This is a Miracle

Chapter 234 Mysterious Emperor: I should be honored!

"This ability is a bit out of line."

Senior Sister said: "Although the writing is heroic, to a certain extent, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a small rule, just like Elsa's Jing Zaijing."

"It happens occasionally."

Bai Luo didn't take it at all, he said to Hong Ying, "Very good ability. It seems that you don't need to report to the Navy Headquarters in the future, just go with Lilith to manage the new recruits."

"Follow your will."

Hong Ying nodded obediently, she didn't care much about the navy headquarters.

Originally, that was funny stuff.

It is impossible for Aden's navy to let a group of small animals take over.

Now that it has become a holy beast, it is almost the same.

But in such an important department, Bai Luo usually chooses the miracle body to control it, so the fairies will also have fun.

"Hong Ying's ability can guide people's hearts."

Bai Luo: "This is of great significance to the new population."

Adun Island is about to welcome a new population of nearly 80,000, but the quality of this group. . .

To put it nicely, the levels are uneven, and to put it badly, most of them are seeds used by Aton to reproduce offspring, that is, tool people.

They are useless, the useful ones are their descendants, descendants.

Bai Luo has more miracles than others, so in terms of population demand, the demand is also extremely large, several times or even ten times that of other miracle masters.

It will take at least ten years to complete the saturation of Miraculous People.

But ten years later, Bai Luo's miracle will evolve again, and the population limit will increase again, and so on.

Therefore, the population, Bai Luo will always need.

"Your Majesty, won't this affect the potential of those people?"

Mengmao Sanxiao had doubts about this, Bai Luo said, "Without potential, there is no potential."

"There are more than 80,000 people, among which are adults," Bai Luo said. "Adults have long been identified, and we can't control their minds. Even if such people get their hands on it, various problems will arise."

Therefore, Bai Luo only needs them to expand the ordinary, extraordinary and extraordinary classes. For heroes above the hero level, Bai Luo will only let the people he trusts the most to break through.

"What I need are those more than 5,000 children. They are the foundation of my Aton's future."

Bai Luo said, "What's more, Hong Ying's power will not damage their potential."

"Please don't underestimate my ability."

Hong Ying questioned Mengmao San Xiao and expressed dissatisfaction: "My power is not brainwashing, it is just a kind of superficial hypnosis, similar to guidance suggestion, it will not harm"

Desire is not hypnosis, Hong Ying can strengthen a person's desire, and conversely, it can also make a person have no desire or desire.

In battle, if the enemy loses the desire to fight, then our side will naturally win without fighting.

Of course, letting Hong Ying go to the battlefield is the lowest level of usage.

Only governance is the stage where Hong Ying can play its greatest role.


Bai Luo continued to explore the abilities of the three cute cats and the three white eagles.

After about half an hour or so, the Holy Beast Forest finally moved again.

Counting the time, the interval is twice as long as that of the cat spirit, and the movement is much larger.

"The king?"

Bai Luo and Senior Sister estimated the result of Bai Ying Yin's reincarnation, and Mao Lingling and the others also noticed.

'That damn flat-haired bird! ’

Mao Lingling realized that the other party was better than him, and was very unhappy.

"Big brother is awesome!!!"

In contrast, Xiaoyin, Yeyin and Hongying cheered happily.

They won.

The Baiying family defeated the cute cat family.

This is the first time they came to Aden Island and won the first victory. It is a moment worth remembering in the history books!


Once the blue-white figure rises into the sky, it is strong and fit, and its huge wings burst out with extremely destructive mysterious energy.


Bai Luo and Senior Sister looked at each other and immediately knew Bai Yingyin's strength.

【Mysterious Emperor】

Name: White Eagle Silver

Contract: Bai Luo Aden

Rank: King

Type: Holy beast

Miracle Source: Special Miracle Thing · Secret Fruit

Form 1: Holy Orcs

The second form: Eagle Fairy (can be converted)

The third form: the mysterious emperor of warcraft

The power of the holy beast inherited by Bai Yingyin is a special magical beast called the 'Mysterious Emperor'.

"His Majesty!!"

The Mysterious Emperor descended from the sky, and his size was not large, only about 3 meters.

Compared with the animal form of the cute cat and the white eagle, the mysterious emperor is more inclined to the orc race, with a human-like body and limbs.

I saw that he was tall and burly physique, with three pairs of large and small wings behind him, and light blue arcane energy was flowing on the feathers.

