This is a Miracle

Chapter 212 Hawkeye Aleia Mihawk

"Go die die die!"

"Death to me!!"

Inai didn't even realize that she had hurt her companion, she looked crazy, completely different from the usual submissive look.

Black Rose's words stimulated her and reminded Ina of very bad memories.

Ever since she came to Aden Island and was rescued by Bai Luo, Inai has been working hard every day. She studied magic with all her might. Even if she was talented, she still worked hard day and night.

Because Yinai is very afraid, afraid that he will be lost to the crowd and will be forgotten by Bai Luo.

Although Aden's life is beautiful, just like what Haierbo had told her before her mission, Inai didn't want such a life.

Delicious food, warm houses, these are all things that Ina used to dream of.

But now, Yinai wants Bai Luo's attention even more.

Even if he was poor and could only live in a dilapidated house, as long as he had Bai Luo's care and love, even the prison cell Ina wouldn't care.

"Hero level, is this the hero level?"

"It's nothing special!"

Ina naturally spoke the lines that only villains have. She waved her wand and summoned skulls wrapped in green flames one by one in the air.

【Extraordinary: Evil Fallen Evil Soul】

"Boom boom boom!"

The speed of the skulls is very amazing, like cannonballs rushing towards the black roses, they fall in the garden, and the terrifying green evil energy seems to devour everything.

"This green flame, no, it's not a flame, it's more like some kind of flowing gas."

Black Rose holds a strand of evil energy in her hands, and with her ability, this bit of evil energy is not enough to hurt her.

"But you have used so many tricks, the power of miracles should be very serious, right?"

"Hey hey hey hey hey."

However, Ina laughed, and Black Rose's sentence "severe consumption" made her laugh wildly: "My fel energy is not that kind of garbage ability."

[Extraordinary: Return of Evil Power]


In the shocked eyes of Black Rose,

The flames that were still burning kept pouring towards Ina.

They penetrated into Ina's body, leaving bright green loops like cracks on her exposed skin, such as her neck and wrists.

"The power of miracles has actually increased?!"

Black Rose could perceive that Ina's fel energy was larger than before, as if it were charged.

After living for hundreds of years, Black Rose has never heard of this kind of trick that can restore the power of miracles in battle.


Ina's voice was very nice, but at this time it seemed crazy and weird: "Have you seen it, have you seen it, this is my fel energy!"

"What I destroy with this energy, the explosive energy it burns, is all part of me!"

The fel energy will melt the stone and the earth, and absorb the dusty energy from it. This power will recharge Ina, so that she will continue to fight, and the more she fights, the stronger she is.

"Until the whole city is ignited by my fel energy," Ina opened her arms, as if to embrace the fel fire of the whole world: "I am the most brilliant in the eyes of the master..."


Suddenly, while Ina was showing off her work, a beam of vermilion light burst out from the soil on both sides, piercing through Ina's heart like a chain at an astonishing speed.


"What, what?"

Ina only felt a sharp pain in her heart, and she looked at the black rose in front of her in shock.


Black Rose raised her hand, and the blood-red beam retracted into the soil and disappeared.


Ina clutched her heart, blood kept pouring out, causing her great pain: "You, you, fellow..."

"Sneak attack is very despicable, but soldiers never tire of deceit."

"Your fel energy is very powerful, but your combat experience is too poor. Straight-forward spells are too easy to see through."

Black Rose: "I don't know why you became like this, but I'm sorry, you are too dangerous, even if you are a child, I have to do it."

"Bastard, I'm going to kill you, kill you..."

Ina was very angry, not because of the fear of death, but because of the black rose, she lost the opportunity to continue to perform in front of Bai Luo.

This kind of exit, don't, she doesn't want to just exit like this.

Not enough, not enough at all!

She needs more power, and she wants to let Bai Luo pay more attention.

"Damn, damn!"

Ina was very unwilling, but she could feel that her vitality was passing quickly.

That red light beam, like her death light, is also a trick with an instant death effect.

"Ina, are you alright?"

Haierbo appeared in front of Inai, and Junono also came over and cast a healing spell.

"Broken heart, untreatable."

Junono made a judgment: "Fortunately, some passives are in effect, so that Ina will not lose his life immediately."

"It's useless."

Black Rose: "My blood of thorns can penetrate a person's heart and inject instant death poison into it. It can last for so long because of that strange green energy, but this is also the limit."


Ilona was very concerned about his companions, and he asked his sister, "Can it be cured?"

"There is no cure."

