This is a Miracle

Chapter 349 The Holy City of Arland

"The meeting of ten thousand kings has been brought forward again?"

The Ten Thousand Kings Conference, which was originally held only once in ten years, was mentioned three months later because of the decision of the fat man, and the events on Aden's side and the birth of Twilight accelerated the promotion of this international conference.

The Southern Continent, the New Continent, the Northern Continent, and the Quartet Seas where Bright, Azure, and Pirate Kings are located.

There are nearly 11 masters of miracles in the sea. If Bai Luo is also included, then the sea power can also call itself an empire.

But now, Wei Lan Third Duke obviously can no longer get along with Bai Luo in the attitude of his predecessors.

A handful of dusk is like a huge generation gap, completely severing the relationship between them.

Compared with the mainland, the power on the sea is definitely not enough.

There is no high-ranking miracle here, and there is no emperor-level miracle master, and the strongest is only the median.

"Where is the location?"

Bai Luo went to the meeting to communicate with everyone who attended the meeting.

"The origin of the Holy Empire, the sacred capital 'Arland'."

Fat Laohan has long since retired. He now has neither an army nor a large territory. This Arland was once the capital of the Holy Empire, but now the symbolic meaning is greater than the actual meaning.

After all, he is the strongest in the world of miracles, and Fat Laohan does have the majesty and qualification to command the heroes.

"What about the time?"

"Three days later."

Sure enough, it was very urgent. It seemed that the kings couldn't wait to know Dusk and Bai Luo's attitude.

"Get ready, let's go."

A total of seven people will participate in this operation.

Leon occupied the ancient capital and represented a master of emerging miracles. Bai Luo and Senior Sister were the leaders of Aden, and also had two places.

A Li represented Zhu Xia, the Marquis represented Qingquan Kingdom, and Ying Mu Xuan was naturally the leader of the Eastern Empire. The three of them were members of the well-established Council of Ten Thousand Kings.

"Plus Uncle."

Uncle is now Qingquan's husband,

The king of the earth, there is no doubt that he is qualified.

"With me, I don't need Xiaobai."

Like Bai Yinuo's job, A Li is Bai Luo's personal guardian.

The two of them are by no means weaker than any superior miracle body in terms of individual combat power, and such a strong person should not be exposed.

"Xiao Bai is the miraculous master of the budding holy bag."


Ali: "Can you still play like this?"

There is no need for Shirley and Lilith to take them there.

Gu Jiqitan's reed family needs to guard the interior of Aden when Bailuo attends the meeting.

"Lord Marquis."

In Qingquan Country, a black-haired and black-clothed woman who seemed to have walked out of a myth stood beside the Marquis: "The frame is ready."

Her name is Saimir Ramis, and she is now the only epic powerhouse in Qingquan Kingdom, and her occupation is 'Assyrian Empress'.

However, she didn't like this title very much. After all, the owner of the family was only a marquis, but it was really disrespectful to be called the 'Empress'.

So Bella rarely uses her epic career, preferring her younger nickname - Little White Dove.

This is the title given by her teacher Saros. It was the man who rescued her from the slave farm and brought her back to Qingquan Kingdom.

"Is the teacher really back?"

The space inside the car is very large, it is not a small room.

As an epic powerhouse, Saimir is qualified and must sit beside Qingquan to protect him personally.

"Well, he's back."

When Saros went to Qingquan Kingdom earlier, Semir was not there. She went to another dimension with Sword Saint Streus, Eye of the God Realm, Golden Emperor and others.

The dimensional creatures over there were particularly arrogant, angering the Lord of Miracles, so epic-level powerhouses were sent to suppress them.

For the strongest but also legendary dimensional creatures, epics are unmatched monsters.


Symier has great respect for Qingquan.

The Marquis and Saros were like Symille's parents. After all the hardships, the two finally came together and couldn't be more successful.

So when she heard that the Marquis was taken down by the old uncle and became his miraculous creature, Symier not only did not feel dissatisfied, but took it for granted.

Without Uncle, Qingquan Kingdom would have been destroyed decades ago.

Now, which of the digital legends in Qingquan Kingdom and her was not brought out by Saros himself.

To put it in a bad way, Qingquan country is all from Saros. As long as the old uncle says a word, Qingquan will be stripped and cleaned in minutes, and then thrown on the bed to wait for Lin Xing.

Of course, this is also what everyone understands Qingquan's thoughts.

"There is nothing to congratulate."

Qingquan said so, but his hand caressed his lower abdomen, and Sai Mier's eyes widened: "That, no, no?"

"Just as you thought, little white dove."


No matter what the old uncle will do in the future, Qingquan will never be alone again, because that man has given her new hope.

This child will replace him and accompany Qingquan until he returns, or she goes to him.

"I've got the name as well."

Qingquan smiled and said, "Azales."

Symier was stunned. She couldn't understand how low a woman's IQ was in a relationship, but it was too fast.

"Then are we going to merge with Aden later?"

Qingquan Kingdom and Zhuxia Kingdom are two countries that are very easy to solve.

The latter have nothing, no power and not much culture, their living standards are not good, and they still live like primitive societies.

If you can join Aden, 200,000 Zhuxia people will not refuse.

Qingquan Kingdom is also very straightforward. It was remodeled by the old uncle. Almost all the strong, high-level and backbone are derived from the cultivation of the old uncle decades ago.

In a few decades, a group of ordinary people who don't even know what the power of miracles is, have reached the heights they are today.

Others need at least a hundred years to break through the legend, and a thousand years to have a chance to win the epic.

But Uncle, he insisted that Simier complete the entire process from mortal to epic within 40 years.

Semir's aptitude is one thing, but more is the guidance of the old uncle.

Qingquan merged into Aden, an invasion?


The entire Qingquan Kingdom is now almost using the Aton culture, and the Marquis began to prepare for the old uncle's ascendance decades ago.

Therefore, Qingquan merged into Aden, like a child who went out to work and returned home.

With the old uncle around, they will only feel more cordial.

"Fusion, but not past."

Qingquan said: "We are still developing on this land. The Marquis of Qingquan is a land of miracles. A place where miracles will fall, we cannot abandon it."

In the world of miracles, the land of miracles is a rare resource among rare resources, and no one is willing to destroy it, let alone give it up.

In the past, the two Lords of Miracles could even blushed over a one-kilometer-wide battle for a miracle.

Although it has restrained a little now, except for the Iron Eagle Kingdom, the consciousness of the kingdoms in other places is still very clear.


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