This is a Miracle

Chapter 400 Tomb Robbery


Outside the ancient tomb, the loud explosion stirred up smoke and dust. A group of figures dressed in the Republic of China were hiding in a bunker. They coughed softly and raised their hands to disperse the smoke and dust in the air.

It was noon at this time, and although the scorching sun was blocked by the dense forest, the sultry heat brought by the humid air was more uncomfortable than the scorching sun.

"Saw the entrance to the tomb!"

With an exclamation, the young man in military uniform hurriedly walked towards that direction without forgetting to look back: "Old black dog, check here to see if you have found the wrong place."


The bearded man in gray clothes took out a piece of black cloth from the package, and after spreading it out, there was actually a blood-red picture of the Book of Changes on it.

Tai Chi Liang Yi, Yin Yang Bagua.

In this picture, a little mouse is crawling forward.

The man known as the old black dog stared at the blood-red Park Sang-bo. His eyes followed the movement of the mouse, quickly remembering what he saw, and through astonishing mental arithmetic, he arranged and combined the meanings it represented. .

"Tun three, Kan twenty-nine, Jian thirty-nine, Ze forty-seven."

The old black dog's expression changed suddenly. He looked at the man in military uniform in horror and said in a trembling voice: "One water is already a great evil, but now four waters are accompanying each other. It's rare in the world."

"What does the hexagram say?"

The man in military uniform obviously trusted the old black dog very much and wanted to hear the results of his predictions.

"The water is like waves trapped in bumps, a wave is like thunder on an unleveled mountain, dry soil on the bank of a river traps a dry lake, and it is forbidden to climb a mountain if there are no turbulent currents."

"Big evil!"

The old black dog was about to get up, but when he heard a 'pop', the crawling mouse exploded directly. This made the old black dog gasp: "A most dangerous place that has never been seen before!"

“You can’t go wrong here.”

The white-haired woman wearing a Taoist robe said: "This place has a very strong Yang energy. It is impossible for anyone to bury the tomb here, but this place is so dangerous."

"When things go to extremes, they must turn against each other!"

There is extreme yang above ground, and there is extreme yin underground.

"We have found the place. This must be the source of the trouble."

The woman in Taoist robes is the Supreme Leader of the Zhengyi Sect, with the title of Yunxiao. She is also the pinnacle of the extraordinary level that Bai Luo perceives.

A powerful practitioner who lives in a lower plane but relies on his amazing qualifications to live for more than a hundred years.

"Since Senior Yunxiao said so, it must be here."

The burly man had a rugged appearance and a voice like a bell, but the muscles bulging under his clothes silently told him of his extraordinaryness.

Unlike Yun Xiao, the big man named Li Zhen is a martial arts master. Even the so-called invulnerable zombies can't beat his casual punch.

"Then what are you waiting for?" Li Zhen shouted loudly: "Go down and demolish this place, and then turn over the old bone's coffin. If it turns to ashes, give him another blow."

"Be careful, Brother Li."

Among the group of people, there was only one Chaofan, and there were three Feifan, one of whom was Li Zhen.

The remaining two, one is Taoist Lin from Maoshan, and the other is Zhang Tianshi of this generation from Longhu Mountain.

"It's not simple down here."

Taoist priest Lin said: "I visited the underworld yesterday, and Lord Hades felt it and sent me a map of the underground palace."

"Which Lord of Hell?"

Her strength reaches the level of Yunxiao, and she can feel some things that ordinary people cannot feel, such as that outside this world, there is a hazy underworld.

But as Gu Yunxiao knows, the Yin gods in the underworld are not easy to deal with. They are really not much better than the evil gods.

Therefore, Yun Xiao wanted to know whether the Underworld Lord that Taoist Lin mentioned was an evil ghost or something else.

"Show me the picture."

Yunxiao took the drawings handed over by Taoist Lin. She was also someone who knew a lot about Feng Shui. At this moment, she just glanced at them and knew that the drawings were true.

"It's genuine, and this underground palace is really too complicated."

Yun Xiao was surprised: "Who built this kind of palace in such a place? Could it be that there really were gods and demons in ancient times?"

About a hundred years ago,

The first zombie appeared out of nowhere.

No one knows where it comes from, or what this weird creature is.

This world was invaded by dimensional creatures in ancient times. They left behind some inheritance that allowed mortals with extraordinary qualifications to master the mysterious power of dimensions.

Yun Xiao and Li Zhen present are the owners of Taoist and martial arts power.

"It's very possible that he really is an ancient demon."

Taoist priest Lin said: "We in Maoshan have had the secret technique of exorcising corpses since ancient times, but you also know that it is just a blind method. By stimulating the acupoints, we use magical power to make them walk again."

There is no spell to create zombies in Maoshan in this world. The so-called zombies should be creatures raised with Yin energy in some tombs and underground palaces.

The Corpse Bride is not the creator of zombies, because there was a ‘Miracle in the Underground Palace’ before her, but it just died.

However, the zombies cultivated by the corpse bride and the zombies raised through resentment by the power of the same dimension are two completely different species, and the gap is extremely huge.

To put it simply, the latter is very weak and hardly changes, while the former evolves very quickly.

"Is this the person you sent there?"

There were only dozens of people. Ying Mujun and Mu Yunji didn't need to make any judgments. They could already understand the situation of these people by just sensing them.

Compared to Ying Mujun's calmness, Mu Yunji had less interaction with Fengdu and was not that familiar with him.

"The strength is a bit weak."

Mu Yunji felt that Feng was overconfident: "The target is a hundred times more prepared than you are. Are you giving up on yourself?"

"Your Majesty the Female Sword Emperor, everything has two sides."

Fengdu was no longer dressed like Bai Wuchang at this time. He was wearing a black royal robe and a crown on his head, and he looked like the master of the underworld: "In a miracle battle, with this intensity, a confrontation between two heroic levels may defeat them. Break it into pieces.”

This is also the reason why Fengdu and Corpse Bride did not send their own people, but directly used local materials and chose the natives of this plane.

It was too weak to withstand their torment.

"But if we rely solely on local strength," Fengdu said, "she has been developing for hundreds of years, and I, who only came in in the past few decades, am far from her opponent."

So Feng was very smart and did not choose the so-called war.

Otherwise, if the Corpse Bride releases the millions of zombies she has stored in this world, Fengdu feels that there is no need to fight, so he might as well just surrender.

"Is that the map?"

Ying Mujun saw the key point at a glance. The map of the underground palace given to Taoist Lin by Fengdu was the source of Fengdu's confidence.

"The eldest sister is worthy of being the eldest sister."

Fengdu saluted Ying Mujun and said with a smile: "Please use the ghost and fairy spirit bodies I have prepared for you to enjoy this little adventure, your majesties."

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