This is a Miracle

Chapter 308 Twilight of the Age of Gods

"Do not!!!"

The Marquis of Tianzhi, who was far away in the Iron Eagle Kingdom, was suddenly awakened by this broken sound from her meditation. Her face was pale and her eyes were blank, but she said excitedly like words: "No! You can't take it with you. Come to reality! NO!!!"

Two lines of blood and tears fell from Marquis Tianzhi's eyes, she clenched her fists tightly, and her expression was unprecedentedly angry.


"Why are you so greedy?"

The Marquis of Tianzhi didn't know what she was talking about. She was connected with the destiny, as if she represented the will of the miracle world, and explained this proverb to the world.


"You sinner who brought endless disasters to the world!"

The Marquis of Heaven's Decree's eyes were white, and there was not a trace of black, and then with a vicious voice, he roared like a beast: "I curse you!"

"Your greed will eventually pay for it."

"Curse everything you love! It's all because of you! Burn it down!!"

Suddenly, the Marquis of Heavenly Decree woke up like a dream. She was wearing black tulle, and she was clearly the master of miracles. At this time, she was holding her hands like a little girl, curled up there, shivering.


At this moment, standing on the top of the mountain, Bai Luo only felt that an unimaginably huge force was constantly pouring into the cross sword in his hand, and then pouring into his body from the sword.

【Twilight of the Gods】

Rank: top

Contract: Bai Luo Aden (exclusive, cannot be used by anyone except Bai Luo)

Type: Miracle Thing

Faction: God's Twilight

Introduction: Li Guang's natural enemy, the sword of the end that makes everything disappear

Powerful, unimaginably powerful.

Bai Luo wanted to control this sword, but he couldn't help himself, because it was so comfortable, this kind of pleasure that kept getting stronger would be addictive.



Bai Luo couldn't bear this power any longer. He raised the flaming cross sword in his hand and let it vent!


The next moment, the flames shot up into the sky, like a beam of light penetrating the sky, leaving endless flames that condensed into a storm and spread in all directions.

The Azure Islands, the Bright Islands, the Miracle New World, the Northern Continent where the Eastern Empire and the Ancient Golden Kingdom are located, and the Southern Continent separated by oceans.

Everyone in the entire world of miracles, the masters of all miracles raised their heads at this time.

"It's terrifying, it's terrifying."

The Marquis of Tianzhi can see the future and even predict the fate of the Lord of Miracles, but even if he has lived for thousands of years, the Marquis of Tianzhi has never seen such a terrible scene.

The whole world is on fire, and millions of Miracle People are wiped out in the Last Judgment.

All joy and happiness are gone.

Only pain, despair, anger, torment and resentment prevail in the world and become the main theme of the land of miracles.

"You don't even know what you've done."

The Marquis of Tianzhi held the stone pillar and looked at the originally clear sky, which was shrouded in dark clouds, like a precursor to an imminent storm.

The cold wind blew her thin veil, but she didn't care, she just slumped weakly on the stone steps and muttered to herself: "You should have become the greatest holy king, but now, you are destined to will go down the path of a tyrant."

"The black national destiny is devouring that country like crazy."

Just like Marquis Tianzhi, Feng Xi, who was talking with his sister, also stared in the direction of Aden in a stunned manner: "How can this be like this? It shouldn't be like this, it shouldn't be like this."

"The color of the world has changed, not only the mortal world, but even my kingdom of miracles has been disturbed to this extent."

King Aolai raised his head, the mountains and lakes surrounding the spiritual veins, which were like fairyland, were trembling instinctively at this time.

"Who got what kind of miracle to trigger this level of vision?"

With long golden hair fluttering in the wind, this is a very beautiful and heroic woman, she is called the Golden Princess.

However, she is not the person of the ancient king of the ancient golden kingdom, but the kingdom of mountains, the biological daughter of the sky king, one of the eight kings of the mountains.

Purely in terms of strength, her strength is by no means inferior to Ao Laikong, and she is one of the best children of miracles.


The Golden Emperor Ji stepped forward quickly, she broke into her father's palace, but found that the other party was sitting on the ground, with vicissitudes between her brows.

"What's the matter with you, father? Are you all right?"


Sky King shook his head and reassured his daughter: "It's just, I was scared."

The miracle of the Sky King is a subordinate miracle, called the [Fate Tablet]. It is an artifact that changes the fate of all things and gives them great power.

Change the fate of water, give water life.

Change the fate of animals and plants and let them gain wisdom.

Even changing the laws of its own existence, giving gravity, life, death, more, less, and strength to the will, let it be used by itself, and become the subjects of the Sky King.

And among these countless subjects, the daughter of the Sky King, the Golden Emperor Ji, is the most powerful one.

He gave the fate of everything to this daughter, thus creating a powerful golden emperor.

Gold symbolizes eternity in people's minds.

In this name, it is conceivable how powerful the Golden Emperor Ji is and how high the potential is.

However, King Sky is not a very ambitious person. Like King Aolai, he has lost his most important family member, his wife.

Therefore, in the eyes of Sky King, he no longer has the unwillingness of his youth, but hopes that his daughter can live in a peaceful era and enjoy a peaceful life.

However, the power of the Sky King made him understand that fate is not so simple.

That's right, the Sky King has the power to predict the future, and he can capture countless possibilities through various means.

"What did you see?"


Sky King: "I saw that I was about to die, and in front of me stood a man holding a sword of flame."

"Will not!"

Di Ji couldn't believe it: "You won't die, I won't allow anyone to hurt you!"

"I don't believe in fate, let alone let this ridiculous future happen!"

The real destiny does not exist, but the Sky King, Fengxi, and the Marquis of Tianzhi can all use the power of destiny to capture what may happen in the future.

In theory, this new miracle should have been in the destiny long ago.

But no, not so!

Just today, just now, the originally beautiful future was suddenly torn apart by flames, and they saw purgatory on earth.

"Suddenly see?"


Sky King nodded and said, "This miracle is so powerful that even fate has to avoid its edge. I almost got hit hard just by looking at it."

That's just a slice of the future, just a glimpse!

If you really encounter the burning cross sword in reality, the Sky King can't imagine its power: "It is by no means a force that one or two Lords of Miracles can fight against, let's go, go to the King of Mountains, this piece More must be told to the Lord of Miracles.”

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