."

"How could it be them?!"

Rhode and the old man are also acquaintances. They have benefited each other for many years. The old man has helped him and his father a lot.


"I have no idea."

The old man shook his head and said, "So I hope you make preparations and send Iodina away in advance."

"Send away?"

"Where else can it be sent?"

Rhode didn't expect bad things to come: "How about you?"

"Feel sorry."

The old man said, "I'm here to inform you that it's the only thing I can do, and I don't have the ability to protect the child."

The old man can't protect himself, how can he protect a strange girl in the eyes of all the greedy businessmen.

They are not blind, and even as long as Iodina speaks, the beautiful voice will be recognized soon, and then dedicated to the Sgroth family.

"That family is crazy!"

Rhodes clenched his fists tightly: "Because a girl has beautiful eyes, I blinded her, and because she has beautiful hair, I cut off her head..."

Crazy, all the people in that family are crazy!

If Iodina falls into their hands, death is the best treatment, and what is even more terrible is the torture of life rather than death.

"No, absolutely not."

Rhodes is very afraid, afraid that his daughter will be poisoned, but he is powerless and can't do anything.


"Why is this?!"

Rhode clenched his fist secretly, he suppressed the panic in his heart, and then thanked the old man from the bottom of his heart: "Thank you."

"Thank you. My life was saved by that child."

After the old man finished speaking, he hesitated for a while, and finally said: "If you are going to sea and go to this island, I have left a boat there with dry food and water."


"I had a plan. If Gudu couldn't get along, I would go to Weilan to find opportunities."

The old man laughed at himself: "But Wei Lan and the ancient capital are too far away. Whether it's a storm or a sea beast in the middle, as long as you encounter it once, it's over."

"After so many years, I didn't have the guts to set off. Maybe I won't be able to use this ship in my life."

So this is gambling, gambling on freedom.

"However, who knows what's going on in Wei Lan, maybe it's the same over there."

However, they are just ordinary people, whether the blue is really that beautiful.

Going there, can you really get happiness?

No one knows this, and no one can guarantee it.

The thorns leaders deliberately blocked information and adopted the strategy of ignoring the people. Their information was too occluded.

As a result, ordinary people would rather become slaves than fight to the death.

"I know, you probably don't trust me."

"But I dare to swear by my life, my nephew's life, and my family," the old man said, "I will never do anything to harm that child, please rest assured."

What he said was true, but with just a few words, a father and a daughter would be forced to leave the homeland where they had lived for many years and live abroad.

This is somewhat unimaginable.

But the old man knew that the Sgroth family was coming soon, and if they didn't leave, it was really too late.

It's just that the old man couldn't help him decide whether Rhode was willing to leave.

Having said that, the old man did his best and can leave with confidence.

"Maybe it's time to escape."

Rhodes sent the old man away, he sighed, and took his daughter to a certain cliff on the island.

"Daddy, what are you bringing me here for?"

"The Sgroth family is watching your voice," Rhode didn't hide it, and told his daughter: "We have to go."

"That old gentleman, he..."

"We can't use his boat."

First of all, it's not safe, Rhode still can't trust the old man.

Also, Rhodes was ready to flee from the moment his daughter showed the vision, so he wasn't unprepared.

"This is!"

In the cave on the cliff, Rhode untied the rope and saw a small wooden boat slowly sailing out.

For ten years, Rhodes has been preparing for this day.

He is going to leave here with his daughter and go to new seas to find opportunities.

As for the dangers on the sea, Iodina's singing is so strange that sea beasts and storms will be avoided.

With such power, where can they go?

Maybe still dangerous.

But today's situation is that you can't go. If you stay here, there is only one dead end. Instead, it is better to go out to sea to find a chance of life.

"Dad, are we really going?"

"I'm sorry, Iodina."

Rhodes said: "Daddy is incompetent and can't protect you, so I have to let you follow me on an adventure to sea."

"It's ok."

Iodina showed a gentle smile: "As long as you are with Dad, it's the same everywhere."

"Dad, don't worry, when I go out to sea, Iodina will sing desperately," the girl said with a smile, "I will sing away the dark clouds in the sky and the monsters under the sea."