Although the difference between the king and the master was only several times the power of miracles and the incarnation of a law, the mysterious emperor gave Bai Luo a stronger feeling than the previous tulip.

If you describe it, Tulip is a first-time king, and the mysterious emperor, he has almost reached the peak of the "king-level beast-type arms".

It is also the incarnation of the law. As long as the mysterious emperor quits in time within a certain time, he will not be punished for permanently losing the power of miracles.

This also means that the mysterious emperor will be stronger and more aggressive than ordinary kings.

"See Your Majesty, see Your Majesty the Queen..."

Bai Ying Yin knelt down on one knee and bowed respectfully to Bai Luo and Isafiya: "Follow your mission, Yin, you have gained the power of a king."

From the small pet raised by the Aden family, it has become the mysterious emperor who dominates the sky.

With the completion of the soul and the strengthening of intelligence, Bai Yingyin became more and more aware of who this gift came from.

The goblins are different from outsiders. From their souls to their ego, they are completely the result of Bailuo's miracle.

Loyalty, obedience, service, glory.

These are almost written into their soul and origin.

"Navy Headquarters, it used to be a joke, but now," Bai Luo said, "there is no legend, I can rest assured if you have Yin to guard my Aden Sea area."

The Arcane Emperor is the master of the sky, and his laws and domains have a huge advantage in air combat.

Legends are not allowed to participate in the war, and only rely on the king and the master. Unless the powerhouse of the living saint level makes a move, it will be a tie with the mysterious emperor.

But live holy. . .

If there was a living saint, he would have broken through the legend long ago, and he would still be stuck in these two classes.

"It's just the marshal, forget it."

"Silver understands."

Bai Ying Yin has no interest in power, and subconsciously he has always regarded himself as the favorite of the Aden family.

Of course, the identities are different now.

The strength of the power makes Bai Yingyin qualified to be on an equal footing with the Aden family.

However, White Eagle Silver is not an ungrateful eagle.

Even if he became stronger, he just claimed to be the guardian of the Aden family, and hoped to protect everyone, instead of turning over and looking down on the old master.

Don't forget, the true master of the Aden Fairy was never the Aden family, but Bai Luo who was standing in front of Bai Yingyin at this time.

"I am Aden, all races are equal."

After Bai Luo finished saying this, he looked left and right, there was no outsider, and added: "But this is just a talk. You have followed me for many years, so you must know exactly what I think."

The Aden family were Bai Luo's disciples and the foundation.

The goblin family and the tree elves were descended from Bai Luo's personal soldiers, similar to the Imperial Guard.

So equality, that's absolute bullshit.

Being distant and distant, Bai Luo clearly preferred them.

"Silver, I know what you mean."

Bai Yingyin said: "Master Knowles raised me, I should be..."

"Oh, that's not necessary."

Bai Luo interrupted Yin's words and said, "You guys have been traveling in the air all the year round for me Aden, sending letters and monitoring, you can say that you have done your best. The Bai Ying family takes you as their surname. You are one body, and there should be no master-servant relationship."

Because of the holy orcs, the goblin family is destined to take the lead and walk in the forefront of all Adonites.

Fortunately, the goblins are pure in nature, they don't ask for anything, they don't dare to be arrogant, and they look down on the tree elves and the Aden family.

"Fairy family..."

Bai Yingyin has grown up now, and is no longer a silly bird bickering with cat spirits. He began to think about the goblin family: "I will help the Adonites."

"Xiaoyin, you've become bad, and you'll be chewing words with me."

Bai Luo found that Bai Yingyin's IQ had improved a lot, it was like changing from Homo sapiens to modern humans.

He has a high emotional intelligence, and he said that he intends to be the foil of the Adun people, and he does not dare to overstep.

However, this sentence made Bai Luo somewhat unhappy.

"I've mispoken."

Bai Luo's tone changed, he said solemnly: "It's an assistant, the Aden family."

"Aden, it can't be a truly equal country, at least now, or even in decades, it can't be that level."

"Although you are from animals," Bai Luo said, "but in my eyes, you are more sensible than outsiders."

"His Majesty?"

Bai Yingyin: "You mean that my goblin clan is second only to the Aden clan, equal to the tree elves, and higher than foreign citizens?"

"That's a good understanding," Bai Luo said. "You and Lingling have to convey this attitude to the fairies, especially those of you who have completed the reincarnation of the holy beast."

"Holy beasts are more noble than mortals," Bai Luo said.

After the battle of the ancient capital, Bai Luo almost discovered it.

