This is a Miracle

Chapter 404 The Blessing of the Miracle Land

"Your Highness, be careful!"

Bai Luo felt the flying sword coming from behind, but he did not move because Fusang had already struck it with one palm.

An earth-shattering explosion came from behind. Bai Luo looked back and was shocked to find that a corner of the palace had been smashed into pieces by Fusang out of thin air.


Bai Luo was stunned. He crushed the stone steps under his feet, then picked up a piece and put it in his hands. He kneaded it into powder easily: "What's going on?"

So crispy. Is the food here so crispy?

Bai Luo felt the combat power of this exquisite corpse, and it was a hero level if it was stretched to death.

But can the hero level crush rocks so easily with only physical strength, without using the power of miracles?

It's definitely possible, but I won't reach this level.

"It feels like what I'm pinching is not a rock, but sand, as if it's already broken."

Thinking of this, Bai Luo immediately looked at the two women fighting in front of him.

Bai Luo looked at them, but his attention was not on the two of them, but on the damage they had caused.


Yunxiao's sword energy flew vertically and horizontally, falling on the stone statues and floor tiles, leaving traces behind.

They are not deep, just slightly damaged. Anyway, the damage that Bai Luo can cause is completely different from the same dimension.

If Bai Luo used the miraculous power in this exquisite corpse, he could cause at least ten times or even a hundred times the damage to Yun Xiao.

However, the Shenxiao Sword in Yunxiao's hand was completely the opposite.

Because Fusang could hit Yunxiao several times, but was forced away by the Shenxiao Sword, allowing the beautiful Taoist nun to escape by chance and not be defeated for the time being.

"Is the damage of this sword a bit too high?"

It is also a sword energy. The intensity of the sword energy released directly by Yunxiao and the sword energy released by her through the Shenxiao Sword are greatly different.

‘A weapon can increase the power of dimensions a hundred times out of thin air? ’

The Shenxiao Sword in Yunxiao's hand is a master-level treasure.

Against Fusang and Yuegui sisters, it is theoretically capable of hurting their bodies, so the two of them avoid its sharp edge, which is a very reasonable choice in Bai Luo's opinion.

It's not that they can't beat them, but Bai Luo has said before that as long as everyone present can hurt the sisters even a little bit, they will win.

Fuso and Yuegui couldn't embarrass Bai Luo, so they had to achieve a harmless result no matter what.

But that's not the problem. The question is why a mere master-level treasure can increase Yunxiao's dimensional power out of thin air.

"Brother Bai Luo, are you looking at that sword?"

"There are some things about this sword that I don't understand."

Bai Luo nodded, and he said to Miya: "If a master-level treasure falls into the hands of a mortal, even if it is only at the peak of the extraordinary, it can still hurt the master-level miracle child."

"I can understand this."

The biggest difference between the Children of Miracles and the Children of Dimension is the different quality of their miracle abilities.

To use a simple example, even if Fuso and Yuegui run out of energy, their bodies are still at the master level and have a large number of passive laws.

These law-level passives do not consume energy, and they determine the lower limit of the sisters.

On the contrary, if the children of dimensions, even king-level or even legendary-level dimensional masters, run out of energy, even ordinary people can kill them.

The comparison between the two is like a ghost cultivator who only has a soul, and a monk who has both a soul and a body.

The Son of Miracle clearly had a big advantage.

Let’s talk about the Lord of Miracles. The characteristics of the Lord of Miracles are based on the latter, with the addition of ‘infinity’.

This is the fundamental reason why the Lord of Miracles is invincible. All finite things cannot shake the infinite. Even the Lords of Miracles, if they have not reached the six-sense super standard, cannot create a truly 'infinite' one. hit.

"I see."

After Bai Luo's explanation, Miya looked at the battle again and found that it was indeed the case: "But it seems that it's not just that."

"Yeah, this is what I don't understand too."

Bai Luo: "If it's just the sharpness of the Shenxiao Sword, it can be considered an extraordinary miraculous treasure. However, why can this sword amplify the power of dimensions so much?"

To simply cause damage, Yunxiao could just smash the rocks with one palm of her hand, but with the increase of Shenxiao Sword, she could actually split the floating palace in the distance with one sword and break it into pieces.

This is so weird, how could such a thing happen.

"And the attack that Fuso used to protect me just now was different from Yuegui's attack."

Although Yunxiao's true energy is also a kind of energy, this energy is just gas. Although it looks similar, it is actually very different in nature.

Looking at the energy of laurel, it is not only surging, but also has a lot of rules, such as sure hit, sure kill, destruction, collapse, resistance to magic, defense against objects, immunity invalidation, etc.

"She's restraining herself."

Miya discovered that when Yue Gui fought with Yun Xiao, 9 of her 10 points were used to cover up something, and only the remaining 1 point was used to fight Yun Xiao.

"Why is this?"

Bai Luo thought of Fusang's previous actions, and he understood somewhat: "Could it be..."

"The strength of the Miracle Land is different from that of the lower planes," Bai Luo went directly to Ying Mujun and others, and then expressed his guess: "Everything in that world is protected by various laws?"

"Have you noticed it so quickly? You are worthy of being Lord Adun."

The Corpse Bride flattered Bai Luo as usual, and Feng Du also took a clear stand, admiring: "Much better than me. I have been the Lord of Miracles for decades before I discovered this."

"There's nothing surprising about that."

Although Mu Yunji became angry when she saw Yunxiao, she took a clear stance and maintained a gentle attitude towards Bai Luo: "If we don't have this protection, let the Miracle people fight, let alone the legend, the two masters A level-level battle may destroy the entire Miracle Land."

The land of miracles has blessings from kings, and even a small grain of rice is protected by a large number of laws.

Its strength is such that even Yunxiao, let alone an ordinary mortal, cannot bite it.

However, when Yunxiao arrives at the Miracle Land, she will also be covered with a layer of blessings. By adding and subtracting, Yunxiao will be able to crush the rice, just like usual.

Therefore, the attributes of the mortals on the Miracle Land and the mortals on the lower plane are completely the same.

But because the former are in the Miracle Land and have the blessings of the kings, they can live the same life as the mortals in the lower planes. However, Ye Feng and others can live indiscriminately when they come to the Miracle Land because they have been blessed.

Of course, any non-miracle derivatives in Miracle Land will lose their blessings when they reach the lower plane.

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