This is a Miracle

Chapter 351 You should be the master of miracles in one place

"So I can give you a guarantee."

The elector said: "As long as Saros is here, I will never be an enemy of Adon."

The elector did not say anything unexpected, such as what would happen if Aden went to attack him first.

it's out of the question.

Saros never made mistakes, he couldn't let Bai Luo take the initiative to attack him, even if there was some grudge between the two sides.

If Bai Luo wanted to avenge his uncle Sargondo for his senior sister, then the old uncle would definitely plan to force the elector to fight against Bai Luo first, and then Bai Luo would defeat the elector and even destroy him. .

Therefore, as long as the elector insisted not to take the initiative, Bai Luo had no reason to fight him under such circumstances.

"I really hope he fights against me first."

Although the electoral candidates don't like conspiracies very much, but if they don't like it, it doesn't mean they don't understand: "Twilight, that is."

An artifact that destroys the world, this name alone is enough to make the master of all miracles stand on the opposite side of Bai Luo.

"Rather than having a heart-to-heart with me, you might as well teach him how to present yourself as a saint in front of the kings."

"Twilight is dangerous."

Elector candidate: "If you are not careful, he is the scourge."

After saying that, the elector didn't say much, and walked out with Minerva.

I have to say that the conversation between the elector candidate and the fat old fool really exceeded Minerva's expectations: "You still have such a vision, why didn't I find out?"


The elector smiled slightly, but didn't care: "There are many things you didn't find out, Minerva."


Minerva said dissatisfiedly: "It's better to change your clothes quickly than to talk about this."

"No, just this one."


Wearing a bathrobe to a meeting, is the electoral candidate going crazy?

"Is this Arland?"

on the square,

Bai Luo and others showed up early, the meeting was the day after tomorrow, and they came here just to show Aden's respect for the international talks.

Arriving late, or even late, would seem rude to Aden.

However, I heard that the Northern Empress has always been like this. Her attitude is notoriously arrogant, and the kings have long seen it.


"Have they been separated?"

Bai Luo doesn't have an old uncle by his side, because all the Lords of Miracles are independent, and Arland has a corresponding teleportation mechanism, so they won't be grouped together just because you all came together.

"Your Highness, may I ask which country's lord you are?"

At this moment, a black-haired and black-dressed woman appeared in front of Bai Luo: "I am the organizer of this meeting, a citizen of the Emperor of the Western Holy Empire, my name is Leto."

"Oh, hello hello."

Bai Luo didn't care about being separated, Arland was a very safe place.

What's more, Bai Luo's strength is not weak.

Bai Luo can also use the power of the first emperor of the ages to win over Mu Xuan, so if he really fights, there are really not many people in the world who are his opponents except for the fat old man.

This person has strength, and courage will naturally be good.

"I am the Lord of Miracles of the Duchy of Aden."

"The Principality of Aden?"

Leto had never heard of this country, perhaps because it was too small.

It is impossible for ordinary people to pretend to be the Lord of Miracles. This is a capital crime. Leto did not dare to neglect, and immediately asked: "I will lead the way for you, and please tell me where the Principality of Aden is located."

"On the southeast coast of Miracle Land, near the Principality of Azure."

"I see."

Having said that, Leto immediately knew where to take Bai Luo: "Please come with me, there are several His Royal Highnesses there."

So, under the leadership of Leto, Bai Luo felt the local customs while admiring the streets of the city.

"Greek style."

Arland is the capital of the Holy Empire, and here, without exception, are the people of miracles.

Just like the central island of the Principality of Aden, it is impossible for mortals, unrelated outsiders, to live and work here.

"You just said the organizer, the Western Holy Empire?"

Fat Laohan's people have long since died, and after that, Fat Laohan has never developed a child of miracles, and has never given others the power of miracles.

Therefore, Leto should be a miracle child under the command of another Lord of Miracles, and then during the meeting, he will be here to preside over it.

"Don't you know my lord?"

Leto said puzzled: "My lord, Hevelod Kronos."


Bai Luo had never heard of the Western Holy Empire, but he was all too familiar with the name: "Electr of the Emperor?"


Leto smiled and said, "That's what your Highnesses call my lord."

The Lord of Miracles has equal status, and everyone likes to call each other by their nicknames. This is the default rule.

After all, the name is so difficult to remember, who has nothing to remember the name.

Do people remember their names?

"This is really..."

Should it be said that the road to the enemy is narrow?

Bai Luo didn't know how he was feeling at this time, but the elector candidate had a holiday with him.

"What's wrong?"


It was the elector candidate who had a holiday, not Leto, who was in front of him. Bai Luo continued to follow the woman forward.


Raising his head, Bai Luo looked at the building that looked like the Parthenon in front of him. He reaffirmed the type of miracle of the elector: "It's definitely some kind of power in Greek mythology."

"I'm not qualified to enter, so next, please enter your Highness yourself."

"Thank you."

Bai Luo thanked Leto to be flattered, she repeatedly said that this was what she should do, and then watched Bai Luo leave.

"Speaking of which, Leto, it seems to be the name of a god?"

Bai Luo walked in the temple, and there were relief sculptures on the left and right, which recorded the myths and stories of ancient times.

Soon after, Bai Luo found that his eyes became empty.

"This room is getting smaller again."

At this moment, Bai Luo was in a room that looked like a living room. There were tables and chairs, filled with all kinds of cherished food. Most of Bai Luo couldn't name them.

As for the kings, there were two present.

They are both male, one looks in his 30s and the other in his 20s, the latter leaning on a chair and sleeping soundly.

There was an open notebook in front of this man, and Bai Luo saw a butterfly that was made into a specimen.

As for the other person, Bai Luo found that he was playing with building blocks with his brows furrowed.


Bai Luo was a little speechless, is this person so boring, the dignified Lord of Miracles is playing with building blocks, and there is no other fun?

"Well, hello."

Bai Luo didn't know these two people, but Leto said that they should be the Lords of Miracles living near Aden.

‘Yangbo and Shen Brew? ’

‘Or the two bright four kilometers? ’

Bai Luo stepped forward to get to know the two of them. No matter what, they were just friends.


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