This is a Miracle

Chapter 344 Future?

"This is the future?"

"This, how could this be the future of Brother Bai Luo?"

"I do not want."

Miya clenched her fists with tears in her eyes. She was a 10-year-old girl. Even if she got the wisdom of miracles, she still couldn't change the fact: "I don't want such a future, this is not true, absolutely not true!"

Yinya will die at the hands of Bai Luo, that kind of thing. . .


"I can change the future!"

"All of these are things that haven't happened yet." Since they haven't happened, it means they are just phantoms of nothingness: "It's just a possibility, it doesn't mean that it will definitely happen."

But now, Yinya knew such a fate in advance, and if she didn't say anything else, as long as she told Bai Luo, then. . .

"No, it's not like that."

Just saying it doesn't make sense.

It's like fortune-telling, if you don't speak ill of the other party, he will be fine, but it is precisely because you tell him that there is danger that he is careful.

Then, something went wrong.

"My prophecy itself is also part of destiny."

If you think so, it is not the miracle itself.

Because it means that there is a thing called 'fate' high above, it dominates everything, and everyone is its plaything.

"The real power of the secret fruit is to decide destiny!"

Watch countless fate trajectories, choose the one you want to happen, and then do your best to push, repair and shape.

Connected with Bai Luo's heart, Miya can perfectly synchronize with Bai Luo, and then make a choice.

Such a decision made by Miya is equivalent to Bai Luo's decision.

"But can my power really see the end?"

Miya regrets it now. She feels that she should not get the secret fruit. Such a powerful force should be given to a person as good as Sister Aleia.

"Now there is a chance,

Opportunity to see answers. "

It is very troublesome to watch the trajectory of destiny, and it is very long, it may be thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years. It is unimaginable that Miya needs to see so far away at one time.

Fortunately, the miracle body has infinite power, the only problem is the output power.

In theory, Miya, who had just obtained the secret fruit, did not possess such a huge amount of mana, but the scrawny young man still had a door and channel to release the power of miracles.

It is shaky and can only be used once, but it has infinite power, allowing Miya to complete a perfect wait and see of the future.

"Only one person's fate can be watched at a time."

Who Miya wants to see, obviously, she wants to see Bai Luo's future and his ending.


In the world of nothingness, Miya raised her hands, and endless mana surged out.

The next moment, the world was twisted, and Miya seemed to be traveling through a tunnel with no end in sight. To her left and right were countless time segments, hundreds of millions, and it was impossible to see at all.

Finally, the shuttle of the streamer years came to an end. When Miya opened her eyes, she found herself standing in an extremely empty place.

"Where is this place?"

It was pitch black, like a palace, and you could faintly see the huge pillars standing upright.

The feet were cold and smooth, like walking barefoot on a marble floor.

"Am I really in the future?"

Although she knew that this place was just a future world built by miracles, and to reality, it was just an illusion, but for some reason, Miya felt that this place was very real.

According to what Bai Luo remembered, Miya was currently experiencing a holographic game.

People here can't feel her, nor can they notice her, Miya is an independent audience and observer.

Everything is false, only she herself is true.

"Jingle, jingle."

"His Majesty."

"Please bring some guards."

"Do you want to come together?"

With this voice, Miya's eyes widened: 'Brother Bai Luo! ’

Although the tone was vicissitudes, the gentleness and casualness revealed in the words made Miya very familiar.

"This is the land, I don't dare."

"It's just a place of commemorative significance," Bai Luo said, "Aden, where did you come from?"

Right in front of Miya, a faint blue light came in from the entrance, and she saw Bai Luo, just as she remembered.

It's just different from the original silver hair, Bai Luo's hair is already gray at this time, although he still looks young, but the sadness between his brows makes Miya unable to help but feel distressed.

What has he experienced to have such eyes.


Bai Luo was dressed in a white robe that looked like pajamas. His footsteps fell, and the originally dark earth burst into brilliance.

It was a world as bright as a starry sky. Miya opened her eyes wide and looked at the scene in front of her. Bai Luo was walking on the universe, with a beautiful and indescribable world under her feet.

It is a huge map, not flat or three-dimensional, but a spatial structure beyond the scope of Miya's cognition.

However, just looking at it, the magnificent world under her feet, Miya subconsciously gave birth to an idea: 'It is the map of the world! ’

"Is anyone there?"

Suddenly, Bai Luo, who was walking, stopped, and he looked curiously at where Miya was.

Bai Luo didn't panic much, as if it was an assassin here, he would talk to him patiently instead of scolding him angrily.

It's like a lonely empty-nest old man who suddenly meets a cat at home.

'how is this possible! ’

It stands to reason that Miya can't be noticed by future people anyway, because the future is just an illusory thing to her, and it doesn't exist.

But Bai Luo's eyes really turned to where she was, and Miya immediately turned around.

With no one behind her, Bai Luo was really looking at her.

"You are..."

Bai Luo's voice was a little hoarse: "Miya?"

Really saw it!

"Brother Bai Luo?"

Miya took a step forward and walked out of the darkness. She was a little uneasy. The first time she predicted the future, she was actually seen through.

But Miya was not afraid, because the person in front of him was Bai Luo, and he would not hurt himself.


Bai Luo looked at Miya, like an old father looking at his little daughter.

"Are you really, brother Bai Luo?"

The person in front of her, Miya will not admit her mistake, she can even faintly feel the connection between herself and the other party, it is a miracle contract.

But how is this possible?

Time itself does not exist. For Miya, the future should be a kind of calculation. By capturing the trajectory of fate, a certain possibility can be inferred in advance.

But Bai Luo didn't explain, just stretched out his hand to the girl.


Miya flicked lightly, she couldn't touch Bai Luo's hand, the other party was still like a phantom to her.

Bai Luo is indeed false, but in this future, Bai Luo's power has already exceeded the scope of Miya's cognition, so even if it is a phantom, he can communicate with Miya.

You spy on me through time, and through time, I also see you spy on me.


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