It wasn't the 100 slave boys and girls who really supported Aden's army.

Of course they have become soldiers, but they can fight. . .

No, it can't be said that the combat power is low, but the xinxing is too bad!

A few months of training time is simply not enough. When they actually go to the battlefield, they will be timid and afraid.

Even though he knew it was just a dream, he still flinched.

What humiliated Bai Luo the most was their collision with the Thorns Army. Although they were also defeated, the Aden, tree elves, and elves were at least beautifully defeated.

In contrast, the same equipment, the Aden Army from civilians, is a shame, and it is praised.

Of course, it's not their fault.

To blame, I can only blame Bai Luo for being too impetuous and in a hurry.

You must know that the Aden family was brought out by Bai Luo himself. Although they are few, Bai Luo is very clear about their mood and potential.

In the same way, there are goblins and tree spirits who are blank sheets of paper. They are all materials that can be made, the backbone of Aden in the future.

"Your Majesty, this..."

Bai Yingyin was flattered, Bai Luo interrupted Yin's words, he only asked: "I ask you, if I tell you to die, will you go, Yin?"


Bai Yingyin said firmly: "No matter what you ask me to do, I will do it!"

His consciousness, ego, emotion, wisdom, and even his soul were all bestowed by Bai Luo.

Bai Luo is his master, and everything about him should belong to Bai Luo.

Only this point, Bai Yingyin can firmly tell Bai Luo——I am willing to work for you!

"We do too!"

"I would too!"

"And I!"

The goblin family expressed their opinions one after another, and from their hearts.

They don't have any fear at all, they just have the glory and joy that Bai Luo needs.

To put it in a bad way, the goblins are Bai Luo's mad believers, a group of lunatics.

"The Aden family are my compatriots, and they will answer me the same way, and the tree elves, they are the same as you."

"But the others..."

Let's not talk about the slaves that were bought, only the 80,000 people who are about to come, and the people who were traded from the great duke of the fairy eagle, Mishia,

"Loyalty is the most basic thing to get the power of miracles."

However, loyalty does not mean die-hard loyalty, nor does it mean what Bai Luo says, what they will do.

Just like Bai Luo asked Ilona to kill Junono, will he do it?

Ilona would rather be devoured by the power of miracles than do such a thing.

In the same way, on the battlefield, in the face of the threat of death, wouldn't the Son of Miracle be a deserter?

Will they run away in fear when it comes to life or death?

The answer is yes!

In the battle of the ancient capital, some soldiers did choose to flee.

This kind of escape is different from the strategic retreat of Haierbo and others, but a spiritual fear.

Bai Luo didn't blame them, after all, they were just teenagers.

If this is also to be blamed, Bai Luo should reflect on whether he has committed himself to the point where he doesn't even need the bottom line.

"As long as they are trained well and continue to practice well, they will also become brave warriors."

Bai Luo said: "Although some of them may be eliminated and become civilian workers, they can still be used."

"At least, at least it works!"

Bai Luo didn't say much, he felt that he was very tolerant.


Thinking about when I first crossed, I had to go up the mountain to find wild vegetables at the age of 4, and I was chased by intruders at the age of 8. After that, I spent ten years under the harsh training of my uncle.

What is harsh?

In the cold winter and twelfth lunar month, wearing only one pair of pants, hunting monsters alone.

Dive into the water and fight the python with your bare hands.

Learning the use of various weapons, learning the languages ​​and customs of various parts of the continent, but also learning etiquette, handling interpersonal relationships, and thinking about where they are going next time they move.

Miracle Land is not ordinary cruel to mortals.

The reason why Bai Luo valued the Aden family so highly was because they were not only natural warriors, but also received the most rigorous training, just like him.

Bai Luo pointed at the outsider: 'What do you do? ’

The other side: 'I am a carpenter. ’

Bai Luo: 'What about you? ’

Another: 'I am a pig farmer, Your Majesty. ’

Bai Luo: 'You. ’

The man: 'I'm a plasterer. ’

At this time, the Aden family can really shout: 'Sparta! ! ! ’

Bai Luo didn't want to talk about such a world-famous scene, he also had a headache, and it was impossible to rely on some half-baked to support Aden's military.

"My main force of Aden, after all, depends on you."

Why does Bai Luoen favor Aden, goblins, and tree elves?

The answer is simple because they are warriors, they are soldiers.

Just ask, if a monarch does not even favor the soldiers who protect the family and the country, but instead favors the officials who only smack the horses and do not do practical things, then this country is destined to not go far.