Looking at his daughter's smile, Rhodes gave birth to infinite courage and confidence: "I'll leave it to you."



In Xiluen's fishing grounds, a young man in a deacon uniform walked down the aisle with a maid.

The fishy smell on both sides came from the nostrils, but the two of them didn't respond. It seemed that they had already become accustomed to these smells.

"elder brother."

"Call your squire."

The boy is not a real deacon, he is actually a servant.

But in order to show off, the teenager specially put on this dress and went to the place where he once lived to report the humiliation of the crotch.

"grown ups."

"Morning sir."

"He's really back, will he trouble us?"

"You bullied him, it has nothing to do with me."

"He's looking at it, let's bow his head, let's bow his head!"

"Can't see me, he can't see me."


Even if it's just a servant, the servant of the knight's family is different from these fish sellers.

The teenagers have entered the upper-class circle, and can follow the knights and see all kinds of big scenes, but they can only stay in the fishing grounds and breathe the filthy odor in their lives.

Of course, this was done deliberately by the young man, and his real purpose was not so simple and vulgar.

"Why did you call me here?"

The maid is the younger sister of the young man. She doesn't understand her brother's thoughts very well: "My clothes have just been sent out. If they get dirty, they will inevitably be beaten."

"You don't dare to take any risks, how do you climb on the bed of the big man?"

"Just to exercise your guts," Frye said.

"I don't want to be weighed down by that fat pig."

The girl's name is Irena. Unlike her brother Frye, she has no intention of showing off to anyone.

The mother of the two brothers and sisters was a prostitute in the ancient capital, and I heard that she also wanted to climb into the bed of the powerful because of her beauty.

But it turned out that because she had no power, no power, and no backer, she was put in a black bag at night, and her face was cut.

The master disliked her who had become ugly and threw her out of the mansion.

As a result, the mother who had no skills was reduced to the world and became the lowest prostitute.

Irena and Frye are half-brothers and sisters, they depend on each other, and they don't know who their biological father is.

Frye was unlucky. He didn't inherit his mother's beauty and looked like a deer.

However, Frye can speak well, especially his skills in flattering are first-rate, so he was picked by a knight and became his servant, and not long ago, he was promoted to a knight's squire.

As for my sister Irena, she was beautiful, even more beautiful than her mother.

"What is a fat pig?"

Frye said: "That is one of the six major families in this city, the head of the Mordi family. If you can become his concubine, you will not have to worry in this life."

"Then you can climb up?"


Frye smiled: "When I grow up like this, no matter how much I can crawl, where can I crawl?"

"Then what do you want?"

"Although I'm cunning, I don't even think about my own sister," Frye said. "I want you to give birth to that guy's child, and then we'll train him together and make him the new head of the Mordi family!"

Irena: Isn't this a calculation? You say it's not a calculation?


Irena might sneer if anyone said that, but her brother Frye is really smart.

Well, the attributes of appearance, all point to wisdom.

"I know, the risk is high," Frye said. "We need to fight the fat pig's concubine and wife first, and then fight his countless children. It will take us ten years, or even a lifetime."

But they are only low-level people in the slums. How much scheming did Frye spend in order to become the knight's squire?

In the eyes of the poor, this is simply impossible!

But Frye succeeded, and successfully achieved the first small goal.

"I-I don't want this..."

Frye wanted to say, if he could look better and use his ability to catch a few lonely ladies, wouldn't it be easy to catch them?

It is a pity that the appearance makes Fry feel the distortion and cruelty of the world.

"It's already the best."

Fry said: "You should know the life of the common people. If you choose to live your own life, what will happen? I don't need to say more, do you?"

With Irena's beauty, she will definitely be coveted.

What to live their own life, ordinary ordinary life.

Don't think about it, it's impossible.

Even if she has a husband, if the husband is incompetent, how tragic her end will be, no need for Frye to remind her.

Therefore, Frye's decision and choice are not wrong. Irena has such a beauty, and her destiny is destined to be involved with the powerful.

Frye will protect her, keep her from becoming a plaything, and even control her own destiny as a mistress.

"Do you have to be crushed by fat pigs?"