Junono: "Inai's heart cannot be restored, but it can be reshaped."


Black Rose was stunned, she didn't understand the meaning of heart remodeling.

The blood of thorns will absolutely destroy the opponent's heart, making it impossible to recover, but Junono's magic directly digs out the heart, no longer, and then creates a new one.

If the surrounding blood vessels are also contaminated with toxins, then the blood vessels are no longer needed, and we also make a blood vessel.

To the extreme, Junono can even reshape a body for Inai and replace it all.

"What a strange ability!"

Seeing Ina standing up again, Black Rose was stunned.

Can it still be like this?

funny? !

I can't be dreaming, this kind of bug-like power is too heaven-defying.

"You can't let you get in their way."

Haierbo blocked in front of Black Rose, with a heroic aura, even Black Rose didn't dare to act rashly for a while.

"Sorry, just now, I seem to have lost control."

The heart is the power source of fel energy, and when it is destroyed, Ina is able to wake up.

"And the tiger, I'm sorry."

Ina apologized to the silly tiger, who touched the back of his head with his reshaped hand and smirked: "It's alright, it doesn't hurt at all."


No one knows better than Ina how painful it is to be infected with fel energy.

Ina blamed herself for actually taking action on her companion.

At the same time, Ina also hated her weakness, and she was instantly killed by someone.

"I've embarrassed Your Majesty," Inai glared at Black Rose: "But I lost to you, it's not that the evil energy is not strong enough, it's just that I'm too weak."

"Don't underestimate yourself, Inai."

"It's amazing to be able to create that kind of energy," Helbo said.


Black Rose was a little surprised: "You created that energy?"

A living saint who has not awakened yet?

If it was just other people, Black Rose might choose to release water, but with such a big potential stock, Black Rose made up her mind: 'We must be here and kill them! ’

"The killing intent in your eyes, do you want to kill us?"

Helbo said: "Feel threatened?"

Black Rose didn't know about the Blood Moon Dream, she thought that the people present were the body.

"But you are just a hero," Haierbo said. "If you want to keep us all, you are not qualified."

Not good enough?

Black Rose was not provoked, but just showed a smile that mocked the ignorant.


Black Rose: "It's almost the limit that extraordinary power can achieve this level."

"But you should know about it, right?"

Black Rose said: "Ordinary, extraordinary, even if it is extraordinary, it is only a miracle unit after all, and it cannot become a unique existence."

"Only at the hero level can you truly get your own position."

"However, the heroic level is also the limit of most children of miracles, masters and kings, and that is a field that only those with extraordinary talent can reach."

Black Rose didn't say herself, she was just a hero.

The reason why she couldn't break through was not because her aptitude was not high enough, but because the Count of Thorns was the problem.

Of course, Black Rose has never blamed Earl of Thorns, she is satisfied with the life of teaching students in the academy now.

"The peaceful days were completely broken."

Black Rose: "In this battle, no matter who wins or loses, the fire of war will not be extinguished."

"Your master is different from my majesty," Black Rose said. "You said that you invented fel energy. You may have misunderstood something. Miracles are the embodiment of the mind of the master of miracles. If he doesn't have the ability to match fel energy, such Power will not appear in you at all."

"What do you mean?"

Ina held up her body, her expression was a little surprised, and there was a hint of doubt.

"Do you know why I can't break through to a higher realm?"

Black Rose looked at her hand and said, "With my aptitude, if conditions permit, I have already broken through the king level."

"But unfortunately, the road of kingship I chose is inconsistent with my lord's philosophy," Black Rose: "Only by sieging the city and killing people, can I break through to a higher realm."

However, Earl of Thorns was a squat, and he didn't even dare to step out of the gate.

This also makes the Black Rose stay at the hero level for decades and cannot make an inch.

"You mean, master, master likes my fel energy!"

Only when the Lord of Miracles subconsciously likes and is willing to accept it, will the people of Miracles get the corresponding power.

Conversely, even crazy people will eventually be turned into obedient pets.

Just like religion and people, religious speech that believes in justice will eventually turn people into righteous people.

The Lord of Miracles, too.

The wicked will make the people wicked, and the righteous will make the people as righteous as he is.

"is that so?"

"Master likes the fel energy I created," Yinai really wanted to say something to Bai Luo, and asked him if that was the case: "I let the master see it."

"I've been looking at you, Ina."


Bai Luo's voice rang in Yinai's ears, and the girl who was originally pale because of the pain seemed to be immersed in a pink world.

"You did a great job, Ina."