It was only a few months after the founding of Aden, and Bai Luo's journey had just begun.

Bai Luo can't do it, he can go both ways, but a bowl of water is definitely not fair!

"I know that even if I really have a good level of water and show a fair attitude, you will still protect me."

Bai Luo: "But the people who protect this country and open up territory for me are you."

"Outsiders, who haven't accomplished much yet, enjoy the education, shelter, and food and clothing that I have given them, and I have to give them strength."

Bai Luo wanted to laugh at this. What is he, a welfare institution, or a foundation: "As a king, I should try my best to cultivate my people, but what qualifications do they have to be on an equal footing with you?"

It's like running an army.

Whoever should be a general should be a manager, and whoever should be a soldier.

Bai Luo made it very clear that the goblins are qualified to lead soldiers to fight, and they can manage the soldiers in the future.

Despite their humble origins, they are just a group of small animals.

"What about animals?"

Bai Luo smiled and said, "Even if it's an animal, it's mine, it's my Aden's animal!"

After saying this, Bai Luo was blatantly placed in front of the goblin clan. If they said that they were not moved, it must be a lie.

"His Majesty..."

Jie Ling, Yanguang Ji, Yin Xue Fei, Xiao Yin, Ye Yin, Hong Ying, and Bai Ying Yin, all of them worshipped Bai Luo in human form.

If there is no Bai Luo, they are destined to be animals for a lifetime, and then grow old early.

So even if there is no benefit, Bai Luo just treats them as tools, and the fairies have no regrets.

However, Bai Luo felt that they were his own people and deserved dignity and status.

"Subjects, citizens, commoners."

Bai Luo: "Divided, clearly."

"I also hope that you can understand your identities," Bai Luo said. "From today onwards, you are no longer pets of the Aden family, but companions and family members."

Just like the relationship between Mao Lulu and Haierbo, there is only a master-subordinate in consciousness, just like the relationship between the captain and the team members.

"My plan is to choose a partner for you."

Bai Luo: "From now on, the Aden family and the tree elves will definitely act together with a fairy to protect each other."

"I shall fight alongside Lord Knowles."

Bai Yingyin understood Bai Luo's meaning, and he made it unnecessary for the goblin clan to be too clear from the Aden clan.

The Aden family and the goblins are one body.

They can find each other's companions, then go out and fight together and help each other.

Likewise, share weal and woe.

If you do something wrong, you will be punished together, and if you complete the task, you will be rewarded together.


Bai Luo nodded: "Don't worry, Knowles and the others will grow up soon, and by then, you will no longer be the one to protect them unilaterally."

Regarding the balance of power within the Adun people after the goblin family suddenly became stronger, Bai Luo discussed with the elders for a long time.

Finally, they came to this result.

Let the goblins walk with the Aduns and fight side by side, turning the honor from two people into one.

"Only the Aden family and the tree elves have this qualification," Bai Luo said, "New recruits..."

"You are not tools and will not be distributed by head."

Bai Luo said, "I will issue a decree. From now on, only those who are approved by the goblin can become true warriors."

The goblins are sharp-minded, they see people very well, and they have their own way.

Therefore, Bai Luo seems to have handed over the right to select Aden's warriors into the hands of the goblin clan, and with them guarding the loyalty of Aden's army, Bai Luo feels that he can feel at ease.

This also means that only the Adonites with goblins around them are the real Adonians.

Like Haierbo, he is no different from the Aden family.


Bai Luo said, "I also gave you a new name, Silver Wing."

"Thank you for your name!"

Silver Wing's huge body bowed his knees again. He didn't think it was very humble, but felt honored that he could accept Bai Luo's reward in person: "I will definitely live up to your expectations!"


"Okay, let's continue."

Bai Luo looked at the remaining aquatic clan: "There is still a legendary place, I would like to see, who will fall into the hands in the end."

The king is already so powerful, how strong should the legend be?

This is Aden's first legend. Bai Luo was very optimistic about Mao Lingling and Bai Yingyin, but now, their qualifications are not enough.

No, it cannot be said that the qualifications are insufficient.

The mysterious dragon has improved its qualifications, and it has been improved together with the goblin family, so the qualifications of Mao Lingling and Bai Ying Yin may be enough, but because this legendary bloodline is not suitable for them, they cannot be reincarnated.

"It's not a beast, and it's not a bird. So, is it a reptile?"

Thinking so, Bai Luo looked at Miss Dolphin in the fish tank and the other aquatic elves.

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