Irena believes in her brother. From childhood to adulthood, Frye sacrificed a lot to protect her.

His servility and humility were all for the sake of survival, to protect her, and he had to do it.

As for Frye's coveting Irena's beauty early in the morning, and wanting to exchange her for glory and wealth, this is a bit funny.

You know, Irena was ugly when she was a child, and it didn't grow up until she was 14 years old, and then she became more and more beautiful.

"If you want to protect yourself, you must have strength."

Frye said: "You were just a black girl before. I, the rat in the sewer, can protect you with all my life."

"But now, you have become a white swan, and I can't protect you just by me."

This is why Fry tried his best to become a knight's squire, because only with this status can he barely protect his sister.


Irena knew that her brother didn't want to take advantage of her, and he was right. Only by becoming a superior person would they not be bullied by others.

"It's like being bitten by a dog."

Frye stroked his sister's hair. He knew his sister's condition. She was actually a vase.

There is neither great evil nor great ambition!

Fortunately, Fry knew an ancestral recipe that could make her bigger.

"Don't worry, I have everything. You only need to be bitten by a dog a few times."

So Irena is a tool person, being crushed by pigs, working, being crushed by pigs, giving birth to children, eating, and being crushed by pigs.

All the pressure will be borne by Frye, he will set up the game and master the degree of this.

"I'm confident, ten years at the most," Frye said. "The fat pigs will die and the Mordys will be our thing."


Irena knew the ambition of this brother, her children could not always have the Mordi family, but Irena was not greedy for power and status, she only longed for a peaceful life.

And she also believed that Frye would not treat her badly.

Frye has a lot of bad habits, but he never betrays his family.

Even though his mother never took care of them, Frye went to great lengths to treat his sick mother.

He is a mean villain, but a good brother and a good son.

"Can you eat snow pom-poms?"

Snow pom-poms, similar to puffs, are a delicacy that only high-ranking people can eat.

Irena was fortunate enough to have seen this kind of food, and her pursuit was not high, and she was satisfied when she could eat it.

"When the time comes, eat as much as you want."

"Do not worry."

Frye promised: "I will definitely protect you..."


The bell of the ancient capital Shiluen was rang. It was an ancient bell tower with a history of hundreds of years. It seems that it was a building built here when the Adonites went ashore.

"Are the best fish here?"

"Yes, Master Frye."

"Well, it's very comfortable for you to call me a master. It has the three-point skill I had back then."

Frye raised his hand and patted the fishmonger's face: "I'll forgive the slap you hit me in the past."

"Where, when I was young, I had no eyes."

The fishmonger hurriedly slapped himself: "Don't get Mr. Fry's hands dirty, I'll do it myself, I'll do it myself."

"Crack! Crack!"

"OK OK."

Frye was very satisfied with the other party's attitude: "My master is entertaining big people tonight, please bring up the best things you have here."

Domineering and domineering.

This is not Frye's nature, he is actually a very stable person.

But how can such a person be trusted?

Even if he is the owner of the fat pig, he is not a fool. Only if Frye is incompetent and the villain is successful, they will be more at ease.

Because the arrogant guy can be killed easily, there is no threat at all.

"This Dixie is pretty good."

"Master Frye is really insightful," said the fishmonger. "This is the Diyu that just came in this morning. At least it's worth 30 silver coins."

"Forgot to tell you," Frye said, "The big man my master wants to entertain tonight is the head of the Mordi family."


The fishmonger hurriedly said: "Such rare and plump dickfish can only be enjoyed by people like Mr. Mordi."

"How much?"

"You, you are joking, take it, even if you take it, it is my honor."

"I will tell the two adults about this."

Frye said this, but the fishmonger knew very well that it was perfunctory, and it was impossible for him to mention his name.

"Thank you for your kind words, Master Frye, the little one will never forget your kindness."

The fishmonger looked excited, and even if he scolded Frye in his heart, he still had to pretend to be grateful.

Frye and Irena left, and they took with them the best seafood in the hands of the fishmongers and others.

Not just one family, but every family.

"Damn rats!"

"It's disgusting!"

"Relying on a woman's upper position, the villain is successful!"