Bai Luo: "But don't let the evil energy control you. What I like is you, not the evil energy."

"Yes, yes, I understand Your Majesty."

Ina clasped her hands obsessively and muttered to herself like a prayer: "I, I won't let it control me anymore, watch it, master, please be sure to witness Ina's growth."

"Hierbo, please let me go."

With the motivation from Bai Luo, Yinai seemed to have untied the shackles, and the last trace of fear in her heart completely disappeared.

Instead, it was the final confusion and doubt about the evil energy, and finally realized it.


Haierbo looked back, only to find that strands of green aura kept coming towards Ina.

It's just that unlike the previous rage, the current fel energy turned into extremely pure life energy when it was close to Ina, and it was constantly repairing her damaged heart.

"Hero liberation..."

Ina's body began to mutate, her skin became white and smooth, and conch-like bone horns appeared on both sides of her forehead. The hunter suit that originally wrapped her body quickly smiled, and it was replaced by a long black and purple dress.

"Daughter of the Devil!"

A slender and graceful figure, extremely long purple nails curved like flowers on the other side, dark green evil energy shone on the dress, and the jade feet of Chiguo slowly landed from mid-air.


The jade feet lightly tapped, and the endless evil energy spread in all directions on the earth, like a crack.

"Have you broken through?"

In the green storm, Black Rose said incredulously: "Breaking through, sure enough, you have the potential to be a living saint, you must not stay!"


Bai Luo really didn't expect that Yinai would break through in the battle.

"This child," said Long Guixiang, "Your Majesty, I don't know how to evaluate your luck."

"well enough."

Bai Luo knew that Yinai was far from reaching the level of a living saint, she was still too young.

Even Dragon Returns Home, he was only gifted when he was young, not a living saint.


Bai Luo supported his head with his fist: "It seems that Yinai is the type that needs to be praised."

Touch the head to kill?

The energy of love?

Big brother's smile, full of energy? !


Bai Luo understood, he seemed to have discovered Inai's real training, ah no, it was the cultivation method.


Hero liberation, this move Haierbo can also, but he is more concerned about the state of Inai at this time.

Fel energy is very strange, it has a strong pollution to human nature, if it becomes stronger, will Ina also fall because of it.

"You're worried."

Ina's expression was very calm: "I'm fine, the evil energy will control people, but I will not be controlled by the evil energy again."

After all, Bai Luo was watching her.

If Bai Luo was allowed to see that crazy attitude again, Yinai would never dare to approach Bai Luo again in this life.

Is a crazy woman qualified to stay by my Lord's side?

Inai can answer clearly, she will never let that kind of woman get close to Bai Luo, so Inai can't be like that.

"Just use you," Inai stared at the black rose: "Let my lord witness my growth."


Black Rose shook her head, but still chose to fight: "Even a hero is divided into strengths and weaknesses. Do you think it will be my opponent?"

[Hero Liberation: The Half-Magic Division]

Haierbo held a staff, and the Blood Moon Hunter's service dissipated, and he changed into a dark and spacious mage uniform.

"Second hero?"

"Brother Haierbo."

Although Ina is not as violent as before, the influence of fel energy is still there: "This is my battle."

"If the battle is lost, what's the point?"

Haierbo: "What you want Your Majesty to see is how you were defeated by her?"


"Give the enemy due respect, Ina."

Haierbo: "Let's go together, for victory."

I have to say that Haierbo's rhetoric was so sharp that Inai couldn't find any flaws at all: "You come to the layout, I will listen to you."

"It should have been this way."

Haierbo: "Be careful with your feet, her red beams don't know what they are, but they are very powerful."

"Two against one."

Black Rose is not nervous at all, she has too much fighting experience: "Then let me play with you, little devils."


In the pitch-dark city, the buildings collapsed and the flames burned, turning the place into ruins.

A large number of strange-shaped monsters are hunting the residents of the ancient capital.

"A nobleman."

Mei Xiang was walking in the middle of the road, with two swords around her waist, she was hesitating whether to pull them out: "Forget it, this is a damned person, it's useless to save."

General Dong's cage and humiliation, how could Mei Xiang as his disciple be unclear.

People in the ancient capital, she had long wanted to kill them.


A huge shadow soared into the sky, it kept leaping in the tall buildings, and its huge fists dragged the nobles out of the houses.


The crimson hair is flowing with dusty blood, and six eyes are distributed on the face.

This is an extremely terrifying giant ape. It seems to have noticed Mei Xiang, so it raised its hand and suddenly pressed the struggling and wailing figure on the street.