It is not uncommon for many powerful people to do this.

Most of the top ingredients in the market are almost prepared for them.

Even if there is no Frye, there will be Elle and Sele.

In addition, Frye has not been bullied by these fishmongers before, and now he is back to take revenge, which is completely in line with his character.

"Boss, the slave market is here to take today's share."

"There, take it yourself."

The fishmonger was still angry, so he pointed it at random, and the peddler looked at the mountains of sea fish over there and said, "Well, that seems to be from yesterday morning..."

"Let you take it and take it!"

The fishmonger said angrily: "It's not our slaves. What does it have to do with us if you die? If you cook it hot, who can eat it fresh or not?"

"Don't go soon!"

"Oh, okay, I'll go right away."

The hawkers had people transporting the large pile of fish to the slave market, where a large pile of hot pots was placed with boiling water.

"Pour it all in."

The fish is not washed or scaled, so it is thrown into boiling water and boiled. When it is almost cooked, fish it out in a pot.

Soon, some big men took the fish soup full of fish to the prison area where the slaves were being held.

There are two types of cages, one is prison-style, one room is separated from each other, and each room houses seven or eight people.

This is a better treatment, and it is a residence for expensive slaves.

"Food, here comes the food."

"Give me, give me food."

"Give me some more, please, give me some more."


They were given fish soup which, although unpalatable, had a strong fishy smell.

But as long as they can fill their stomachs, they can put anything in their mouths.

"Here comes the food, there is food to eat."

On the other side, the cell was built below, and only the iron bars overhead could see the color of the sky.

The slaves here drink the rainwater that falls from the sky and eat what other slaves eat leftovers.

"Let's get out of the way."

Not only that, but the guards in the slave market put down the cauldron and fell down against the iron fence.


The fish soup fell, and the people below rushed to the center desperately. They held up the containers in their hands, opened their mouths, and fought desperately.

A large number of scales, fish bones, fish gills, and fins, mixed with fish soup, were trampled everywhere under the dirty feet of the slaves.

For a while, the stench permeated.

But the slaves didn't care, they couldn't grab what fell from their heads, so they lay on the ground, ignoring the dirt, frantically looking for fish and stuffing it into their mouths.

"Ha! Ha!"

There are also slaves, sticking out their tongues, desperately licking the filth on the ground.

And the people above looked down at this purgatory-like picture, not only did not have the slightest pity in their eyes, but instead were full of jokes and ridicule: "The lowly guy is as disgusting and disgusting as domestic animals."


The clock tower rang, the sun went down, and the fiery red evening enveloped the city.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Xilun, in the bar in the barren area, a group of adventurers from nowhere are drinking here.



"I can't, I really can't."

"It's only a few cups, it's not enough, are you a girl, ah? Hahahaha!"


"Have you heard?"

On another table, a man in a hooded trench coat said to his companion, "There are quite a few fleets that have encountered sea beasts at sea."


"According to myths and legends, sea beasts seem to only appear in storms, but recently, there seem to be no major storms."

"Maybe it wasn't a sea beast."


Everyone looked at a figure, it was a middle-aged man and the head of this adventure group: "I heard that these days, there are always people who salvage strange fish from the deep sea."

"Oh, I heard that!"

An adventurer said: "Those fish, with eyes all over their bodies, are very penetrating."


Mortal adventurers do not know the truth, but they are still in awe of such a terrible thing.

"Guests, the fish you want."


Just after talking about the fish, how dare they eat it, and quickly let the waiter take it away.

"If you don't eat, you have to pay."

"Give, give, give money."

For these warriors who have been adventuring on the sea all the year round, they never dared to despise the ghost stories at sea.

They are well aware that most ghost stories are not groundless.

There are good and bad deities of the sea (lords of miracles), and not every one of them has good intentions towards human beings.

Just like Morgan, the king of the South China Sea, according to legend, he kept countless sea monsters, and those who offended him would be pulled to feed his pets.

"It's a bit like the disaster of the sea beasts in the past."

At this moment, a blind old man came over with a cane. The adventurers were very interested, and the head of the group had eyesight and quickly let the old man sit down.

"Waiter, serve!"