"Puff puff~~~"

The palms ran over, leaving only the broken street and the minced meat all over the place.


The goblins were completely corrupted by the power of the world and turned into giant nightmare monsters, they have gone crazy and completely lost their minds.

"Can you please stop yelling at me?"

Mei Xiang's eyes were blank: "To be honest, the breath is heavy and a little stinky."

"Don't worry, I won't stand in your way."

Saying that, Mei Xiang walked to one side, and she moved out of the way.


Mei Xiang: "Can you not attack me?"


The huge fist could not help but slammed down.


However, the fist tore from the middle in mid-air, split in two, just staggered from Mei Xiang's body and landed on both sides of her.

"Well, I'm looking for someone, her name is Tulip, she's a sprinter."

"By the way, repeat it again."

Mei Xiang: "I won't interfere with your killing, I'm just passing by."


On the left, the fist of the giant ape swept in at an astonishing speed.


However, the fist broke suddenly when it was about to approach Mei Xiang, and it split in two, leaving only the broken wrist in front of Mei Xiang.

The broken fist flew to Mei Xiang's side under the effect of huge inertia, only to hear a roar, and a high-rise building collapsed instantly.


The giant ape felt the pain, but the pain made it even more violent.

Astonishing blood-colored energy erupted from its body, and the broken arms and fists were instantly restored in the squirming flesh.

"Can you, don't do this?"

In the storm, Mei Xiang's dress screeched. She wore a pure white robe inside and a light pink robe on the outside: "I really won't hinder you."


The giant ape completely ignored Mei Xiang's words, and a powerful miracle force surged out of it, and then the whole person rushed towards the seemingly weak woman with bloody power.

But at the next moment, the giant ape's body was dismembered, split, and vanished into nothingness in the dark night. Not even a drop of blood was left, and it was completely wiped out.

"Don't worry, my sword is fast, you shouldn't feel the pain."

Mei Xiang was still in the same posture, and she couldn't see the movement of her sword at all.


Mei Xiang wanted to move forward, but just raised her foot, but had to put it down again.

"Boom! Boom!"



On the street, in the tall buildings on both sides, in the sky, and even in the shadows of the surrounding alleys, nightmare monsters appeared one after another, surrounding Mei Xiang.

Then, the fog dissipated, and the silver moon in the sky seemed to turn into a smiling face.

It was a cat looking down at Mei Xiang with a weird smile.

"Thirty, fifty, or a hundred?"

"Sorry, I'm not very good at counting, it's just a lot, right?"

"Plus you."

Mei Xiang looked at Yinyue Cat's face, and she said with emotion, "Heroic, super strong."

"All right."

Mei Xiang raised her hands: "I surrender, I surrender! Please let me go! Please!"


Following Mao Lulu's order, all the nightmare monsters rushed towards Mei Xiang at the same time, which made Mei Xiang's expression very subtle: "Are we unable to understand the language, oh, I understand, meow? Meow meow meow?"


"Totally lost."

The two women have black hair, one has Ji hair style, like a lady, and the other has a simple ponytail, a capable and heroic girl.

The code name of the Ji-haired woman under the command of Earl of Thorns is Biganhua, and the other is Sakura.

They took the roof as the landing point and quickly shuttled over the ancient capital.

"This is a special dream realm. The moment we enter, we are thrown into different realm spaces."

The power of the other side of the flower is biased towards the law system. She has a lot of research in the field, and after years of concentrated practice, she can already use this power initially.

"Then how do we get out?"

"The space in this field is not solid. As long as we can find its weak point, we can go out or go to another dreamland."

"Where is the weak point?"


The other side of the flower pointed in one direction, the next moment, the cherry blossoms frowned: "Stop, there is someone ahead!"

The red bricks were spread out on the spacious roof with a middle height and slopes on both sides. The two figures waited here early as if they knew someone would come.

"Who are you?"

Sakura stood in front of the other side of the flower, she asked: "Did you make the fog here?"

"Is that how Leon distributes his opponents?"

The cold and arrogant voice came, and Sakura hurriedly looked at each other.

A black three-cornered hat with a strand of white down feathers on one corner of the hat, and long silver-white hair tied behind his head, leaving half of it scattered, and then, his appearance. . .

"Be careful!"

Sakura saw the other party's eyes, how light and disdainful: "The other party, very strange."


"I can't see through her strength at all, no, I see through it, but it doesn't conform to common sense."

In Sakura's perception, the other party obviously only has extraordinary strength, but her inexplicable confidence and aura make her face the four pillars of the country.

No, I'm afraid the four major national pillars can't match her aura.

"Lord Flower God..."

Sakura found that the breath of the other party was only comparable to the flower god beside Earl of Thorns.

"You're not kidding?"

The other side of the flower was stunned. She was very familiar with Sakura, so she naturally understood her subtext, but how was this possible?

But Sakura never lies, and her judgment is always accurate.

But if it is really a powerhouse like the Flower God, wouldn't it be a sure end for them to meet each other?


On the other hand, although Iniya looked calm on the surface, she was actually panicked.

Let me say here that although Yinya is a fool, she is not really stupid.

Bai Luo has always been educating Yinya, so that she can recognize the gap between the enemy and me. Once she encounters an opponent whose strength is far superior to her, don't hesitate to turn around and run.

'These two guys. . . ’

A cold sweat broke out from behind Yinya's back: 'Super strong! ! ! ’

Seeing, this is Iniya's talent, she can see through the distance between herself and her opponent at a glance.

It is precisely because of this ability that Yinya knows that it is absolutely impossible for her to beat any of the cherry blossoms and the other side of the flower, and there is no chance.

'What to do? What to do? What to do? ’

'Are you going to fight them? ’

'I can't beat it at all, bastard! ! ! ’

Fortunately, Iniya's acting skills broke through the sky.

In particular, playing his sister Isefiya is so vivid that even Bai Luo has to be distinguished by the power of miracles, which can be called a magical skill.

"It seems that they are two good opponents."

Aleia is very relaxed, Yinya is pretending, but she is really awesome.


Iniya said disdainfully: "Too weak."


The eyes of the cherry blossoms and the other side of the flower immediately fell on Iniya, which made her very uncomfortable, but she said indifferently: "Come on, Aleia."

Iniya: I can't beat it, but it doesn't matter, I still have sister Aleia!

It's up to you, Aleia! !


Aleia naturally knows about Iniya's situation, but for this sister, Aleia has never been less fond of Bai Luo, so she is willing to play this role-playing game with Iniya.

"Do I need to say 'Pika Pika' when I'm on the court?"

"what ever."

Gao Leng, Senior Sister Fan, has no flaws.

And this also made Sakura and the other side a sigh of relief.

No way, Yinya gave them inexplicable pressure.

The main reason is that her attributes do not match her breath, giving people the feeling that this is a clone rather than a body.

As for Aleia, to be honest, they couldn't even tell what level of miracle unit she was.

"This is even weirder."

Sakura said to the other side of the flower: "I can't detect the level of miracle power at all."

If it wasn't for Aleia standing in front of them, the two women even felt that there was nothing there but air.

The other party was wearing a black hunter's uniform with a white cloth belt in front of his eyes, and seemed to be a blind man.

But where did the blind people come from in the miracle world, there must be some special kind of troops, so they are blindfolded.

"It seems that my Lady Queen doesn't want to fight with you."

Aleia smiled gently: "Then let me play against you."

'Trick! ’

Sakura and Higanka immediately put on a fighting posture: 'Do you want to fight? ’

The two women noticed the cross sword behind Aleia, a normal cross sword, they had seen it, but it was so huge, it was the first time they had seen it.


Aleia grabbed the hilt of the cross sword, and suddenly, a huge murderous aura enveloped the two women.

"This woman!!!"

"Just kidding?"

"Live, live saint..."

Trembling, panic, palpitations.

This level of sharpness and terror had only been experienced by their teacher Lixueshan Xianzhai.

Different from the oppression brought by the Lord of Miracles and the miracle body, living saints, especially those who are good at swordsmanship and slashing, once they draw their swords, that kind of deadly threat is absolutely impossible for ordinary miracle troops to possess.


However, Aleia did not choose to pull out the cross sword she was carrying, she said a little embarrassedly: "It seems that it is not the type I am waiting for."

"Well, let me look for it."

Aleia touched her body, and then took out a small cross from her pocket: "Ah, I took it with me. It has been copied well, so happy."


Looking at Aleia's actions, Yinya has already guessed the next famous scene: "Hawkeye Aleia Mihawk?"

"You can call me that, it was originally a tribute."

Aleia didn't care, but the conversation between the two made Sakura and the other side of the flower unclear: "What do you mean?"


Aleia took off the cross, revealing an incomparably delicate blade no longer than her index finger: "I'm sorry, but I really can't find a smaller sword on my body."\u003c/div\u003e

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