Head: "What is the disaster of sea beasts, and does it have anything to do with sea beasts?"


"Sizzle sizzle."

The old man drank the broth and felt warm in body and mind. He said, "The disaster of the sea beast is the disaster caused by the birth of the sea beast 200 years ago. You have never heard of it, and it is normal."

"At that time," the old man said in a self-conscious manner, "in the ocean, there were huge and ferocious fish, and some fishermen disturbed the ferocious marine creatures."

"Not long after, terrifying sea beasts appeared on the sea, and more and more."

"People at that time didn't know why and thought that sea beasts could also be eaten, but those who ate the meat of sea beasts all fell ill, had diarrhea, and had fever..."

The old man said: "Where I came before, there was a strange epidemic there. Although there was no major disaster and not many people died, the source of the disaster has been found."


"It's not just fish," the old man said. "All kinds of seafood seem to have strange things in them."

"The sea is being polluted by some kind of force," the old man raised his head, and his white eyes 'looked' at the adventurers present, and his heart was trembling: "A new disaster is about to come to this sea area."


"Master, miss, it's time to eat."

In the gorgeous palace-like villa, a maid pushed a cart and put today's dinner on the dining table.

This is a long table, one on the left and one on the right, sits a gentleman dressed as an aristocrat, and a blond girl who is as delicate and lovely as a doll.

The maid's hand trembled faintly.

There is no way, the two people in front of them are too terrifying in the rumors of Xi Luen.

"My lovely Emily, this is your birthday present from Dad."

The gentleman is the head of the six major families of Shiluen, the patriarch of the Sgroth family, Eggert Sgroth.

And the girl is the jewel of the Sgroth family, his only daughter, Emily.

"What is it, what is it?"

The blond little loli opened the box and saw a gorgeous doll sitting inside.


"so beautiful!!"

The blond little loli took the doll out, it has silver hair and eyes that are as bright as gems.

The girl's hand brushed the doll's face, and the elasticity was like a real person.

There are also hands and feet, just like a living girl, made into a puppet, too real.


The gentleman said, "This is a gift that Dad bought from the Lord of Birch Trees. Guess what materials are used for it?"

"I know I know!"

Emily began to say with familiarity: "This silver hair belongs to that elder sister, and this eye belongs to another elder sister. Emily is most familiar with it, and then the skin of the doll, which is exactly the same as that of elder sister Phila..."

"Ah, my Emily is so smart, yes, these are the treasures that Dad collected for you."

Listening to the opponents of the father and daughter, the maid standing beside her shivered in fear.

She had heard that the head of the Sgroth family was a lunatic who liked to buy beautiful girls, not for the enjoyment of their bodies, but purely, for their bodies.

Beautiful eyes, gorgeous silver hair, silky skin, and a small and delicate tongue. . . . . .

"Monet, don't be afraid."

Eggert smiled and said, "You don't have what my family Emily wants, so you can rest assured that you are safe for the time being."

"Yes, it is..."

Monet was so frightened that he almost cried.

Not security, but temporary security.

Eggert was hinting to Monet that if one day Monet had something they wanted, she could become the next victim girl at any time.


Suddenly, Emily dragged the puppet and ran in front of Eggert: "This puppet is still missing something, she can't speak, how can I make her speak?"

"Don't worry, my little cutie."

The man picked up Emily, put the lovely girl on his lap, and stroked her blonde hair: "Dad has found her, a girl with a voice like nature, as long as you get her, you will have a person My friend, she will talk to you and play with you."

"Okay, okay."

Emily clapped her hands: "Thank you Dad, Dad is the best! Emily, I like Dad the most!"

"That's right, Dad."

After speaking, Emily said, "How did you get the voice out? Did you goug out that sister's eyes like last time?"

"Dad look!"

Emily raised the puppet: "This is the eye that Emily dug out, is it good? Let Emily come too this time!"


Eggert raised the girl high: "My little cutie is the best!"

Monet, who was listening to the words of the father and daughter, was almost stunned. From an angle she didn't know, the puppet in Emily's hand was turning her head and staring at Monet.


The doll's mouth opened slightly, revealing a strange smile.

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